u believe in ghost?

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May 3, 2002
yall believe in ghost??

my homies house has a ghost in it..well his mom says its his gaurdian angel? shit i dont know.....one time we was watchin this movie bout some girl gettin possessed and there was this lion statue sittin on top of the tv anywayz that shit flew off da tv...i was trippin..no one was near da tv an that shit juss flew, didn't fall off but flew like 2 feet...another time me an my homie was sittin in his room bumpin muzicc n shit and his room is across from his moms room..well both doors were open, we juss chillin when all of sudden we seen this figure standing in his moms door way.. we both jump like "you see that!"you couldn't see a person but you can see like a white outline around him..man that shit be crazy as hell..he use to show up alot around the house trippin muh fuccaz out..all da females would be hella scared..lol..he never tried to harm no one or anything so thats coo..

another story when my moms was younger she lived in San Jose Ca...anywayz my mom an her sister was sleeping in the same bed, when all of sudden my mom felt the covers being pull off her..she thought she was dreamin till her sister woke up an saw tha same thing..they looked at each an froze for min. watching this ghost/spirit pullin the blankets off them...a few seconds later they both got out the bed Screamin! and ran to the living room where there dad was...my mom an aunt was tellin me an my cuzzins that whatever was pullin the blankets was not friendly..they said it was evil, you juss had that wierd ass feeling in ya body.....the house that they used to live in has been torn down for years now?im not sure from ghost encounters people have had wit it or not....

May 3, 2002
one more i forget...this about my uncle. he was driving on this windy ass road called Niles Canyon in Ca..well anyways he was driving one night and seen a hitch hicker so he picced her up..she was sittin the backseat while he was driving well a few min later he turned around an she was gone! there was just a wet spot from where she was sitting..i was younger so i was like yeah right! that shit didn't happen...but then i was reading this ghost book and they where talkin about the White Witch from Niles Canyon..they said she died on her wedding night in car accident..every year that same night she died they said people have reported seeing her hitch hicking..an the few that picced her up for a ride encountered the same thing my uncle did..when they turned around she was gone wit just a wet spot left from where she was sitting....crazy shit!
Aug 11, 2002
i believe in ghost.... i've seen people get possessed... one time a cousin of mine was possessed in New Zealand. she took a shower and and got out and dressed up wearin' some jeans and about 2 or 3 sweaters. my aunt was holdin her daughter and my aunt asked my cousin where she was going and my cousin gave her a cold stare and told my aunt she was going to a bridge in Tonga to jump off and asked if my aunt would come with her and the daughter so they all could jump off. my aunt walked out and came to me and told me to go and talk to my cousin. when i got to the room she was tryin' to sneak out of the room through the window. i asked her what she was doing and she turned around and ran at me swinging her fist. she hit me about 4 or 5 times before i grabbed her and carried her to the living room where everyone was. she was screaming --> "Let me go" "i'm gonna kill you" and other shit like that. it was crazy 'cause when she was screaming she was speaking in ~~maori~~ <-- a language she doesn't speak or understand that's when i knew she was possessed. my cousin's grand father put his hand on her fore head and started praying and she fell asleep.

the next day i asked her if she remembered anything about yesterday and she said she remembered she took a shower, got dressed up, and then my aunt walked in and asked her where she was going, my cousin then told me she was trying to speak, but it felt like she had somethin' keepin' her from speaking. she said she was trying hella hard to talk, but couldn't... after my aunt walked out the room she said she doesn't remember anything from then on.

