Vote for obama at the polls today

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Jan 30, 2004
Why ??so we can all be more screwed up?I dont think ppl understand the severity of this election ...Obama is a novelty president..but i think the lesser of 2 evils is Romney which I voted for.Does anyone even understand the political policies or are u just voting for him just because its trendy?
Socialism is coming along with Obama and thats not good..U like him cutting welfare to work program?so all these low life losers can stay on welfare..our country is 40 % on govt assistance and a high unemployment rate and not to mention the coming of and free trade agreements being abolished in his presidency.Romney may be for the rich but he seems the better choice right now..anyways if it is found out that Obama knew about Bengazi attacks he will be impeached.
Props: 360_541


Oct 25, 2011
Why ??so we can all be more screwed up?I dont think ppl understand the severity of this election ...Obama is a novelty president..but i think the lesser of 2 evils is Romney which I voted for.Does anyone even understand the political policies or are u just voting for him just because its trendy?
Socialism is coming along with Obama and thats not good..U like him cutting welfare to work program?so all these low life losers can stay on welfare..our country is 40 % on govt assistance and a high unemployment rate and not to mention the coming of and free trade agreements being abolished in his presidency.Romney may be for the rich but he seems the better choice right now..anyways if it is found out that Obama knew about Bengazi attacks he will be impeached.
But Mitt Romney is a Mormon.

nuff said.


Oct 25, 2011
well we coulda had Roseanne Barr lol imagine that !
Problem with Rosanne is

A: She is so pro-jewish, we'd end up giving ALL our money & military support to Israel.

B: She is dumb as a rock, & the only good measure for her is legalizing pot.

No way in hell she'd ever get voted in simply for the way she sang the star spangled banner back in 87.


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
If Romney was not a hardcore religious crazy fuck I would consider a vote to him. I just don't want any of his crazy religion to influence my life through law, so strictly to that I will vote for bama.
Aug 17, 2002
Socialism is coming along with Obama and thats not good..
Socialism among very rich Americans is an old story that predates Obama. Not only do they have monetary protection they also reap the benefits of special legal protection. There has been less federal prosecution of corporate crime under Obama than any other president of recent memory. The tax rates were not even changed to reflect what they were in the 90s (as what was originally planned by Obama). This whole socialism scare is a non-event. Thankfully I just perceive it comedic urban legend. Otherwise I'd go insane from reading and hearing about it. I'm not an Obama fan btw.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Why ??so we can all be more screwed up?I dont think ppl understand the severity of this election ...Obama is a novelty president..but i think the lesser of 2 evils is Romney which I voted for.Does anyone even understand the political policies or are u just voting for him just because its trendy?
Socialism is coming along with Obama and thats not good..U like him cutting welfare to work program?so all these low life losers can stay on welfare..our country is 40 % on govt assistance and a high unemployment rate and not to mention the coming of and free trade agreements being abolished in his presidency.Romney may be for the rich but he seems the better choice right now..anyways if it is found out that Obama knew about Bengazi attacks he will be impeached.
That Obama is likely to do some quite anti-progressive things (such as possibly even cutting/privatizing social security and Medicare) is true.

That does not mean, however, that Romney will be better for the people.

It's a choice between bad and worse.

The even bigger problem, though, as I said above, is that if the difference between "bad" and "worse" is measured in 1 unit on an imaginary scale, the difference between "bad" and "good" is hundreds or even thousands of units, and "good" is actually on a different plane in the hyperspace.