will i go to hell?

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Jul 30, 2002
i have been thinkin, will i?? i mean, i dont do nothin that bad, i been stayin away from drugs and stuff and the only thing i really do is lust. but hey! im a guy what the fuck am i supposed to do?? i thank God for my gifts and family. i am happy that i have a FEW good friends, but most ppl is backstabbers. i do get jealous a lot cuz all these ppl got nice things and i aint got shit!!! but i do have a roof over my head, food in my belly and family. but for some reason i want more! i am greedy, at times, but when a friend needs help i am always there!! always! i dont even fuck with that! thats sacred, friendship. but on the real. no one helps me, and im supposed to help them all the time?? WTF!! little things keep botherin me, but a lot of little things add up, and now im bout to explode! but somethin keeps holdin me back from poppin some shots into my enemies. is it god?? but then i get deeper and i dont wanna bore u with that. so why is my llife in shambles?? but only once in awhile i get light, but most of the time its darkness. see! i have to much time on my hands lol, i need to get some hobbies or take my writing to the next level.

peace out all, and dont forget. my new name, Doub D
Nov 17, 2002

Who are you speaking to?

No one here can answer these questions for you. I understand that it helps you to cope with issues you go through by spilling your thoughts upon the forum, but these answers you must find within yourself. No one here can righteously tell you ANYTHING about yourself. Especially whether or not you are saved. Nobody here knows you and often times most of us hardly know ourselves. If you are searching for answers you will find them. But no one is going to give you the answers. You seem to be in a spiritual crisis. This is not the first post from you of this nature. So, I must ask what is your goal or purpose of your post? I don't mean to interrogate your thought; not trying to test you. I just wish to understand...
May 11, 2002
Furio- It is up to you if your going to hell or not. What is hell? could it be a physical place? or could it only exist in your mind?

As the Bible says "you think therefore you are". Only your mind can conceptulize a place like hell. Or heavean for that matter. You work out your own salvation. We as a board and as humans cannot judge you. Like n9newunsixx said
No one here can righteously tell you ANYTHING about yourself.
Think about it. If you have the choice to pick a 'path' between poisitive and negative. Which would you choose?

Look at my signature.


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
i feel ya. yes i understand. but see my problem is that i am so lost. i face all these problems, which may be small to all of u, but its all new to me, and i dont know how to deal with them. and i see and hear about all these murders and shit like that. and i say, hey, if they can get away with it and they still livin it up, then why cant i? i dont know, i got some enemies, and i want to kill them, but somethin is holding me back. its like, my mind was not meant for this kinda life. i have a good heart. but im being forced to live like a person that i dont wish to be. i would like to help ppl, but no one helps me. so lately i say fuck everything.
Jul 24, 2002
I feel ya!
A muthafucka mind's his own business, don't bother nobody but suckas still run up testin....
Man I've been through so much shit...........
But just like you, that kind of lifestyle was not in my heart.
I've done some shit and wondered the same thing that's going through your mind right now....

One question,
do you believe in God? Honestly, do you really believe he's out there?


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
yes i do believe in God. but i wonder sometimes. like why does all this shit happen to me, and i see these "bad" guys doin big thangs. i mind my own damn business, and since i look rich and ppl think i do good in life, they try to check me seein if i got the heart. i dont do nothin to ppl. i try to be "good" but the world around me is the exact opposite. i dont know man, i think God is out there. but i just dont really know. God has never talked to me personally. u see the bible. it is full of ppl sayin God told them this and that. but God has never come down and told me anything!! and he expects me to belive in him. but i learned about him tru other ppl. and we all know that ppl are corrupt and evil. so how do i know that they are tellin the truth?? i have to trust them?? yeah motha fuckin right?!?!?! ppl lie to me all the time, why should i believe somethin like this?? this effects my whole life? so if im wrong, then i just wasted most of my life. and why should i have to wait to die to see god? fuck this! i hate it. God expects us to be good and then give us free will. haha! im sorry but GOd is not perfect. that is the stupidest thing he ever ever!!!!! did. but i still believe in him, but i just ask why he dont talk to us and keep us in the right path.
Dec 27, 2002
Hell is a state of mind. And the mind is a place.

The Srimad Bhagavatam describes various hellish planets in which the soul suffers inside rivers of pus, stool, urine, blood, etc.

Guess what? The soul is ALREADY inside a river of pus, stool, urine, blood. It is called your BODY! For all intents and purposes, you are already IN hell. The material world is like a prison. Inside a prison there are negative activities going on such as rape, murder, robbery. And inside the prison there are glimpses of positivity, such as gaining knowledge, friendships, instances of freedom from prison, etc.

Both these "good" and "bad" things are taking place inside the one prison. Similarly, "heaven" and "hell" are simply different degrees of our perception of the one material world.

Since your soul is spiritual, your concern more accurately should be "Am I going to be liberated to the spiritual world, or will I remain in the duality (heaven/hell) of the material world?" Duality is a characteristic of mind, and mind is not spirit. Spirit is absolute, it exists beyond the farthest reaches of the mind.

I feel the anguish you pouring out in your words, and I see people dealing with those concerns and questions every day. This is an infinitely deep subject and alot of cats have given you some good advice. Instead of rambling on some more I will just say that the first thing you should do is consciously remind yourself that there *IS NO* heaven/hell duality. That dualistic outlook is nothing more than the conditioning of mind. Understand that existence is ABSOLUTE, that means that "heaven" and "hell" are 2 sides of 1 coin. That 1 coin is your mind, which needs an opposite in order to understand the principle of a thing. Hot/cold, up/down, left/right, good/bad, etc. See *past* that duality into the Oneness of existence and the answers will be found.

