IamSu serves as the host while Kool John and P-Lo play contestants on a modern rendition of the dating game! The whole HBK Gang and all of the Shmop Boyz are in attendance in an on air studio as P-Lo and Kool John attempt to find the perfect match. Look for cameos from Nef The Pharaoh and more! “Every Night” lives off P-Lo and Kool John’s joint project “Moovie!“.
The visuals made their official debut on BET Jams, but now hit the internets!
Download: Moovie! || https:// itunes.apple.com/us/album/ moovie!/id1021683887?uo=4&at= 1001l3Iq&app=itunes
Google Play: Moovie! || https://play. google.com/store/music/album/ Kool_John_P_Lo_Moovie?id= Bjnidos5fyv2wcu6ucrikttopge& PAffiliateID=1101l3z7
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