Los Angeles based, Saudi born hip hop talent $kinny has won over fans, tastemakers, and fellow artists alike by way of his immense lyrical talent and vocal prowess.
$kinny’s “Living Like” single sees him tap burgeoning Los Angeles rapper Skeme, fresh off the release of his “Ingleworld 3” album.
Download: Living Like (feat. Skeme) || https://itunes.apple.com/ us/album/living-like-feat.- skeme-single/id1059918403?uo= 4&at=1001l3Iq&app=itunes
Google Play Download: Living Like (feat. Skeme) || https://play.google.com/ store/music/album/kinny_ Living_Like_feat_Skeme_Single? id= Bdmgtqilwenknr73qgj3y4fkeli& PAffiliateID=1101l3z7
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