who here will vote for Ron Paul, the only honest n level headed man running?

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Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
His policies aren't for big business. They are for small business. Big business' are the only ones who can afford to pay for all the rules/regs required to open a business, hire someone etc.
Your fear of going back to the dark ages with Ron Paul is not valid.
Big business's love bail outs. Ron Paul does not. The corporate media, controlled by the wealthy few like the Rockerfellers, they decide what is broadcast on TV all day long. Those people are the same people spreading the misinformation about Ron Paul. It's the reason he gets less attention at the debates, its the reason he gets mostly negative TV coverage.
Ron Paul and his policies support the people and are against big government.
Funny video on that.
Do you realize that when there was no regulation in the late 19th century "small business" very quickly went extinct wherever this was possible? In fact not only did the small business go extinct, the big companies did too until only one or two monopolies were left. Where it didn't happened it couldn't have happened because it wasn't practical at the time, for example, small food stores and restaurants survived for a while, yet when infrastructure developed sufficiently in the 20th century, those got swallowed or driven out of business by big chains too. In fact, the media is a classic and relatively recent example - there used to be regulation preventing a few corporations from taking over the whole media market, but the Telecommunications Act of 1996 deregulated it and, surprise, surprise, it all ended up in the hands of several big corporations, with the following loss of jobs and decline in content quality.

This is a natural consequence of free market systems - differences in economic power between different players tend to get amplified with the end results being that only very few, in the long run just one, is left. That's also why the simplistic idea that we're just going to remove all regulation and let employers and workers negotiate between themselves can only lead to disaster - employers and workers can negotiate satisfactory conditions for the workers only if the power distribution between the two parties is equal. It never is and the result in the absence of regulation is ruthless exploitation of workers.

Also, I don't understand how people can so easily fall for the "we're going to promote small business" fallacy. There relative importance of small business and big corporations in the US economy is skewed in favor of big corporations. That's not going to get better without regulation - yes, all the regulation that protects the big corporation has to go away, that goes without saying, but no regulation at all is also disastrous.

Finally, since the subject is Ron Paul and how qualified he is for president - how do you see his positions on climate change, abortion, religion, etc. It is not all about economics after all, in fact the importance of the economy in people's thinking is vastly overinflated, while the issue of primary importance these days are things like Peak Oil and climate change, of which Ron Paul is firmly in the lunatics camp
Apr 25, 2002
I guess it really all depends on whose propaganda you believe more. The money interests are against Ron Paul, so naturally, there will be disinformation.

What propaganda? Ron Paul’s promises for policy have all been tried. They failed so badly that the system he rails against, currently, had to evolve in an attempt to correct those failures.

Ron Paul wants you to close your eyes and imagine what the world would be like if he had his way:

The problem with that is we’ve see what the world would be like if he had his way:

Mar 8, 2006
What propaganda? Ron Paul’s promises for policy have all been tried. They failed so badly that the system he rails against, currently, had to evolve in an attempt to correct those failures.

Ron Paul wants you to close your eyes and imagine what the world would be like if he had his way:

The problem with that is we’ve see what the world would be like if he had his way:

You do realize that those pictures are from the Oklahoma/Texas/Colorado/New Mexico "dust bowl" which was a direct result of drought coupled government PUSHING monoculture on farmers and giving incentive (in the forms of subsidies) for huge farms that produced the same crops year after year, right? So, that's a fail, sir.

The truth is, there was poor infrastructure in the 19th century and many modern comforts weren't even conceived yet. Your assertions regarding that are borderline ridiculous, although there is some truth in what you're saying, you are definitely overleveraged with that argument to make your point.

Another thing, you keep asserting that Ron Paul wants to remove ALL regulations, but this is FALSE. He wants to protect the rights of all individuals, which means big business will not be aloud to pollute my drinking water, the air I breathe, etc....because that is in conflict with my rights. What do you think the gold standard is? It's a regulation!

Much of the regulation in this country is not necessary...and has hindered small businesses, the the FCC is a big one that has only played right into the hands of big business and helped to consolidate the industry. Many other government regulators have helped to stamp out the competitiveness of small businesses. That is a direct result of big business lobbying the government and lawmakers.


Jul 6, 2005
lot of people seem to have it in their heads that the fed reserve is evil and should be done completely away with. mostly a view held by tea party members with extreme views.
it is the fed reserve system, and keynesian economics, that has made the US the economic superpower that it is.
Mar 8, 2006

Here it is with the timeline of war profiteering included...

I bet the profit sheets for the military industrial complex look the opposite. Nobody is speaking up about the fact that the same people that continue to make money and never seem to feel the negative impacts of their policies are the same people making the policies.
Dec 18, 2010
I don't understand what you mean. The real world is the economy. The economy exists only because people need shit. They also need money to buy that shit with. Money, according to the constitution, is gold or silver. The government used to adhere to this requirement until 1971 when the government rid themselves of the Bretton Woods system.

