Having recently released singles featuring Kendrick Lamar and Brian McKnight, Glasses refuses to break his stride for even a second! His new leak “After Hours” boasts a guest verse from none other than Dom Kennedy, fresh off the release of his new album “By Dom Kennedy“! Check out the premier of “After Hours”
Also, be on the lookout for Glasses’ new album “Glasshouse 2“, dropping in the coming months.
Download: After Hours (feat. Dom Kennedy) || https://itunes.apple.com/ us/album/after-hours-feat.- dom-kennedy/id1004564071
Google Play: After Hours (feat. Dom Kennedy) || https://play.google.com/ store/music/album?id= Bket3qf4gohpqcynvqcsysgxudq& tid=song- Thirj3idpwa645t4jtmb3ivm6wm
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