X wants everyone to know that he appreciates the love.
He told me the following: ( i will try to break it down in my own words)
First off i know there are alot of rumors about X and not many people know whats going on. If you don't hear it from X himself, curbie, or myself than its probably not true. He said me and him are the only 2 he really speaks to on these matters as far as the public goes.
Second... he knows how the fans feel about his music.
The unforgiven 2: assisted suicide is next. This and the rest of his projects will be free of Hollis production. He is going to get at phonk Beta and Lynch (And no there is no beef with raided) he gave this to yall " Me and Lynch? I have no beef with him. I love that nigga! Thats on my nephews. Kev has been in my life forever. I wish we were in touch a little more, but thats life....I'm in the pen....at times it's hard to stay in touch with every one" So lynch if you read this get at me @
[email protected]...
He is also going to get at Sean T., Coolio, Khayree, JT the bigga figga, and "some of the niggaz at Done Deal entertainment". He also knows that fans are producers too, so he said that we will listen to what yall have to offer. Maybe even do a promotion to let a fan make some X tracks...anything can happen, so if you are any of the people just named or are in contact with them...get at me. When X is ready to start buying tracks he will let me know and it will go from there.
I will be posting more very soon...I have alot of things to do for X since he is getting fucked over by the warden. Check back soon.
Everybody please write the warden and tell him to let X out. Show Love...Lynch, beta and all the other people named above get at me... and coming soon we are going to have the official X raided websight up so yall can get updates all the time...One love to the fans, and the artists....for X....Im out
Big Mike aka Kautious
VP of Gangway inc. / Madman records
[email protected]