You cant beat the US with nukes...

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May 12, 2002
You know this country is diffrent than many others becasue we are so spread out. Sure most people (i think 80%) live in cities around the coast, hit them with bombs, but you cant get us all with them alone.

Like pakistan and india, now that would be some shit.

Why do you think American architecture doesnt work in Europe? Cause their too packed in their country. No room like we have here. Theyd be easier for nukes than us.
Apr 25, 2002
thats true. i've thought about that same thing before. but i sure feel sorry for the people that are in the vicinity of that nuke.

How big is a nukes blast anyways? if one was to hit in San Fran which is 90 miles north of salinas i'm sure i'd see it but would the radiation and blast reach all the way over here? for some reason i keep thinking that the blast would be about a 2 mile circumference and the radiation would reach 20 miles .

think about a place like Seoul in Korea there's 10 million people in that city and the whole country is smaller than half of california


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Nukes can't defeat the U.S.???

I strongly disagree. I understand where your comin from but I think if we see some type of nuclear attak it won't be like that. I don't think it'd be from like a missle or anything like that. Because they know as soon as we see a missle comin our way they gon have one comin right bak at em. BUT! Let me break it down how I personally think it will happen(and yes I do think it's finna happen soon) Lets say they require the capibilties to make a bunch of small nuclear weapons(I'm not sure if they have that capibility yet) But lets say they do. Then all they have to do is figure out a way to set em up in a large city in every state in the US. Lets say in the bak of a fukin van somewhere posted up in the city. Then set them of all at once. No it wouldn't kill everyone but we'd be fuked. It's kill a large amount of the population. plus destroy major cities. Or if they used a dirty bomb that put off radiation we wouldn't be able to go bak to that part of the city or centuries to come. You can't really think oh well there'd still be people a live. Because of course there would be but that type of attak is as much mental attak as anything else. it'd fuk with everyone that was alive. Prolly feelin like they had no reason to live anymore. We'd be fuked. And honestly. I think it will happen within the next 3-5 years. We ain't doin enough. We're to fukin worried about pissin off other counties and races of people to where we can't really protect ourselvs. Fuk that we need to change some policy's and the way we think about shit. Shit make ever arab that lives in the US go in for questioning or somethin. Yeah it may be wrong but who gives a fuk. If they ain't hidin shit they ain't got shit to worry about. And then if we find out they involved in some terrorist activities. Take em to the WTC site and exicute them by shootin em in the face on national TV lol. I know that wouldn't ever happen but we need to do somethin or we're gonna be fuked and that's just the fukin truth. . .
May 9, 2002
AnthonyCG said:
How big is a nukes blast anyways? if one was to hit in San Fran which is 90 miles north of salinas i'm sure i'd see it but would the radiation and blast reach all the way over here? for some reason i keep thinking that the blast would be about a 2 mile circumference and the radiation would reach 20 miles .
we were just talking about this the other day in class....if it was to explode in would kill everything from richmond...down to gilroy in a matter of minutes....

...and there are THOUSANDS of nuclear bombs in the world.....waaaaay more than enough to detroy this country.....the fact is something like...we have enough to kill everything on the planet like 50 times over....
Apr 26, 2002
SnikoDawg said:

..and there are THOUSANDS of nuclear bombs in the world.....waaaaay more than enough to detroy this country.....the fact is something like...we have enough to kill everything on the planet like 50 times over....
Damn, thatz Kinda Scary! *ponders the thought of building a "bomb" Shelter
and if they don't hit, I'll use it to smoke weed in


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Nukes can't defeat the U.S.???