They de-linked the United States Federal Reserve notes from gold. Result? Gold prices went from $35 an ounce to the current price of over $1800 an ounce. That is called inflation. It is also called currency devaluation.
Ron Paul is against this currency devaluation, and as an effort to prevent the Federal Reserve from printing money out of thin air, he wants to link the dollar to gold.
The "Federal" Reserve bank is a private bank run by a few wealthy fucks. Blindly supporting something because it is called Federal is a bad call.
I can upload this book if anyone is interested. Shoot me a pm. It talks all about how the Federal Reserve came about.

For people who don't want to read.

Economics is the real world man, this talk of it being separated from the physical world is nonsense.

You're making it seem as if Ron Paul, if elected, will abolish social security, abolish medicare/medicaid... Yes, he is against those programs but he has already stated a plan on how to pay for them. At least he has a plan.
Those programs are unconstitutional. That is a fact.
Social security, in its current form, is the definition of a ponzi scheme.
I really think you've bought into the fear mongering of the status quo with these false beliefs about what Ron Paul stands for.

I'm not trolling or anything. This is just a subject I find much interest in. I am constantly reading on world financial news as well as political.
So, since your the expert. Who is your candidate?
Yo send me the book please
Nov 1, 2004
lot of people seem to have it in their heads that the fed reserve is evil and should be done completely away with. mostly a view held by tea party members with extreme views.
it is the fed reserve system, and keynesian economics, that has made the US the economic superpower that it is.
It's obvious blunt_hogg has done very minimal research, if any, on his statements.
I had to write a paper on central banking and I talked about the previous 2 other central banks in the United States. That's right, the Fed isn't our first try. The only difference is that people back in the days had to pay attention to what their government did. Now there is American Idol to keep the masses at bay.
Jun 27, 2005
lot of people seem to have it in their heads that the fed reserve is evil and should be done completely away with. mostly a view held by tea party members with extreme views.
it is the fed reserve system, and keynesian economics, that has made the US the economic superpower that it is.

I meant explain why its stupid to think that abolishing the federal reserve is a good idea.


Jul 6, 2005
you do realize that the US economy and financial system is the strongest in the world? the same system that affords people like you the time and resources to bash this country online. along with the freedom of speech to say it.

seriously try living else where and get back to me.

lol at writing a paper and now knowing it all.


Jul 6, 2005
if you guys want corporations, with profit motives in mind, to run evwrything more power to you. i don't agree with letting free markets run wild. you all think the rich run shit now? aboloshing the fed reserve system will enrich the rich and leave the peons in a completely fucked up position in life. it will again depend on who you were born to, in order to ensure future successes in life. not hard work. hard work is what this country was built on.

but for those that back Ron Paul. what alternative do you suggest to the fed reserve system?


Jul 6, 2005
lol at Ben bernanke told him. and lol at i wrote a paper on the subject.

@5DimeNWK: from the wealth of research you have seem to have done. are you suggesting we go backwards and use older and outdated systems of banking?

because the only reason people are able to ignore the economy and watch American idol is because our economy is running well. afforded us an abundance of resources no country has ever seen. what country's economic system do you believe this country should mimic?


Jul 6, 2005
see. the pendulum swings both ways. it is dangerous for people, such as myself, to blindly take in what bernanke or greenspan may have to say on the subject. but it is just as dangerous if people blindly follow extremist views in America. if they lack a complete understanding of how things (like the federal reserve) works. and even more dangerous if they are rallying against things and do not even really know or understand what they are even rallying against.


Jul 6, 2005
that being said, i do not subscribe to either bernanke or greenspan.

but I'm really curious as to the alternative system you all are going to suggest.


Jul 6, 2005
wait. wait.

social security is a ponzi scheme? care to explain? because now i am sure you are blindly regurgitating whatever you have been shoveled.

so de-linking the dollar from gold caused our currency to devalue? really? the US has suffered from hypwer inflation after abandoning the gold standard?
let me explain.

the gold standard created MUCH sharper dips when the economy went bad. the govt's hands were tied and had no way to ease these dips in the economic cycle due to the currency being pegged to gold.

moving away from the gold standard does indeed create the possibilities of both inflation and currency devaluation. as you pointed out.

but that hasn't happened. know why?

the federal reserve controls the money supply. therefore easing inflation and devaluation.

the American dollar is the de facto currency of the world. used in business tranactions all over the world. used as an investment instrument because of its stability over time. t-bills considered a risk free investment because of the stability of the US currency and us govt.

and if this doesn't convince you. then why has every major economy in the world abandoned the gold standard?


Jul 6, 2005
so when the system went belly up. it wasn't the system's fault. that chit was running as it was intended to run.

it was the variable that most economic theories cannot account for: human greed.

real estate brokers and agents, mortgage brokers and agents and appraisors and home owners and loan applicants. all colluding together and artificially inflating house values. then the men running the fed reserve did not react properly (when the growth in house values did not match income growth). and viola. stupidity and inaction (by men) at the fed reserve level. greed by men at the micro level. and there you have it.