Ugly Nigga's "Illuminati Inner Circle Bay Area Chapter"

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Rate this song by Ugly Nigga and Indecent the Slapmaster

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Mar 22, 2008

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If you have come to this thread to get your own Illuminati I.D. card...please submit your head shot pic and info: hieght, weight, hair color, eye color and DOB...if you do not anwser any question put "UNKNOWN" 510-927-5333 Ugly Nigga

The objective of this collective is to form a structure that will rival the biker and car community as they are the model groups that have become very formidable in their unification. I am looking for the "Illuminati Bay Area Chapter" to mimick this same pattern...for this to happen it takes numbers and a moderate commitment...if this is not for you then that is understandable...this is however for the people who trust and believe that Ugly Nigga does have the experience, resources and structural thinking to move this concept into reality.

The Illuminati Inner Circle Bay Area Chapter is not a devil's cult just like the Hell's Angels are not associated with demonic practices....this is a social group and it's Inner Circle is the NEW WORLD ORDER INVESTORS ie. the financial contributors that back up the upcoming Illuminati events. I welcome progressive thinkers and active doers...with the numbers we can achieve any and everything.

The Illuminati functions will be promoted through radio, cable, flyers, posters and social networks...we as a unit will make this the biggest event going with shows in major cities like Vegas, Atlanta, New York, Dallas, Oakland, San Francisco etc. Welcome aboard. -Ugly Nigga

Note: to be added to this group there is a one time FEE of $100 and $25 for the Illuminati I.D. card.

This FEE is used for aquiring venues, purchasing radio and cable ads for our Illuminati are considered a Illuminati VIP at ALL events plus your entire party.
Mar 22, 2008
Okay...2 people voted: 1 mic scrap the whole song. That's interesting maybe I'm missing something but you know when you create somthing it's hard to see the flaws in it. Let me know the down side of the track if it's not in agreement to your standards.
Dec 3, 2009
So if you get 1,000 people to join you make an easy 100.000 dollars

Note: to be added to this group there is a one time FEE of $100 and $25 for the Illuminati I.D. card.

what the hell is this?
Mar 22, 2008
So if you get 1,000 people to join you make an easy 100.000 dollars

Note: to be added to this group there is a one time FEE of $100 and $25 for the Illuminati I.D. card.

what the hell is this?
I have gotten together people who wanted to get onboard with my Illuminati Inner Circle Bay Area Chapter and throw social events under that got people freakin out and shit specialy when they start seeing the BET, MTV, VH1 commercials that are being produced.
Mar 22, 2008
UGLY NIGGA With an Ugly Delivery. Too each its on. We need killuminati not a fuckin extension of the branch. Come on nigga!!!!! come correct!!!!! it's the flow that represents the problem in the song...that brings it to a vote:1? Kinda harsh but I'm askin so keep it comin'. Thanks bra on the feedback.
Mar 1, 2006

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If you have come to this thread to get your own Illuminati I.D. card...please submit your head shot pic and info: hieght, weight, hair color, eye color and DOB...if you do not anwser any question put "UNKNOWN" 510-927-5333 Ugly Nigga

The objective of this collective is to form a structure that will rival the biker and car community as they are the model groups that have become very formidable in their unification. I am looking for the "Illuminati Bay Area Chapter" to mimick this same pattern...for this to happen it takes numbers and a moderate commitment...if this is not for you then that is understandable...this is however for the people who trust and believe that Ugly Nigga does have the experience, resources and structural thinking to move this concept into reality.

The Illuminati Inner Circle Bay Area Chapter is not a devil's cult just like the Hell's Angels are not associated with demonic practices....this is a social group and it's Inner Circle is the NEW WORLD ORDER INVESTORS ie. the financial contributors that back up the upcoming Illuminati events. I welcome progressive thinkers and active doers...with the numbers we can achieve any and everything.

The Illuminati functions will be promoted through radio, cable, flyers, posters and social networks...we as a unit will make this the biggest event going with shows in major cities like Vegas, Atlanta, New York, Dallas, Oakland, San Francisco[/. Welcome aboard. -Ugly Nigga

Note: to be added to this group there is a one time FEE of $100 and $25 for the Illuminati I.D. card.

This FEE is used for aquiring venues, purchasing radio and cable ads for our Illuminati are considered a Illuminati VIP at ALL events plus your entire party.

kill yoself asap
Apr 11, 2008
lmao!....i gotta respect what you're TRYING to do.

but damn man.....the "look and feel" of your "illuminati inner circle" feel very generic and off brand, i mean it looks like you have a 6th grader doing your photoshop work. And if you honestly expect me to believe that you are pulling $30k in on your shows, ima have to call bullshit homie...

and you want us to pay YOU $100.00 to join some invisible club that will be widely unrecognized anywhere I go?

Can you tell me what bar and clubs currently accept the Illuminati Card and what benefits it will give me as a card holder?

For my $100 fee can we also have a secondary cardholder?

if there a mileage program or points/rewards system?

how about 24 hour customer service and support? a website for more information?

could you post the terms and conditions of the cardholder agreement for us to review?

i mean im just saying, chase sent me a card and all it takes is $25 to activate my $5,000 credit Im trying to see what benefit my $100 payment and my $25 monthly charge will give me with the Illuminati...

best of luck to you Ugly Nigga
Apr 11, 2008
and in regards to your track in found the beat to be really on point and the highlight of the song, the chorus was boring and repetitive and lacked creativity, the delivery seemed off tempo or missing memorable lines or anything that really stood out, just a bunch of random references and rhymes in general.

but its good to see that Indo still producing slaps...