Yall ready for a false flag alien invasion?

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Jan 31, 2008
In their eyes, of course, this is to be considered a noble lie, for they believe that when left to his own devices, man is an uncivilized creature laden with character traits that will keep him a primitive monkey.

In politics, a noble lie is a myth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda. The noble lie is a concept originated by Plato as described in the Republic.
Jan 31, 2008
So we dropping bombs on NK?

Just to play it off like aliens did it?
The false flag wouldn't need things to be taken this far. They could release all proof of extraterrestrial's existence, which would admit to the world that they exist, meanwhile, preparing the world for an invasion by our own.

If you guys remember the Disclosure Project. Ignoring the nutty steven greer and all, it had recorded testimony of many high level government officials going on record to state that they either worked on projects having to do with aliens or had witnessed themselves and were told to keep shut.
For those of you who haven't watched this before, I recommend doing so.

Here is a list of the witnesses who testified
Testimony that Explains the Secrecy

Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command
Lt. Col. Charles Brown: US Air Force (Ret.)
"Dr. B"
Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt: US Marine Corps
Maj. George A. Filer, III: US Air Force (Ret.)
Nick Pope: British Ministry of Defense Official
Larry Warren: US Air Force, Security Officer
Sgt. Clifford Stone: US Army
Master Sgt. Dan Morris: US Air Force, NRO Operative
A.H.: Boeing Aerospace Employee
Officer Alan Godfrey: British Police
Sgt. Karl Wolf: US Air Force
Ms. Donna Hare: NASA Employee
Mr. John Maynard: DIA Official
Dr. Robert Wood: McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer
Glen Dennis: NM UFO Crash Witness
Sgt. Leonard Pretko: US Air Force
Dr. Roberto Pinotti: Italian UFO expert
Dr. Paul Czysz: McDonnell Douglas Career Engineer
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
John Callahan: FAA Head of Accidents and Investigations
Michael Smith: US Air Force Radar Controller
Franklin Carter: US Navy Radar Technician
Neil Daniels: United Airlines Pilot
Lt. Frederick Fox: US Navy Pilot
Captain Robert Salas: US Air Force, SAC Launch Controller
Prof. Robert Jacobs: US Air Force
Harry Allen Jordan: US Navy
James Kopf: US Navy Crypto Communications

Witness Testimony Overview

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell: May 1998
Monsignor Corrado Balducci: September 2000

Radar and Pilot Cases

FAA Division Chief John Callahan
Sgt. Chuck Sorrells: US Air Force (ret.)
Mr. Michael W. Smith: US Air Force
Commander Graham Bethune: US Navy (ret.)
Mr. Enrique Kolbeck: Senior Air Traffic Controller,
Dr. Richard Haines
Mr. Franklin Carter: US Navy
Neil Daniels: Airline Pilot
Sgt. Robert Blazina (ret.)
Lieutenant Frederick Marshall Fox: US Navy (ret.)
Captain Massimo Poggi
Lt. Bob Walker: US Army
Mr. Don Bockelman: US Army


Captain Robert Salas
Professor Robert Jacobs: Lt. US Air Force
Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson: US Air Force (ret.)
Colonel Ross Dedrickson: US Air Force/AEC (ret.)
Harry Allen Jordan: US Navy
Mr. James Kopf: US Navy/ National Security Agency
Lieutenant Colonel Joe Wojtecki, US Air Force
Staff Sergeant Stoney Campbell: US Air Force

Government Insiders/ NASA/ Deep Insiders

Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown: US Air Force (ret.), October
Dr. Carol Rosin
“Dr. B.”
Lance Corporal John Weygandt: U.S. Marine Corps,
Major A. Filer III: U.S. Air Force
Mr. Nick Pope: British Ministry Of Defense
Admiral Lord Hill-Norton: Five-Star Admiral, Former Head of the British Ministry of Defense
Security Officer Larry Warren: United States Air Force,
Captain Lori Rehfeldt
Sergeant Clifford Stone: United States Army
Major-General Vasily Alexeyev: Russian Air Force,
Master Sergeant Dan Morris: US Air Force/NRO Operative (ret.)
Mr. Don Phillips: Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor
Captain Bill Uhouse: US Marine Corps (ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel John Williams: US Air Force (ret.)
Mr. Don Johnson
A.H.: Boeing Aerospace, December 2000
British Police Officer Alan Godfrey
Mr. Gordon Creighton: Former British Foreign Service Official
Sergeant Karl Wolfe: US Air Force
Donna Hare: Former NASA Employee
Mr. John Maynard: Defense Intelligence Agency (ret.)
Mr. Harland Bentley: US Army
Dr. Robert Wood: McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer,
Dr. Alfred Webre: Senior Policy Analyst Stanford Research Institute
Denise McKenzie: Former SAIC employee
Mr. Paul H. Utz
Colonel Phillip J. Corso, Sr.: US Army (ret.)
Mr. Glen Dennis
Lieutenant Walter Haut: US Navy
Buck Sergeant Leonard Pretko: US Air Force
Mr. Dan Willis: US Navy
Dr. Roberto Pinotti


