Has your last name caused you any problems or bullshit - Rasism

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Sep 16, 2011
I had this bitch not approve me for credit to get my son's teeth fixed yesterday because I have mexican name. I wanted to break the bill up into 4 payments because I have no insurance and she told me "maybe I'd be more comfortable taking my son to La Clinica because they cater to people in my income level"

I make more money then everybody but the dentist himself in the bullshit office. This is the bay area I thought we spose to be above this rasism shit!
Sep 16, 2011
Yea man we should form an orginization and round up all the racist people and kill them all...... put them in camps and use toxic gas to eliminate them if they arent brown
Sep 16, 2011
Another Hidden Identity Talkin' Shit...... SHOCKER..!!
Na man its not like that, I'm just fucking around on the net no real disrespect.

This racist ass lady pissed me off and since this the Latin forum of the siccness I posted it because I thought yall might feel me lol

I hate mufuckas who think I'm low budget just because I'm not white even tho' I'm not a beaner either lol
Na man its not like that, I'm just fucking around on the net no real disrespect.

This racist ass lady pissed me off and since this the Latin forum of the siccness I posted it because I thought yall might feel me lol

I hate mufuckas who think I'm low budget just because I'm not white even tho' I'm not a beaner either lol
Do your race a favor.... Kill yourself.
Props: Smiley650NX4
Sep 23, 2006
I had this bitch not approve me for credit to get my son's teeth fixed yesterday because I have mexican name. I wanted to break the bill up into 4 payments because I have no insurance and she told me "maybe I'd be more comfortable taking my son to La Clinica because they cater to people in my income level"

I make more money then everybody but the dentist himself in the bullshit office. This is the bay area I thought we spose to be above this rasism shit!
Even though you might make more money then everyone in that office you obviously dont make enough to fuck with these cats so take your ass to La Clinica breh.
Where do you work where you make more money then dentists and dental assistants?