Views on Transgenders...

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Jan 29, 2005
From the World Health Organization....

"We found distress and dysfunction were very powerfully predicted by the experiences of social rejection or violence that people had," he said. "But they were not actually predicted by gender incongruence itself."
Jan 29, 2005
How many trans people can you name that are known as great thinkers, innovators, teachers, or anything that advances us further as humans ?
A simple google search will tell you this lol

Neuroscientists, surgeons, biologists, engineers, physicians, physicists. Just about any position you can think of in science and medicine.


Feb 16, 2006
I don't know each and every transgenders personal experience with every stranger they've came across. That's speculation, people are treated like shit for all kinds of reasons it's how they react or don't react that defines a person not what gender they think they are or are not.

The Bible has brought more intolerance to humanity then any specific person ,book, or idea.


Feb 16, 2006
How many neuroscientists can you name off the top of your head? lol

Let me guess, within 5 posts you're gonna drop the "I was just trolling man" response you drop in every thread lol
I can't name 1, neither can you....that's my whole point. How does being tolerant of someone's beliefs help humans evolve ? It doesn't. Diversifying the gene pool is what helps us evolve and transgenders cant/don't. Actually maybe I'm wrong about that, maybe that's how evolution is working by not allowing people with mental disabilities procreate it removes it from the gene pool.


Feb 16, 2006
I've said I was trolling in one or two threads at most nice try though. Quote me when you have a better argument that isn't fueled by my intolerance of religious beliefs.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
It won't have an ICD code in May 2018...

The last time ICD codes were revised was 1990

Transgender identity is considered a mental illness by WHO. But that may soon change. - Chicago Tribune

SF is tolerant so that means they weren't personally treated like shit by parents, kids at school, people at their workplaces etc?
So they are looking to declassify it as a mental illness...Until then, those people are mentally ill.
May 7, 2013
So they are looking to declassify it as a mental illness...Until then, those people are mentally ill.

The military for a long time agreed with the same psychological diagnosis. Let's examine this little tidbit below for a moment though, so we can see that the US mental health system has not always been scientific, but often political, in its action and diagnosis:

"In the mid to late 1800’s women were expected to behave according to society’s expectations, held to the archetype of the obedient housewife and mother.* As such, they had almost entirely no input on decisions concerning their lives, especially in regards to matters such*as their mental health.* The women of this time period were expected to be dutiful, subservient housewives that stayed home to do little other than take care of the children, and keep order in the house. *It was the men who made all the decisions in the household; women were, in accordance with the archetype, simply expected to listen and obey. However, divorce rates were very low in those times. As such, if a women was to behave in a way that opposed the views or opinions held by her husband, the husband would then declare the wife insane and have her sent to an asylum rather than going through a divorce as the majority of couples would do in modern times.* Many women ended up in the asylums even if they were of perfectly stable mental health.

Women were expected to behave in a poised, compliant manner. *Acting against the husband was completely unacceptable, due to the threat of being declared insane. *They couldn’t do anything other than be the proper woman that was expected.

Women were sent to asylums as an alternative for divorce. *The asylums were essentially prisons for non-compliant women. *Once declared insane, a woman would immediately be carted off to an asylum to begin living a life of depravity. *Essentially being forced into insanity.

Women that had no mental health problems at all were forced into living in asylums simply because of angry husbands. *They were subjected to inhumane living conditions. *Many were starved and forced to go*through treatments that had a more negative effect on their stability than anything else.

These conditions were not conducive to the mental health of the occupants. *Often they led to the deterioration of the mental state of the occupants, just reinforcing the beliefs of the male society. *Women who originally were of a completely sane state, were reduced to a primal survival state.

The wrongful treatment at asylums eventually caused the occupants to lose their spirit. *The very thing that put many women in the asylums is what kept them in them. *The behavior that came as a result of the poor treatment in the facilities only served to lengthen their stay.
Insane asylums essentially were used as storage units for unsatisfactory wives. *The expectations placed on women by society were unacceptable and far too controlling. *To expect women to have a complete and happy life only by taking care of a home and her children is unrealistic. *Due to the difficult nature of the requirements, many women were unable to comply, and thus spurred a declaration of insanity from the husband. *Since divorce was nearly a social taboo, men usually found a way out of a displeasing marriage through insane asylums. *These misguided views is what led to the use of asylums as a sort of dump for unneeded wives."