Mr. Mark McCandlish: US Air Force
Professor Paul Czysz
Dr. Hal Puthoff
David Hamilton: Department of Energy
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. Bearden: US Army (ret)
Dr. Eugene Mallove
Dr. Paul La Violette
Mr. Fred Threlfall: Royal Canadian Air Force
Dr. Ted Loder

Anyway, a new documentary by the same individual is out about this very subject. It is on Netflix called "Unacknowledged".

Here is the trailer on youtube if yall are interested

Once again, use your discretion.
Jan 31, 2008
Has any of you seen any UFOs personally? I've seen two. One was with my two best friends(one of them pointed it out) and the other was on a red eye flight where I was unfortunately the only one awake to see it.


Ferocious Mackadoshis
Jun 17, 2005
Watched both documentaries as well as countless credible witness testimonies and studied a few event's that happened not far from where I grew up in the state of Victoria, Australia.

One of which was witnessed by 50-100 students and teachers at a school, two UFO's landed within a school just as student's were making their way to classes, most flocking to the scene with on-duty teachers and a few other random's that were driving on an adjacent road. It made the news before completely being axed from the air and any other media outlet the following week once the Royal Australian Army intervened yielding a complete cover up. I've also witnessed two and possibly three sightings myself which to this day can't be explained and I'm fairly familiar with western military craft and aerospace, all made no noise and flew in a eratic nature before fading or simply disappearing with no trace.

Now I'm not usually one to buy into conspiracy theories and some of the outlandish accusations that I've heard others claim in the past (more so non-UFO subject matter) which I really don't have the patience for, but there's just too much overwhelming evidence to ignore the fact that there's a visiting or lingering presence other than our own within the inner and outer earthly atmosphere.

The CIA and its government allies "in the know" nationally and internationally have all been made aware at one point or another and are definitely in the know as of today, and I believe it's only a matter of time before it surface's to a MAJOR degree. How and when this occurs is the question, although I'm not entirely convinced that it'll be in the form of a ''false flag invasion"... seem's a little too much on the cliche' side but that's just my opinion.
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May 7, 2013
Are you stating with certainty that the reality of the matter is one or the other?
Do you ever go far as to want fries with that? What exactly are you asking me. We are the aliens. No beings are being hidden from us by the government. The experimental aircraft are not being flown by little green men, is what I'm saying. I am stating with certainty that these vehicles/ objects are man made. People want the fantasy to be real, I think in part to what man has done to this place, unfortunately, it's time for people to wake up and deal with reality. You right, they may make up some lie about their "aliens" that the profane will fall for, as usual...
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Jan 31, 2008
Do you ever go far as to want fries with that?
not sure why you are speaking in code

What exactly are you asking me. We are the aliens. No beings are being hidden from us by the government. The experimental aircraft are not being flown by little green men, is what I'm saying. I am stating with certainty that these vehicles/ objects are man made. People want the fantasy to be real, I think in part to what man has done to this place, unfortunately, it's time for people to wake up and deal with reality. You right, they may make up some lie about their "aliens" that the profane will fall for, as usual...
Yes we are the aliens. This alone should be proof that a civilization can exist on a planet in the universe.

I appreciate your clarification that you are speaking on these objects rather than on the reality of extraterrestrials. So far I cannot disagree with you.
Jan 31, 2008
Remarks By President Trump and Vice President Pence at Signing Ceremony for Space Policy Directive – 1
Issued on: December 11, 2017

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Vice President Pence, for helping — where’s our Vice President — great job, great job — to restore American leadership in space. So important.

Cabinet members, General Selva, Deputy Secretary Shanahan, Acting Administrator Lightfoot, members of Congress, and the National Space Council, thank you all for being here.

And especially, Mike, as I said, I want to thank you. I know how active you’ve been and how important this is to you. So we appreciate it. Thank you very much.

We also welcome astronauts Christina Koch and Peggy Whitson. Christina, thank you. Peggy, thank you very much. Peggy recently returned from the International Space Station and has now spent an incredible 665 days in space. You’ll have to explain that. That sounds tough. (Laughter.) More than any other American; more than any woman ever.

