[VIDEO] Dregs One explores gentrification in San Francisco

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Nov 23, 2006
the hood doesnt want to change? i gotta disagree with you on that patna. not everybody in the hood is a dope dealer/fiend. most are regular people struggling to get by.... ask that single mother with 4 kids living in the projects if she wants a change homie, i think we all know what that answer would be.
May 16, 2002
the hood doesnt want to change? i gotta disagree with you on that patna. not everybody in the hood is a dope dealer/fiend. most are regular people struggling to get by.... ask that single mother with 4 kids living in the projects if she wants a change homie, i think we all know what that answer would be.
I agree, but it still doesn't change who's running the hoods. Perhaps I didn't word it right. I wasn't saying everybody in the hood is a dope dealer etc, but the dope pushers / streets are what's run the hoods. And if I'm wrong, just look at how all of that is glorified throughout these boards. Down to the music. Entertainment? LOL!!!! We've gone in circles with that topic & the outcome is the "real shit" is what these people want. The guns, drug trafficking etc is what overshadows the positive in both the music & in the streets.

To your credit, it's a good thing for wanting to do something I'll give you that, but getting the majority to follow is the real task.
Nov 23, 2006
im hella confused.why is it bad that there is less crime?shouldnt this push people to strive for more?maybe stop doing crime and start working for things/get an education etc.
never said anything in the video or this forum about less crime being bad. actually i dont think i said anything about crime period. and if it were that simple to do what you just suggested i think most people would do it.
Feb 28, 2006
the biggest change is definitely in the mission over the years and second, the haight. i do feel safer in more parts of the city whereas there were parts back then i wouldnt step on cuz ive been robbed before. its funny you mentioned how the black population is reduced and all i hear from alot of blacks complain about how asians are taking all the jobs but as you can see thats not the case cuz its the property their losing. everyone i know got in-laws and illegally made rooms for ppl to rent cuz shit is so damn expensive now. great vid tho, this shit has been on my mind for awhile too cuz everyone ive been meeting are not from here and just straight up trying to run shit. they open businesses that cater to ppl that are like them. most of them being like those yuppie but wealthy white ppl @ dolares park.
May 16, 2002
@ DREGS ONE, Seriously speaking, other than going to the city meetings, signing petitions etc. And speaking your mind and what you feel needs to change etc.

I get a vibe that perhaps you are working your way into office of some sort. Working your way in and start making that change from the inside. How much truth is to what I just asked?
Apr 1, 2005
that single mother shouldnt have had 4 kids if she is poor and has no man to help her. decisions people, u cant do any and everything and expect a change at the snap of some fingers. we bury ourselves for the most part with problems that WE cause
Feb 7, 2006
it's not that simple because it's systemic but some muthafucka has to be strong and take a stand and fight against the dumb shit or you just get swept up by shit like gentrification.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
^^^ interesting, never thought of it like that. wish i had known some of that before i made this. i did some research and never came across that kind of info. right on.

and thanks to everyone else who gave me feedback i really appreciate it..
Just some stuff i picked up in some of my economics courses, there are no easy answers though. I was basically displaced out of the bay cuz of the cost of living and my folks had to move to a pretty undesirable part of Hayward because the West Bay got too expensive. I'd figure with the economy going to shit rents would go down out there, they have in Phoenix you can get a studio apt out here i've seen as low as 400 a month probably less on the south side where things aren't very sweet.

I do wish Phoenix and Arizona in general were more focused on higher education as much as the Bay area and the heavier populated parts of Northern California. Thats why there is such a high number of people out here living below the poverty line, you definatly don't see the hipsters flocking in droves trying to move to Phoenix lol. I guess theres a silver lining to that cloud haha.

Bottom line is that its all about money, gentrification has its good and bad points depending on what side of the fence your on. It is part of the reason that the SF bay has been one of the strongest economic regions in the world. Higher educated people coming in = economic growth and higher paying jobs for the folks with the education level to fill those positions. Of course the negititive side is alot of the stuff you mentioned in your video is going to happen as more people come in from out of state. These scenereos have to have an additional effect in the Bay since its fully developed and there is no where to build homes for the new people coming in.

Basically the opposite is happening out here. We had a housing boom that went to hell people are leaving the area due to the poor economy and the everlooming threat of being deported because to the strict new immigration laws. Your not just talking illegals from Mexico or where ever but they are taking their american family members with them in alot of circumstances. The Main people coming in to the state are retirees that won't stimulate the economy as efficiently as a working professional, especially after alot of these old folks lost their shirts in the stock market.

Thats why I'm getting my education to hopefully have a little more control of my own destiny on top of the personal accomplishment aspect of getting a degree.