AOD said:
We'd be fuked. And honestly. I think it will happen within the next 3-5 years. We ain't doin enough. We're to fukin worried about pissin off other counties and races of people to where we can't really protect ourselvs. Fuk that we need to change some policy's and the way we think about shit. Shit make ever arab that lives in the US go in for questioning or somethin. Yeah it may be wrong but who gives a fuk. If they ain't hidin shit they ain't got shit to worry about. And then if we find out they involved in some terrorist activities. Take em to the WTC site and exicute them by shootin em in the face on national TV lol. I know that wouldn't ever happen but we need to do somethin or we're gonna be fuked and that's just the fukin truth. . .
that's as real as it gets man. Political correctness and liberalism is going to get us all killed. All these dumbfuck Civil Rights and ACLU lawyers constantly attack any and all people who try to take a stand. ARAB RACIAL PROFILING is the most obvious and common sense tactic to eliminate 90% of this bullshit but all of these fuckin idiots attack anyone when the thought even crosses their minds. That is why the FBI couldnt protect us in the first's not that they didnt know what was capable, but if they don't have concrete evidence in the form of taped confessions they would be attacked and sued by these motherfuckers for all they were worth and all evidence thrown out. CLOSE THE FUCKING BOARDERS from these "axis of evil" countries already!!!!!!!! Why the fuck do you label a country a axis of evil and then invite them to your house????!!!!!!!!!!! Immediately after Sept 11 China stopped all incoming flights from all the terroist country's. Boom, problem solved immeditaley, doesnt take a genious to figure that out. On the other hand if the U.S had done the same every leftist liberal fucknut lawyer would have a field day and attack the whole government in the name of "equality" and all other fairyland bullshit. In my opinion these people are the enemy within, making it impossible to defend ourselves and prevent further attacks.........
Unfortunately I think it's going to take getting nuked for these suicidal idiots to finally wake up. It's going to cost thousands of more lives for people to finally crack down.
Even the FBI director says there's nothing he can do about more attacks.........NOTHING YOU CAN DO?????......what the fuck do we need you for then??????? Why are you here?????? What purpose do you have??? You are here to protect us and you admit you can't and you still have a job?? If I had it my way I would declare to all countries if even one American is killed by a terroist the origin of that terroist's city is going to be leveled....PERIOD......problem solved.
It's time to stop playing defense and waiting to be hit to retaliate to a full court offensive press......THESE PEOPLE WANT TO KILL US WITH A PASSION YOU'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED and all your worried about is if this dumbfuck is getting 3 squares a day a right to pray, a blow job and foot massage while he is a POW. They are taught to use this system against us and to whine about racism at every opportunity. These animals laugh at this joke of a system. If I were them I'd be laughing too.............

As far as nukes defeating the U.S., it's not the population they will target, but all areas with military might. Nukes will ruin your whole fuckin day man......this shit is so real.......the atomic bomb dropped in the 1940's on Hiroshima wiped out 3 1/2 miles and killed over 140,000 people........ now add over 60 more years of technology with nuclear capability and take a guess how much more damage ONE of these fuckin things will do. If Saddam had 100 of these he would light this whole place up without a single hesitation, along with all these other towelhead extremist.
THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS. It's us or them, and the first one to push the button's fucked up that this has to happen, but thats how the cards are dealt. We are too smart yet too stupid for humanity's own good. Albert Einstein said his recomendation to the president to develop the atomic bomb was "the biggest mistake" of his life....................I agree........


Apr 25, 2002
when they hit america with nukes (and get this AMERICA will be hitting AMERICA with nukes and blaming others) they WONT hit certain spots. the reason being is they will want to PRESERVE a lot of the technology (i.e. silicon valley) and use it later........

i saw it coming a long time ago......doesnt seem so far fetched know what..naw......forget wouldnt beleive me if i told you......

have fun guys



Apr 25, 2002
^^^^^^ sounds like a plan. they have "nukes" that blwo up ABOVE ground and on CONTACT. they also have nukes that DONT harm structures.........

keep in mind what you have been told. AMERICA had nukes in place HERE in america......


Apr 26, 2002
HERESY said:
they also have nukes that DONT harm structures.........

True I forget what they are called, aren't they Hydrogen Bombs or sumptin'?
And the Radiation Doesn't stay around as long, or sumptin' like that. Whe should nuke those Muthafuckaz We're dealing with now, and turn their land into Parking lots


Hydrogen bombs release thousands of times more energy than a fission device they will destroy a mountain let alone a man made structure
May 12, 2002
I doubt our own government uses nukes against us. That would be pointless. It would destroy our economy also, there would be no point in bringing us down. The plane crash senario with america is believable, bt not the us using nukes on us.
May 12, 2002
Population control?

