Baton Rouge, Louisiana rapper & viral sensation Young 22, formerly known as 22 Savage teams up with up and coming Houston,Texas rapper & popular YouTube drake imitator, Zeuz to call out 21 Savage & Drake in new music video titled “Stealin’ Views”.
Anyone that follows the hip-hop culture is aware of the on-going beef between rappers 21 savage & 22 Savage. The beef between the two rappers originally started back in September 2016 when 22 Savage released a song & music video titled “Jumpin’ where he imitated 21 Savage style & look & stated “this ain’t 21 bitch, this 22”.
The beef between tCahe two rappers started to look like it was beginning to cool off in February when 22 Savage made the announcement to change his name to Young 22 to disassociate himself from the original savage, but recent events have proven otherwise.
In the song & music video ”Stealin’ Views”, 22 Savage is featured & he teams up with a well- known Drake impersonator & rapper by the name of “Zeuz”, to take shots at 21 Savage & Drake. Zeuz is well known for his Drake impersonations on YouTube that reached 400,000+ total views in just around a 2 month span on his original channel before it was taken down due to “accusations” of deceptive practice. All of the artwork and music on the account were original, but extremely similar to Drake, which may have been mistaken for plagiarism. Prior to the release of Stealin’ Views, Cash Money Records reached out to express their interest in talking to & organizing a meeting with Zeuz. Cash Money is the first & only label to reach out to Zeuz so far.
22 Savage & Zeuz have been accused of stealing 21 Savage and Drake’s style, so the two rappers decided to team up to address the situation & confront the rival rappers in a video that mocks Drake’s – Sneakin’ video featuring 21 Savage. In the music video for “Stealin’ Views”, Zeuz not only hijacks Drake’s style and look but he takes Drake’s “Views” moniker as well. The video is full of subliminal shots but one of the highlights would have to be when a blurred figure that appears to be 21 Savage appears in one of the scenes with a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead. A lot of sneakin’ and dissin’ going on in this video for sure!
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