lol.. So you have nothing to say about boxing so you making shit up again. This is about Rios vs Alvarado and what do you know you expose your e-feeling to me about something I say in a different thread. The more you post the more you prove you have no point. First it was about Rios, I proved you was making shit up, now you want to talk about Hopkins vs Floyd. Again which one is it?? You seem very upset you need a hug. I'm still trying to understand your point of posting. Keeping exposing your homotional e-feeling I find it very funny. Bigfart, Bigdumb, Bigclit. LOL no man talks like that fuckboy, what are u 12?? Go get some pussy and maybe you won't worry about MY opinion on the internet,or maybe u can man up and stop lying and state your real E-feelings.
Don't get all emo about it.
My point? My point is you think just because you watch a couple fights on TV and read some stats, you think you know about boxing. Realistically, you've probably never laced up a pair of gloves in your life and I can tell by the way you speak. You can't touch on tactics or styles. Just names and records. There it is...fatface.
Back to Rios. Was Peterson a brawler? Last time I checked he got his ass handed to him. He is a boxer. I thought he would lose to "any" boxer. As if all the people he fought were street brawlers.
Is Alvarado just another "slugger".
You're just a moron. Go take all the boxing lessons you want. See what happens when someone puts pressure on you. The only thing you will try to do is keep the damn guy off you.
Go back to looking up boxrec and slobbing Floyds knob you fanboy.