my aunt told me this wasn't the first time this happened. my cousin was only out in New Zealand for 1 week when i just got there. we both came from Tonga before we came to New Zealand. i know a little about ~~"Pu' ke Tevolo"~~ <----> ~~"devil sickness"~~ when it comes to polynesians. i asked her some question's about where she's been at what time on what days. she told me she was at a bridge in Tonga where she heard a girl died <-- that's the bridge she told my aunt she was going to jump off of, the only problem is the bridge is in Tonga and we were in New Zealand. i told her the girl who jumped off the bridge maybe possossing her out of jeolousy. i told my cousin to cut her hair short and don't wear make-up or dressess for 3 or 4 weeks. she did what i told her to do and she's been alright ever since........

~~~~sry it's kinda long~~~~


Sicc OG
Jun 29, 2002
Were any of you high or off somethin when you saw these ghosts?? i never seen a damn ghost in my life, cept some pale ass white kid with his veins on his face showin in the sunlight.. thats about it. that kid scared the shit outta me
Aug 11, 2002
think that's intresting? check this one out....

i was with about 5 older cousins and 1 little cousin who was about 1 yr old at the time. we were all in one room talkin' and my little 1 yr old cousin walks to the next room by himself. after a while we notice he was missing. we all got quiet and looked around. we all heard my little cousin laughing and saying, "fua"(spelling) <-- it means "hold me" my little cousin was standing at the corner facing the corner looking up towards the ceiling with his hands up, smiling, and laughing saying, "fua" and he was waiting to be picked up. when we called my little cousin he turned around at us and then turned back at the wall looking around for something/someone.


thats some scary shit.....i dont know what would do if i encountered somethin like that.
May 3, 2002
Damize-Clicc, you should go see a psychic (a real one) 'cause the spirit might be trying to tell your mother something.
ToNgAn_SaV, whatever's messing with your cousin has a powerful force to be able to possess her like that.

This is some trippy shit. I wish I were able to exercise my sixth sense.
May 14, 2002
If some shit like that happens to me I would get the fuck out of my house, move to another town as soon as possible

I don't want to fuck around with some ghosts.
Apr 25, 2002
Damize-Clicc said:
an the few that picced her up for a ride encountered the same thing my uncle did..when they turned around she was gone wit just a wet spot left from where she was sitting....crazy shit!
Maybe the ghost was menstruating or just had to go to the bathroom really bad and couldn't hold it any longer.


Sicc OG
May 30, 2002
I had several incounters with ghosts when i first started living by myself, I remeber one time I got so mad at my ex that i had built up so much angry and energy that one look at the microwave and that shyt was toast, blew up like nothin.

No but there are some people that actually can attract the spirits to them, they have entergy and in some instenes(SP) they can actually see a force, spirit what ever you wanna call it and they can actually tell you about things that are going to happen or special events that are goin to happen.

Its all on how you interpet it.
May 3, 2002
once when i was younger liek 10years old, i was sleepin in the room wit my older bro cuz we shared rooms...anywayz i woke up an seen some1 walkin out my door and down the hall way..so i got out of bed an followed the person..i kept sayin Kelly(my bros name) but no answer..then i looked bacc real quik then looked forward agin to follow this person but when i turned bacc around there was no one there! i ran so fast bacc into my room! that shit was hella scary....cant beleive i forgot bout this.....

also another time in that same room..i woke up an there was a lady sittin at the edge of my bed wearing the same robe my mom has..i said somethin but she just sat there with her back facing me..i knew it wasn't my mom...so i started yelling an bangin the wall so my mom would run in there...i was to scared to get out of bed cuz this lady was sittin at the edge of it.....

once at my babysitters house i woke up and seen this guy standing in the bar.with an old ass hat on..like how people dressed in the 30's 40's shit was a trip..i threw da blanket over my head an went bacc to sleep...

at my cuzzins house in San Jose, i u would stay over there alot and sleep in the living room..we'll i use to always wake up in the morning like 6-8am were its just sunlight...and i would feel hella wierd and hear hella people talking around me...everyone would be asleep but i can hear talking alll around me..you couldn't really hear what they said it was kinda just mumbling....when i would hear em i would feel hell a wierd.....that happened hella years ago but once every now and then i get that same wierd feeling in my body like i did when i heard the people talkin/voices...shits wierd!

Aug 11, 2002
usually in Tonga when a spirit is fuckin' with u and makin' u do crazy shit... like tryin' to get u to commit suicide (has happened a lot) and u know who the spirit is... u go to their grave and dig up their bones and scatter it in the ocean... the spirit will leave u alone because it will go to the beach and search for it's bones, but is never able to return the bones to it's grave. a lot of people have seen spirits walking on the beach... that's where a lot of the spirits are.