Woodie (funeral, Rumors etc.)

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Apr 25, 2002
Cali Love said:
You know what... ya'll need to respect the situation and what is at hand. Everyone is so quick to act like they know what the fuck happened so they can pass it to the next person and act like they know what the fuck happened. Obviously if we wanted it to be known, it would have been announced right? His loved ones knew hours and hours before it was announced on this board but didn't jump to announce it to the world before they were able to absorb and accept the information themselves. Everyone greives in their own ways but this is a touchy subject.

I understand you guys as fans want to know and wonder... that is natural instinct, but please have respect and don't pass on information that you don't know as the truth. The truth is, Wood passed and is no longer with us as of March 7th - that's all you guys need to know at this point. Let people have the chance to greive and deal with this shock and not have to deal with all this he said she said from people that don't even know what the real deal is.
That's the point I'm trying to make. By not telling anyone what happened, they're allowing rumors to be created and spread. By the time the truth comes out, the rumors will have overpowered it. All they're doing is enabling people to come up with their own explainations and pass them on.

I'm not too concerned about the facts. I can live life never knowing what happened to the man because I did not know him personally. I just hate to hear things about the man that I don't think are true, but since I myself don't know what happened, I can't correct them.

Anyway, it's all good.
Feb 15, 2007
If you feel that way about those left field rumors, hit the madafuckers who say them in the mouth. I aint really tripping, i get heated but rumors are going to get out anyway. But as long as you know that what there saying is bullshit dont trip homie. Those people spreading rumors are suckers. Any real madafucker knows not to engage in he said she said gossip and to not speak on what you dont know about. Those people close to woddie will let us know when the time is right.
Oct 25, 2006
I gotta agree with FATAL Nytmare. I have heard he killed himself, he got killed by skraps, i heard he's faking. I heard so much shit and my patnas in Antioch are going nuts cuz everyones got there own story on what really whent down.

We ARE fans of Woodie, we buy his CD's and help support him and his family with our purchases so why not atleast have someone set the rumors straight?

I understand it's a fucked situation and it is hard on the family, but can't someone just make a statement?

Regardless, R.I.P. Woodie.


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Nov 5, 2002
antoniog831 said:
If you feel that way about those left field rumors, hit the madafuckers who say them in the mouth. I aint really tripping, i get heated but rumors are going to get out anyway. But as long as you know that what there saying is bullshit dont trip homie. Those people spreading rumors are suckers. Any real madafucker knows not to engage in he said she said gossip and to not speak on what you dont know about. Those people close to woddie will let us know when the time is right.
Took The Words Outta My Mouth

In Any Case Let Those Involved Get Over This Emotional Time

@Fatal, Homie I Know Whatchu Mean About Rumors But Us Who Are Grown And Carry A Sense Of Respect Know That Even If The Real Story Behind What Happen Came Out, Rumors Will Surface Juss So (Like Cali Said) Ppl Can Feel Invovled. I Honestly Dont Know Much, Its None Of My Business As I Explained The Same To The Person I Called To Confirm The Fact That Woodie Had Passed, All I think Of Now Is The Fact That He Was Sumone Important To Me, I Dont Need To Meet Sumone For Them To Have An Affect On Me, Woodies Music Alone Made Me Feel I Knew Him Since I Was A Child, Thats Enough For Me To Carry On His Legacy In Any Form Possible

Either Way, Im Feeling For His Family/Camp Right Now, And Thats All Thats On My Mind Right Now, I Cant Do Anything For Woodie, His Fate Is In Gods Hands And I Can Only Pray, But As Far As His Loved Ones, I Will Always Feel A Need To Help Out In Anyway, And I Think That In Itself Is A Way To Pay Wood Back For All He Has Done For Us, He Deserves To Rest In Peace And Be Remembered

I Really Hope You All Feel Me, Cuz Losing Wood Made Me Feel The Same Way When I Lost My Grandma And Thats Real Talk, The Man Made A Mark On All Of Us And Respecting The Family And Its Decision Behind Not Letting Details Out Is Sumthing We All Should Respect

Im Rambling, Sorry, But I Juss Have To Get Shit Off My Chest, Those Of You Who Have Been Here Aslong As I And Others Have Know What I Mean
Apr 25, 2002
antoniog831 said:
If you feel that way about those left field rumors, hit the madafuckers who say them in the mouth.
I'd love to, but the problem is.. I don't even know if they are "left field rumors." I don't know shit about what happened to the man so I really can't come at anyone spreading their word.

I was at a party last night and I swear I must have heard 5 or 6 different versions of what happened to the homeboy. The only thing I could say in response is "I haven't heard anything official." If I had an official statement to go off of, I would have been able to kill all of those rumors. You feel me? It just makes me a little pissed that a lot of those people at that party are going to go around spreading whatever rumor they heard that night..

