I thought Skyfall was avery good movie. The Cast was good, The Villain was better than the other 2 villains in the craig era. the cinematography was my favorite part of the whole movie. oh yeah and i enjoyed the story. If you dont mind me asking where were the flaws? going to see this again with some buddies and want to see what you're talking about.
The action was the biggest let down, compared to Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace its absolute garbage. I hardly remember there even being any action because there was such a lack of it, it was mainly useless dialogue that was far from interesting. Basically, it needed more breathtaking stunts and action period.
Being a long time fan of the bond series here's some more problems I have with it:
No bond girl, and as we all know Moneypenny doesn't count. There really hasn't been a love interest since Daniel Craig has taken over, and this movie just continues with the tradition. M dies, which is fine but considering your killing off a character (technically just the actress) that has been part of the series for over 15 years in such a uninspiring way makes me pissed off. There's so many things this movie just demolishes I can go on and on.
The gay villian, I don't care if people think he's insane or if he provides comic relief. Why make the bond series so dramatic and serious as of late then throw this kind of role in there? It's stupid and not funny. Speaking of that the jokes were garbage too.
Sure, I agree with you on the story being enjoyable but look at how much they sacrificed to invest a majority of the movies time for that to be the selling point. Can't argue with you on the cinematography, it probably is the best in any bond film period but that's still a small feature. Regardless I hate this shit, I don't see why people are eating it up but w/e, I'm just mad being a long time fan of the series to see it come to this. I'm not one of those people hating on Daniel Craig either, in fact I loved Quantum of Solace for its insane action, but this movie is one of the worst in the entire series next to Moonraker...