yea,i saw one of her vids a while back, basically she clams that she has info or knowledge that the government is gonna plan or stage a fake alien invasion,and that the gov has discovered a new planet being called new earth that is only like 4 light years away,and that it is gonna be a world of spiritual and pureness,that only certain people will be able to go and live on this new plant and basically leave all the bad bullshit that goes on in the world down here in this old beat up world!....that supposibly the 2012 thing, and the alien thing and i dunno wut else has something to do with it like it all goes together!,lol....i dunno if shes really crazy or if she really knows and really did hear some crazy shit!...she said she reads alot and studies alot of shit,she dont sound all that dumb, she was really in the limelight alot for a while there and then all of a sudden she hasent been anywhere to be found,..then u hear that she gets a brain anyurisum and almost dies after she spoke out about it,..i dunno mang but something fishy bes goings ons here!