I don't know what you think about Jesus but there is a nice quote of his:

Jesus said to them:
when you make the two one, and
when you make the inner as the outer
and the outer as the inner and the above
as the below, and when
you make the male and the female into a single one,
so that the male will not be male and
the female not be female, when you make
eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand
in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place
of a foot, and an image in the place of an image,
then shall you enter the Kingdom.

Jesus is giving you the recipe for transcendence, for leaving the duality of the world behind you. This teaching goes completely against the doctrine of heaven and hell, and shows that man plays part in whether or not he ascends to the spiritual kingdom.

Stay up pimp.


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
damn! u guys always gettin deep! thanks guys. so, there isnt a hell? so its like karma? if i do good things, good things will happen upon me?? and what is next after this "material" world? and does any1 knwo what bible is writin in normal english? u know, not that shakspearean writing. just regular so regular ppl like me can comprehend. i have a bible but i get confused on some words and stuff. so it doesnt really benefit me as much as i would like
Nov 17, 2002

Good things will happen to you when you do good things. But one should not do good things to receive good things. By doing this you are straying from the point. And the point is selflessness. Do good things just to do them, not expecting anything in return. I know this may seem unfair to you, but once you get selfish about it you lose sight of the greater picture. We are all in this together and the whole is greater than the individual. The unwise concentrate purely on his/her own ego. I hear of you saying, many times, that you do as much good as you can but yet it seems everyone is out to fucc with you. You must not expect people to be as enlightened as you are. But, only KNOW that eventually they will come around. Even if it is not in this life that they do...


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
Right and wrong are completely different from good and evil you have to understand this first in order to find the path to righteousness.

I can take pieces of a puzzle and put them together, the right way, and complete it. I can take those same pieces and put them together wrongly and figure out that there is a right way to put this together, I know this is wrong because I already know what the puzzle is supposed to look like.

What is the puzzle of your life supposed to look like? Have you forgotten? Or are you tryin to put pieces from two different puzzles into the same puzzle?

Good and evil are these two different puzzles. Good and evil are these two different paths. There is a right and a wrong way to complete both of these puzzles. Feel me?

To do good for someone evil is like tryin to put the pieces from the two different puzzles into one. Karma has no rules in the hearts of evil men. Only in the hearts of the righteous. If you play a game by the rules and your opponent keeps cheating you ain't gonna win. Yeah you still gonna be the good guy and they still gonna be the bad guy, but you ain't gonna win. Where's the karma in that? In the game of war there are no rules only an objective- Win. In order to do this you have to defeat your enemy COMPLETELY and forever.

You wanna know why righteous people ain't happy. Cuz a truly righteous man or woman is only happy when everybody else is happy. The truly righteous people ARE happiness and Love.

I can guide you if you ask me to and believe I can.

."I believe that everything you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it. But in my heart, I believe what I'm doing is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven." -Tupac

"I AM the weapon of the righteous, use me and free yourselves. You ARE my purpose, guide me. This IS vengence, us." -Love
Dec 27, 2002
^^ Exactly.

Karma has no rules in the hearts of evil men. Only in the hearts of the righteous. If you play a game by the rules and your opponent keeps cheating you ain't gonna win. Yeah you still gonna be the good guy and they still gonna be the bad guy, but you ain't gonna win. Where's the karma in that?
Karma is the very activity of the both of you playing the game. Karma makes no distinctions between "good" and "evil" men. That is a faulty description. Like the Bible says "As ye so, so shall ye reap". Karma is indiscriminatory, just like the sun shines equally on sinner and saint.

Karma literally means activity. More specifically it means actions which will incur subsequent reactions. Activity itself is neither "evil" nor "good". It is neutral. It is only in our *perception* of activity where we make distinctions between "good" and "evil" actions. According to our perfection of knowledge, we can transcend the effects of our karma, because we are experiencing "good" or "negative" effects due to actions we have performed immemorially long ago in lives unknown to us.

It is not that "Oh, something good has happened to me therefore I have good Karma." Or, "Something bad is happening to me therefore I have bad Karma." That is a dualistic vision of karma, when it is actually indifferemt to "good" and "evil" men.
You wanna know why righteous people ain't happy. Cuz a truly righteous man or woman is only happy when everybody else is happy. The truly righteous people ARE happiness and Love.
Perfectly said. One who sees past the temporary pleasures and pains of the material world and who live spiritual lives hate to see others suffering at the hands of the illusory energy.

Such unfortunate souls are mayayaparhta-jnana: Those whose knowledge is stolen by illusion.


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
i say that im happy when i see others happy, and i do want to help others. but the thing is, that i cant get past my greed! my whole life i have expected good things in return for my good actions. i just want good things in my life, but see, its like i help all the time! i cant really say i do it ALL the time, but when i do, i dont notice a change in my life. and thats where my greed comes in. i feel that I need help 1st and then i can help others! but i dont know. maybe i should go help til i drop but im only human, i want good things in my life too. but i know that i DO have good things. i have food, shelter and family, and i know that there are children out there that dont have half of what i got! im so confused! and so lost! im sad cuz i have so much, and im mad cuz i have so little. ya all feel me? do u understand where im comin from??