Finally, we’re honored to be joined by Apollo astronaut Jack Schmitt. Exactly 45 years ago, almost to the minute, Jack became one of the last Americans to land on the moon. Today, we pledge that he will not be the last. And I suspect we’ll be finding other places to land in addition to the moon.

What do you think, Jack? Where’s Jack? What do you think, Jack? We’ll find some other places out there? There are a couple of other places, right?

MR. SCHMITT: Yes, we should. Learn from the moon.

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll learn. The directive I’m signing today will refocus America’s space program on human exploration and discovery. It marks an important step in returning American astronauts to the moon for the first time since 1972 for long-term exploration and use. This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars. And perhaps, someday, to many worlds beyond.

This directive will ensure America’s space program once again leads and inspires all of humanity. The pioneer spirit has always defined America, and we’re picking that up in many other fields. I think you see that. I think it’s obvious. All you have to do is look at what’s happening with the markets and all of the great things that are happening. We’re leading in many different fields again, and it’ll get more and more obvious as you go along.

After braving the vast unknown and discovering the new world, our forefathers did not only merely sail home — and, in some cases, never to return. They stayed, they explored, they built, they guided, and through that pioneering spirit, they imagined all of the possibilities that few dared to dream.

Today, the same spirit beckons us to begin new journeys of exploration and discovery, to lift our eyes all the way up to the heavens, and once again imagine the possibilities waiting in those big, beautiful stars if we dare to dream big. And that’s what our country is doing again: We’re dreaming big.

This is a giant step toward that inspiring future and toward reclaiming America’s proud destiny in space. And space has so much to do with so many other applications, including a military application. So we are the leader and we’re going to stay the leader, and we’re going to increase it many-fold

I’d like to invite Vice President Pence, if he would, to say a few words. He’s been leading this for me and I appreciate it.

Mr. Vice President.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, thank you. Thank you for your leadership and thank you for the honor to be here today in my capacity as chairman of the National Space Council for what I believe is a momentous occasion in the history of American space exploration.

To all the extraordinary leaders who are gathered with us today, to members of Congress, and the pioneers of space exploration who are gathered here, we thank you. We thank you for all you’ve done to serve our nation and expand the horizons of human knowledge and advance American leadership in outer space.

Mr. President, in signing this space policy directive, you are ensuring that America will lead in space once again. To guide this new era of American space leadership, President Trump has relaunched the National Space Council. And at the Council’s inaugural meeting in October, we unanimously approved a recommendation to instruct NASA to return American astronauts to the moon, and from there to lay a foundation for a mission to Mars.

Today’s action by President Trump makes that recommendation official national policy for the United States of America. As everyone here knows, establishing a renewed American presence on the moon is vital to achieve our strategic objectives and the objectives outlined by our National Space Council.

In pursuing these objectives, Mr. President, we will, as you said, enhance our national security and our capacity to provide for the common defense of the people of the United States of America. We will also spur innovation, as the space program has always done, Mr. President. You’ve reflected on it often, and we’ll see jobs created that we couldn’t even imagine could be created today.

We’ll also ensure, lastly, that the rules and values of space exploration are written with American leadership and American values.

Mr. President, you’ve said that the pioneer spirit has always defined America. And by your action today, with this clear vision — returning Americans to the moon, preparing to lead to Mars and beyond — you’re ensuring, Mr. President, that America will lead in space in the future and for generations to come. And I thank you for the honor of being a part of this.

THE PRESIDENT: This is very exciting and very important for our country. And it also happens to mean jobs. Jobs. And we love jobs too, right? Congratulations.

(The directive is signed.) (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much.


3:06 P.M. EST
Jan 31, 2008
Militarisation of space - Wikipedia
The Space Preservation Treaty was a proposed 2006 UN General Assembly resolution against all space weapons. Only the United States of America voted against the treaty, with Israel abstaining.[10]

In February 2008, China and Russia together submitted a draft to the UN known as the Treaty on Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects (PPWT).[11] The US opposed the draft treaty due to security concerns over its space assets despite the treaty explicitly affirming a State's inherent right of self-defence.[12] On December 4, 2014, the General Assembly of the UN passed two resolutions on preventing an arms race in outer space.[13]

The first resolution, Prevention of an arms race in outer space, "call on all States, in particular those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the peaceful use of outer space, prevent an arms race there, and refrain from actions contrary to that objective."[13] There were 178 countries that voted in favour to none against, with 2 abstentions (Israel, United States).[13]

The second resolution, No first placement of weapons in outer space, which emphasises the prevention of an arms race in space and that "other measures could contribute to ensuring that weapons were not placed in outer space."[13] 126 countries voted in favour to 4 against (Georgia, Israel, Ukraine, United States), with 46 abstentions (EU member States abstained on the resolution).
May 7, 2013
Remarks By President Trump and Vice President Pence at Signing Ceremony for Space Policy Directive – 1
Issued on: December 11, 2017

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Vice President Pence, for helping — where’s our Vice President — great job, great job — to restore American leadership in space. So important.

