Turf Dancer & Emcee Priceless Da Roc Drops Debut “All Hail The Turn Up”


Priceless Da Roc is known for creating the viral dances behind smash hit records such as Sage The Gemini’s “Gas Pedal” and “Rednose“,  as well as Clyde Carson’s “Slow Down“. His “Yike” dance challenge is currently taking the internet and social media by storm. “All Hail The Turn Up” is his new project release that showcases his ability as an emcee over 16 tracks. Features include Myles Parrish, DJ Luke Nasty, Mistah F.A.B. and more.

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/all-hail-the-turn-up/id1199248108?uo=4&at=1001l3Iq&ct=888915332795&app=itunes

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Priceless_Da_Roc_All_Hail_the_Turn_Up?id=Bnci2cqgmnoayfhudgke6ipxnoy&PAffiliateID=1101l3z7&PCamRefID=888915332795

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7xjPFlrgAMSJKzz1erWQBc



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