Uh, maybe in China, but here? What sense does that make. in America, we prolly have one of the most spread out countries. Look at the makeup of Europe, and then compare it to the US. We spend most of our lives in cars driving to where we need to go. They are so close to anywhere they ride trains thru all of europe. Gas is so expensive, they find ways to get public transportation. Anywhere you go your not going to go to far without hitting a new city. Here, we have all kinds of land between cities, there is plenty of room for US people to have. Population is so low compared to those countries.

What sense would it make tho, for our country to nuke itself? Its totally not believable.

1. It would hurt the global economy.
2. Destroy perfectly good land.

It owuld be a lot easier and less work and harm to continue taing our rights away to find out threats.
May 4, 2002
if a nuke hit SF it would blow the fucker to pieces then, a 50 mile fire ball would spread norte south east n west, so anything in that radius would be no more, then after the 50 mile fire ball the shock wave would go fora bout another 20-40 miles then the radiation wouldfuck with anyone it came into contact with, basically the US could get fazed by nukes as could any other country.

i jus hope if this ever comes about, n we can intercept the nuke off the coast, that either a jet fighter will run itself into it or try n shoot it down to save us.... that would be real hero type of shit


Apr 25, 2002
Population control?Uh, maybe in China, but here? What sense does that make. in America, we prolly have one of the most spread out countries. Look at the makeup of Europe, and then compare it to the US. We spend most of our lives in cars driving to where we need to go. They are so close to anywhere they ride trains thru all of europe. Gas is so expensive, they find ways to get public transportation. Anywhere you go your not going to go to far without hitting a new city. Here, we have all kinds of land between cities, there is plenty of room for US people to have. Population is so low compared to those countries.
its not just population control HERE but its population control of the WORLD.
What sense would it make tho, for our country to nuke itself? Its totally not believable. makes PERFECT sense if a "shadow government" exists. it makes PERFECT sense if this country is a MAJOR supporter of
GLOBALISM. it makes PERFECT sense because all the monies are controlled by a certain group of people.

i dont know how many times i have to say this but you must CREATE a situation to wage your war or carry out your agendas. you MUST have a bad guy in place and you CANT remove him.

its a DOCUMENTED fact that the LEADERS of this country are CFR and BILDERBERG members. its a documented FACT that they want globalism and plan to implement a one world system,religion,one form of money,one court and one "irs type" institution.

it would make PERFECT sense. set off a small suitcase nuke and blame it on someone else. that way we can wage our own war. dont think for one second that the us does not "remove" people for the sake of "national security".

so where do you see a hurt in global economy when all your international bankers,companies etc etc etc are all controlled by THE SAME PEOPLE! man i wish i had the LOOOOOOOOOOONG post. the one i made before the siccness went down. listed all the companies,owners,cfr tlc membership everything a person needed. from names to addies and phone numbers.

once again a simple analogy.

you go to a car dealer to buy a 96 chevy impala. you dont have enough skrill so you get a loan from a bank. in fact bank of america gives you the loan. you go back to the dealer and you get your ss. after that you leave the block sideways in a cloud of smoke.

the next day you go to gas your car at chevron or texaco. while in chevron or texaco you buy some frito lay chips and a pepsi.

you once again leave the block sideways.

what did you just do? get a car,get some food and gas?

nope. you just purchased a car that was produced by GM which is a CFR owned company. you just got a loan to purchase that car from BOA who is a cfr owned company. you got your gas from chevron or texaco? does it matter? both are cfr owned companies.
your snacks that you ate???? those were produced by cfr owned companies.

you just spent money with the same group of people over and over.

lol@the economy or global economy.

2. Destroy perfectly good land.
you have nukes that can be blown up above ground. they dont need to actually hit. that way you can keep buildings intact. "they" are not going to blow it all up. just a portion. the "others" are going to blow it all up.

It owuld be a lot easier and less work and harm to continue taing our rights away to find out threats.
what happened after 9-11? patriot bill. more restrictions at airports.

you CREATE a SITUATION so the people will follow you. you CREATE a situation so you can tell the people you are protecting THEM.........the whole time your stabbing them in the back.......

iran vs iraq. when they fought america funded saddam. its no secret. now he is the BAD GUY.

afghans vs russia. cia helped bin laden. its no secret. now he is the bad guy.

have a nice die enjoy life while you can because soon most of you are going out :dead: LOL!