Cabinet members, General Selva, Deputy Secretary Shanahan, Acting Administrator Lightfoot, members of Congress, and the National Space Council, thank you all for being here.

And especially, Mike, as I said, I want to thank you. I know how active you’ve been and how important this is to you. So we appreciate it. Thank you very much.

We also welcome astronauts Christina Koch and Peggy Whitson. Christina, thank you. Peggy, thank you very much. Peggy recently returned from the International Space Station and has now spent an incredible 665 days in space. You’ll have to explain that. That sounds tough. (Laughter.) More than any other American; more than any woman ever.

Finally, we’re honored to be joined by Apollo astronaut Jack Schmitt. Exactly 45 years ago, almost to the minute, Jack became one of the last Americans to land on the moon. Today, we pledge that he will not be the last. And I suspect we’ll be finding other places to land in addition to the moon.

What do you think, Jack? Where’s Jack? What do you think, Jack? We’ll find some other places out there? There are a couple of other places, right?

MR. SCHMITT: Yes, we should. Learn from the moon.

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll learn. The directive I’m signing today will refocus America’s space program on human exploration and discovery. It marks an important step in returning American astronauts to the moon for the first time since 1972 for long-term exploration and use. This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars. And perhaps, someday, to many worlds beyond.

This directive will ensure America’s space program once again leads and inspires all of humanity. The pioneer spirit has always defined America, and we’re picking that up in many other fields. I think you see that. I think it’s obvious. All you have to do is look at what’s happening with the markets and all of the great things that are happening. We’re leading in many different fields again, and it’ll get more and more obvious as you go along.

After braving the vast unknown and discovering the new world, our forefathers did not only merely sail home — and, in some cases, never to return. They stayed, they explored, they built, they guided, and through that pioneering spirit, they imagined all of the possibilities that few dared to dream.

Today, the same spirit beckons us to begin new journeys of exploration and discovery, to lift our eyes all the way up to the heavens, and once again imagine the possibilities waiting in those big, beautiful stars if we dare to dream big. And that’s what our country is doing again: We’re dreaming big.

This is a giant step toward that inspiring future and toward reclaiming America’s proud destiny in space. And space has so much to do with so many other applications, including a military application. So we are the leader and we’re going to stay the leader, and we’re going to increase it many-fold

I’d like to invite Vice President Pence, if he would, to say a few words. He’s been leading this for me and I appreciate it.

Mr. Vice President.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, thank you. Thank you for your leadership and thank you for the honor to be here today in my capacity as chairman of the National Space Council for what I believe is a momentous occasion in the history of American space exploration.

To all the extraordinary leaders who are gathered with us today, to members of Congress, and the pioneers of space exploration who are gathered here, we thank you. We thank you for all you’ve done to serve our nation and expand the horizons of human knowledge and advance American leadership in outer space.

Mr. President, in signing this space policy directive, you are ensuring that America will lead in space once again. To guide this new era of American space leadership, President Trump has relaunched the National Space Council. And at the Council’s inaugural meeting in October, we unanimously approved a recommendation to instruct NASA to return American astronauts to the moon, and from there to lay a foundation for a mission to Mars.

Today’s action by President Trump makes that recommendation official national policy for the United States of America. As everyone here knows, establishing a renewed American presence on the moon is vital to achieve our strategic objectives and the objectives outlined by our National Space Council.

In pursuing these objectives, Mr. President, we will, as you said, enhance our national security and our capacity to provide for the common defense of the people of the United States of America. We will also spur innovation, as the space program has always done, Mr. President. You’ve reflected on it often, and we’ll see jobs created that we couldn’t even imagine could be created today.

We’ll also ensure, lastly, that the rules and values of space exploration are written with American leadership and American values.

Mr. President, you’ve said that the pioneer spirit has always defined America. And by your action today, with this clear vision — returning Americans to the moon, preparing to lead to Mars and beyond — you’re ensuring, Mr. President, that America will lead in space in the future and for generations to come. And I thank you for the honor of being a part of this.

THE PRESIDENT: This is very exciting and very important for our country. And it also happens to mean jobs. Jobs. And we love jobs too, right? Congratulations.

(The directive is signed.) (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much.


3:06 P.M. EST

Right on cue.....