Tyler Reks Lashes Out at John Cena on Twitter

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Jun 22, 2012
Former WWE Wrestler Tyler Reks recently posted the following on Twitter about issues he had with John Cena while working for the company…

"Anyone want to know what top guy forced me to stop using the burning hammer - even after it appeared on SD/RAW and PPV's? ... 1st house show loop, Cena asks pulls me aside, degrades me like I'm 10 years & tells me if I use it again I'd me fired. He yelled at me & said, 'Who gave u permission to use that'? Apparently he hadn't been watching the product 4 the last 8 months... Or perhaps how he stole our idea to get fired, use social media to get over, & run in from the crowd (Given to Miz & Truth)... I still have the promo DVD our idea was burned onto when Cena supposedly helped us with the idea - then lied & said it wasn't stolen later."

He was asked by a follower about Alex Riley and his lack of push, and he responded with the following…

Riley? Great guy - talented. Would be over as all hell if a certain someone wasn't holding him down..."

Pwinsider.com reported earlier this year that Riley's push came to an end after a backstage confrontation with Cena with the story being that Riley didn't show "proper respect" to Cena, which was basically "acting like a normal human being instead of acting subservient to Cena."
Feb 8, 2003
Cena should retire soon bc he been looking kinda rusty and short winded the last month. Dolph been looking better tgen him in they last two matches. I guess cenas body is breaking down now finally.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
I can't see Cena ever leaving wrestling altogether. He'll continue to bury people as a WWE executive when he retires from the ring.
Jan 29, 2005
WWE doesn't do head drops anymore. Of course you are going to get shit for doing something like a burning hammer.

Mother fuckers arnt even Piledriving people
except for the fact he was doing it for 8 months already with zero backlash from an actual WWE executive.

John Cena isn't an authority figure in any way shape or form. He's a snitch when it comes to the roster and he's a dirtbag who continuously tries to fuck people's careers up

There's always been those rumors from former talent about John Cena giving Vince sexual favors for his initial push, that's probably why all of the talent backstage single Cena out and Cena's just a mad bitch because nobody wants to be his friend lol
May 24, 2002
except for the fact he was doing it for 8 months already with zero backlash from an actual WWE executive.

John Cena isn't an authority figure in any way shape or form. He's a snitch when it comes to the roster and he's a dirtbag who continuously tries to fuck people's careers up

There's always been those rumors from former talent about John Cena giving Vince sexual favors for his initial push, that's probably why all of the talent backstage single Cena out and Cena's just a mad bitch because nobody wants to be his friend lol
If all it took was cena snitching to got the move banned then that just says it would have probably happened at some point anyway...

And who cares if cena did stuff for a push.

if you had a female boss and you could get a huge pay bump by fucking her wouldn't you?
Oct 11, 2009
if all it took was cena snitching to got the move banned then that just says it would have probably happened at some point anyway...

And who cares if cena did stuff for a push.

If you had a female boss and you could get a huge pay bump by fucking her wouldn't you?
big difference... Sexual favors wth a man are way different than sexual favors with a woman...