The "what are you playing" thread

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Jun 24, 2005
It really is. 3 held back in my opinion, and I never played 1, but 2 was good.
I liked Killzone 3 as well. That MAWLR fight was pretty damn epic. The whole snowy arctic section was pretty fun too.

A lot of people don't like Shadow Fall either, but I had a lot of fun with it. I really hope Guerilla Games is working on another Killzone game.

Sidenote: I didn't play the first one either, but Killzone 2 was the reason I HAD to get a PS3.


Apr 25, 2002
I liked Killzone 3 as well. That MAWLR fight was pretty damn epic. The whole snowy arctic section was pretty fun too.

A lot of people don't like Shadow Fall either, but I had a lot of fun with it. I really hope Guerilla Games is working on another Killzone game.

Sidenote: I didn't play the first one either, but Killzone 2 was the reason I HAD to get a PS3.
Don't get me wrong, 3 was good, but they just couldn't match what they did with 2. I have read a lot of complaints about Shadow Fall. I saw it in action and killed like two enemies but then I had to bounce so I can't comment. But they had a top down kill zone game which was on the PSP and it got good reviews. Also, KZ Mercenary, for the Vita/Playstation TV has had very good reviews. Downside is the campaign length. But still, if you have a vita or PSTV then you need this.
Jun 24, 2005
Don't get me wrong, 3 was good, but they just couldn't match what they did with 2. I have read a lot of complaints about Shadow Fall. I saw it in action and killed like two enemies but then I had to bounce so I can't comment. But they had a top down kill zone game which was on the PSP and it got good reviews. Also, KZ Mercenary, for the Vita/Playstation TV has had very good reviews. Downside is the campaign length. But still, if you have a vita or PSTV then you need this.
I definitely agree that it didn't match KZ2, but it was still enjoyable and very good. They had to go in another direction, because at that time, a lot of gamers were on the hate train against games that lacked color (Gears of War, Killzone 2). They were bitching about the games being too brown and grey. It was pretty annoying considering the wars portrayed aren't supposed to be colorful.

I think the top down game is Liberation, but I've never owned a handheld. I do want to play Mercenary though just because I like Killzone so much.

Shadow Fall had mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it a lot. It has some really awesome sections and sequences. People mostly were negative to the story, but I thought it was pretty good.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
I beat Injustice story mode in under 3 hours. I started the StarLabs missions, and quickly realized I don't like the game much.

I liked Green Arrow's fighting mechanics a lot, but aside from the novelty of playing as comic book characters, it didn't hold my interest.

I've been playing Fallout 3 a lot in the interim between my Gamefly games.

The Wolf Among Us on deck.
Props: BUTCHER 206


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I beat Injustice story mode in under 3 hours. I started the StarLabs missions, and quickly realized I don't like the game much.

I liked Green Arrow's fighting mechanics a lot, but aside from the novelty of playing as comic book characters, it didn't hold my interest.

I've been playing Fallout 3 a lot in the interim between my Gamefly games.

The Wolf Among Us on deck.
You ever play fallout new vegas? I like the combat system a lot more its not as VATS oriented as FO3

I know i ran my mouth about early access games but i couldn't help myself, bought The Forest. I've been eyeing it awhile. The game is too immersive and challenging to pass up and it looks like the developers actually care about community feedback and it is actually constantly getting better. Its also creepy as fuck and ive found myself legit being lightweight scared lol.
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I'm definitely gonna get around to playing New Vegas once summer rolls around. I tend to play open-world titles too heavily.
its definitely pretty good. i seem to see a pattern that people who play FO3 first generally dislike new vegas though, and ppl that play new vegas first generally dislike FO3.

To me the main difference is in FO3 action points are the key to winning. you have way less action points overall in FO new vegas so you have to rely on "call of duty" tactics a little more, like ducking behind desks and shooting at enemys or tossing a grenade into a room of enemys or leading them towards some mines you laid down.

i dont know i like NV more because i played it first, but FO3 was very good and I enjoyed all of the DLC a ton too. i dont know what im even rambling about just keep an open mind lol


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
The Wolf Among Us is pretty stellar, but Tell Tale are some punk ass developers.

None of their games have install capability, and I have to literally pause the game every chapter for around a minute to prevent buffering issues.

Tell Tale flat out denies that they'll fix or patch their games, yet with every game they churn out, it's always the same issues.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
The Wolf Among Us is pretty stellar, but Tell Tale are some punk ass developers.

None of their games have install capability, and I have to literally pause the game every chapter for around a minute to prevent buffering issues.

Tell Tale flat out denies that they'll fix or patch their games, yet with every game they churn out, it's always the same issues.
Yeah the first season of the walking dead was pretty cool, but by the end of the third season I kind of had their formula memorized and you could see the lack of content and physical gameplay and meaningful choices clearly and all the glaring bugs and how it seemed so spread thin and rushed together. Then watching the Game of Thrones series lets plays, it makes me wonder if they're just cash grabbing as much as possible at this point and aren't as interested in telling a great story or adding actual more user controlled gameplay aside from just putting you in an area after a cut scene and giving you people to walk up and talk to. Their content is not even a $1 per entertainment hour ratio at this point which I consider to be the minimum for a great game (pay $60 you should get at least 60 hours gameplay, $5 for 5 hours etc). It's $5 for about 2 hours 45 minutes of entertainment and probably 2 hours and 15 minutes of that is just dialogue.
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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
The story for the game sells itself, so I mean heavily in the viability of their interactive story-telling. But, with all of the glitches and little crime-solving, I wouldn't recall this game as little more than Dragon's Lair for the new console generation. It's hardly a game. It's like a new kind of pop-up book, told through a limited gaming console platform.


Apr 25, 2002
I've always had digital copies of the their titles and didn't know they couldn't be installed. That's weak because even on the digital versions, the games still buffer because they have to load the appr scenes, so I guess those with physical copies have major issues. But the reason I like the titles, stories aside, is because they're good point and click games and I like to have a variety of games to play.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
To give you an example, yesterday when I was playing the last chapter of the game, the subtitles box didn't come back on during a new scene, so I checked and it was still "on" in options.

I toggled it to off and then back, and went back to gameplay. It still didn't show up, so I just said fuck it. When the next button-dialogue choice came up, everything was in Spanish. This happened three more times before I turned subtitles off completely.

When I went back to gameplay, there was now a subtitle at the bottom that said "Shut up and come here!" The dialogue remained on-screen the whole time during more than 3 minutes of other dialogue exchange. That dialogue wasn't part of the scene at all, and the subtitles were "off" in the menu.

I turned them back on and it seemed to finally be fixed. Once I made a dialogue decision that influenced the character I was speaking to, the text for that in the upper left corner was in German.

I toggled one last time and everything went back to normal. There, of course, are zero language choice selections in the options for their games.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Playing the Metal Gear Sold HD Collection. If I can find time between shooting schedules for tv production class, acting, and school, I'll probably get a chance to play it soon.