“The Other Side” was found by mistake really. Originally, I had put so much time and resources into another idea that was supposed to be the last song of the album. In the last session for it I realized I hated it. Everything was contrived and I hit a massive wall. I was thinking to myself, this is my last idea, I’ve spent way to much time on it and it sounds like shit. Cool.
So it was kind of a make or break moment for me. I was exhausted after a few years of working on this album and didn’t want it to end like this. I took a red-eye from NY to LA and only had 1 day left on this record. So I told my producer I wanted to write and record a new idea from scratch with the 2 hours we had left. I didn’t have my Prophet, which I made my entire record on, and we were at a friends home studio in East LA that was much more suited for production work not recording vocals and tracking from scratch. Little did I know I was totally wrong and had a lot to learn.
So much of this process is less about gear and money and more about guts. When you have nothing to hide behind is when your ready to make something special and worthwhile.
30 minutes to an hour later we had a song that I couldn’t be more proud of.
Speak On It!