That being said.. I'm not sure I even want to know anymore. You guys are right about rumors spreading regardless, it just helps when someone knows the facts and can set the record straight, you dig? But I also realise why the family and close friends are keeping quiet (depending on the nature of the situation). So I think I will just block out anything I hear about this shit and try not to let the bullshit rumors bother me.
Jun 26, 2002
I really haven't read any posts stressing or disrespecting, just simply questions. And if you leave them unanswered then people create their own. Y'all are too quick to point out what's wrong to say. Woodie was a major figure, had a following and much influence. His fans deserve to know what happened, there is nothing good that comes out of rumors! Why should you forever have to defend him because of unanswered questions? There is a right time to open up and answer everything, but don't sit there praising rumors, they aint coo.
May 27, 2003
ReaL ShiT! PeopLe GoNNA HAve aLL KiNds oF QuestioNs ! IF iT wasNt For Woodies faNz TheN He Wouldnt had Blown up the waY he DiD all over northern cali! i think hiz fanz also deserve respekt and want to know what happened to their homeboy.
rip woodie
May 27, 2003
Cali Love said:
You know what... ya'll need to respect the situation and what is at hand. Everyone is so quick to act like they know what the fuck happened so they can pass it to the next person and act like they know what the fuck happened. Obviously if we wanted it to be known, it would have been announced right? His loved ones knew hours and hours before it was announced on this board but didn't jump to announce it to the world before they were able to absorb and accept the information themselves. Everyone greives in their own ways but this is a touchy subject.

I understand you guys as fans want to know and wonder... that is natural instinct, but please have respect and don't pass on information that you don't know as the truth. The truth is, Wood passed and is no longer with us as of March 7th - that's all you guys need to know at this point. Let people have the chance to greive and deal with this shock and not have to deal with all this he said she said from people that don't even know what the real deal is.
i feel ya girl but woodie was a prity well known rapper and of course everyone wants to know what happend to him and maybe people would stop being skeptical and starting rumors.
May 27, 2003
MainEventClick said:
I gotta agree with FATAL Nytmare. I have heard he killed himself, he got killed by skraps, i heard he's faking. I heard so much shit and my patnas in Antioch are going nuts cuz everyones got there own story on what really whent down.

We ARE fans of Woodie, we buy his CD's and help support him and his family with our purchases so why not atleast have someone set the rumors straight?

I understand it's a fucked situation and it is hard on the family, but can't someone just make a statement?

Regardless, R.I.P. Woodie.
real shit!
Sep 20, 2005
westside said:
ReaL ShiT! PeopLe GoNNA HAve aLL KiNds oF QuestioNs ! IF iT wasNt For Woodies faNz TheN He Wouldnt had Blown up the waY he DiD all over northern cali! i think hiz fanz also deserve respekt and want to know what happened to their homeboy.
rip woodie
and if woodie never decided to rap we never would of had heard one of the greatest producers/rappers it goes both ways
Mar 8, 2007
Rest in paridise Woodie

I think every one needs to kick back a while and let the family tell you guys what happend. I found out the day that it happend by family and friends, and trust me its a sore subject You wouldnt want to broadcast you son,friend,brother, death a day after its too hard for a family member to do. Give it time and whatch his page, the truth will be there soon enough.

Rest in paradise woodie, your legacy will live on in true northside soldiers
May 26, 2006
KG209 said:
Rest in paridise Woodie

I think every one needs to kick back a while and let the family tell you guys what happend. I found out the day that it happend by family and friends, and trust me its a sore subject You wouldnt want to broadcast you son,friend,brother, death a day after its too hard for a family member to do. Give it time and whatch his page, the truth will be there soon enough.

Rest in paradise woodie, your legacy will live on in true northside soldiers
yup i agree... every1 is curious n we all felt a strong connection to woodie thru his music. but what matters now is his family and closest homies. if they want to share with us what happened then thats for them to decide.. if they never wonna say nething then so be it, it is their choice and we have to respect that.. bcuz as hard as this hits us all, there's no doubt they r feeling it the most

either way... RIP Woodie. u will b missed greatly, even up here in Vancouver, Canada
Feb 15, 2007
I'd love to, but the problem is.. I don't even know if they are "left field rumors." I don't know shit about what happened to the man so I really can't come at anyone spreading their word.B]

I feel you on that bro, but what i meant by those left field rumors was shit like scraps got him. Or Big Tone killed him. Shit that you know is a straight out lie! Thats true we dont know what happened so cant combat those rumors. This is just to clarifying what i meant. But yeah is do see were you are coming from.