Kassidy Jean-Charles, How a Woman Should Be, Photograph. September 2013.
The Manitoba Historical Society, “Selkirk Mental Hospital, Main Building.” Accessed September 22, 2013. *TimeLinks: Selkirk Mental Hospital, Main Building
Jerry Cooke, Female Patients in Ohio Insane Asylum, Photograph
Woodcut, Scene From New York Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell’s Island, Photograph. 1898
U.S. National Library of Medicine, “Diseases of the Mind: Highlights of American Psychiatry Through 1900.” Accessed September 18, 2013.Diseases of the Mind: Highlights of American Psychiatry through 1900 - 19th Century Psychiatric Debates

Women in Insane Asylums – ThirdSight History
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May 7, 2013
I can't name 1, neither can you....that's my whole point. How does being tolerant of someone's beliefs help humans evolve ? It doesn't. Diversifying the gene pool is what helps us evolve and transgenders cant/don't. Actually maybe I'm wrong about that, maybe that's how evolution is working by not allowing people with mental disabilities procreate it removes it from the gene pool.
This isn't true though because there is nothing stopping a transgender or other type of homosexual from pro-creating unless they are not able to biologically participate in a reproduction process. Not all transgenders are necessarily attracted to the sex they were identified as on their birth certificate either. Also, with science where it is in advancement, there are ways to have surrogates or artificial insemination, etc. That is why we have to get away from blanket statements (me included) if we are to have a thorough discussion and/or understanding of anything.

For the record, I am not saying this is right or wrong. It is not my place. It is a confusing topic, but it must be way more confusing for these people to live the way they live in a society that doesn't want to accept them as hu(e)mans
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Feb 16, 2006
That's why I said maybe, just a thought not a belief. If you are born with xy chromosome you're a female, xx you're a male that's what determines your sex on a birth certificate.
May 7, 2013
Anyways I have to go do more "important" things like Laplace transforms and method of undetermined coefficients and Eigen vectors. The things I take away from this discussion is there are and always will me mathematical variables and probabilities at play, many of which are out of my control and I really have no interest in controlling them anyway.


Feb 16, 2006
This isn't true though because there is nothing stopping a transgender or other type of homosexual from pro-creating unless they are not able to biologically participate in a reproduction process. Not all transgenders are necessarily attracted to the sex they were identified as on their birth certificate either. Also, with science where it is in advancement, there are ways to have surrogates or artificial insemination, etc. That is why we have to get away from blanket statements (me included) if we are to have a thorough discussion and/or understanding of anything.

For the record, I am not saying this is right or wrong. It is not my place. It is a confusing topic, but it must be way more confusing for these people to live the way they live in a society that doesn't want to accept them as hu(e)mans

Saying transsexual people dont/can't reproduce and don't help diversify the gene pool was a blanket statement which I usually don't make. There are other factors such as transsexuals that already had kids and later in life became/identifies as transgender.

There's not enough research or surveys on transpeople to say whether or not it's a mental disorder. When I did a quick search the oldest documented records of transgender is in the 1700s. It's a sensitive topic I see but just because a man believes he's a female doesn't make it true if he doesn't have female reproductive organs...there's obviously something else at play in the brain. Science doesn't care about anyone's beliefs, there needs to be more research on it to help people understand why transgenders are the way they are if they want to be accepted in society.

I've never bashed or discriminated on a trans. I accept people for who they are as long as they treat me how I treat them. My opinion of it being a mental disorder is solely based on the interactions I've had with them. If I had ONE interaction with a trans that clearly was mentally unstable that wouldn't justify my opinion but I've crossed paths with at least 5 in SF that clearly had mental issues.
Jan 31, 2008
It's a sensitive topic I see but just because a man believes he's a female doesn't make it true if he doesn't have female reproductive organs...there's obviously something else at play in the brain. Science doesn't care about anyone's beliefs, there needs to be more research on it to help people understand why transgenders are the way they are if they want to be accepted in society.
Gender and Gender identification are unrelated to each other. Yes, if you have a penis you probably got more testosterone than estrogen but this is not always the case. Some men have very low levels of testosterone and this does effeminate and affect them on an emotional level.

If you listened to the radio show I linked you will see how quickly a person can go from feeling like a man to feeling like a woman and vice versa. How quickly a former feminist can find herself objectifying women and checking out their asses n shit, even when it goes against her/his philosophy.

This information is out and accessible to everyone interested in this topic.