Tramayne Thompson primarily known by Shade Sheist, hailing from Inglewood, California. The rapper began his journey as young teenager signing his first record deal through Disney with help from songstress Mariah Carey. Most notable for his appearance on Irv Gotti Presents: The Murderers. He would follow up with his biggest hit the summer time smash “Where I Wanna Be” featuring the late great Nate Dogg and Kurupt of the Dogg Pound.
We caught up with the young OG and talk past and presents. Recording the hit “Where I Wanna I Be”, working with Dr. Dre, DJ Quik and Irv Gotti. His relationship with Ja Rule and the infamous Chuck Phillps “LA Times” article were he would expose corruption in the music business in three different areas.
Check out part 1 of this interview if your a fan of Shade Shiest music and check back in the coming days for our follow up to this interview.
Speak On It!