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Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
Cable lays foundation for offseason

By Steve Corkran
Staff writer
Updated: 12/31/2008 07:21:23 AM PST

Finding a way to neutralize a wall of 300-pound defensive linemen is the kind of situation that makes Tom Cable salivate.

He is at home among offensive linemen, teaching his zone-blocking technique and ways to win one-on-one battles. More times than not, Cable finds a way to succeed.

So, imagine his surprise when he stepped beyond his "trade" as an offensive line coach, became interim head coach of the Raiders and confronted the task of ridding them of their losing mentality. He found the undertaking more daunting than an on-rushing defensive end.

"The mind-set and the culture of negativity and everything that has gone on here the last (six) years, I thought I could come in and just grab it and beat it up and take it out," Cable said Monday. "And it didn't work like that."

Yet, the formidable challenge gave ground as Cable settled in as the replacement for the fired Lane Kiffin after the Raiders lost three of their first four games this season.

The Raiders won three of their final six games, defeated four teams that won eight or nine games and entered the offseason on a high that hasn't been felt in these parts since the 2002 season.

"Any time you're trying to grow as a team and find your direction, stability in the coaching staff is key," running back Justin Fargas said Monday. "For this team, we need some stability, something consistent that we can rely on and build on. We have established something good here this last
half of the season, and, hopefully, we can continue to build on it."

Cable's return is in the hands of managing general partner Al Davis. Yet, the many issues confronting the Raiders as they enter the offseason await whoever the coach turns out to be.

Here's a look at some of the most-pressing offseason issues concerning the Raiders:

1. Deciding the futures of Asomugha and Lechler: Cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha and punter Shane Lechler can lay claim to being the best at their respective positions. Pro Bowl selections bolster their cases.

Resolving their situations will be costly, one way or the other.

Asomugha stands to earn $11,718,000 — a guaranteed 20 percent raise from the $9,765,000 he earned this season — if the Raiders use the exclusive franchise tag on him a second straight season, which would prevent other teams from making him a contract offer.

The only other options are to work out a long-term contract, let Asomugha leave after six seasons or apply the nonexclusive franchise tag, which would provide the Raiders two first-round draft picks, if another team signs him.

Lechler earned $1.85 million each of the past three seasons. Money likely won't be the issue with him. He has soured on the Raiders' losing ways and is interested in a change of scenery. The Raiders braced themselves for his likely departure by signing free agent Ricky Schmitt late in the season.

2. Finding a big-play receiver: Javon Walker contributed 15 receptions in eight games for the $12 million he earned this season. Drew Carter earned $2 million without making it past training camp because of a knee injury. Both were signed as free agents this past offseason.

So much for Oakland's projected starters. Walker and Carter might be welcomed back next season, but the Raiders need a sure thing.

Johnnie Lee Higgins, Chaz Schilens and Ashley Lelie showed that they merit roster spots, if not top billing. The Raiders need to think big, spend big and score big in the free-agent market or with their first-round draft pick — think Michael Crabtree here, folks.

3. Bolstering the offensive line: The Raiders signed 49ers castoff Kwame Harris and re-signed veteran Cornell Green in hopes of solidifying their offensive tackle issues. Harris started well at left tackle but crumbled under a sea of penalties and missed blocks before being benched late in the season. Green started all 16 games at right tackle but turns 33 before next season.

Therefore, the Raiders find themselves in need of finding at least one tackle. Several top-tier prospects figure to be available in the 2009 NFL draft.

4. Assembling a coaching staff: Wide receivers coach James Lofton is the only coach signed beyond Jan. 13. It is vital that Davis decides sooner rather than later whether Cable or someone else is the best fit at coach. Draft preparation starts now, and the coaching staff plays a key role in the process.

5. Improving the defense: The Raiders traded for cornerback DeAngelo Hall, re-signed defensive tackle Tommy Kelly, added strong safety Gibril Wilson and defensive end Kalimba Edwards in attempting to shore up their depth this past offseason.

In the end, it amounted to rearranging the furniture. In the 32-team NFL the Raiders ranked 27th in yards allowed, 24th in points allowed and 31st against the run.

Besides Asomugha, the Raiders lacked a game-altering player on defense. They need to find one or more in free agency or else expect similar results next season.


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
Rumor mill kicking into gear

By Jerry McDonald - NFL Writer
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 at 12:57 pm in Oakland Raiders.

About the only thing clear is regarding the Raiders coaching situation is that whoever it was going to be Al Davis’ mystery front office hire won’t have anything to do with the process.

On Sept. 30, Davis said he had someone with local ties in mind for a front office job he felt was necessary for the organization. It appears the organization’s first order of business, however, is naming a head coach, whether it be interim coach Tom Cable or an outside applicant.

So if you’re of a mind that Davis was planning on turning over some decision-making to a new member of the front office, that’s probably not the case. Either that or he’ll first hire a coach, then someone in the front office, when ideally it would be the other way around for the sake of everyone being on the same page.

Admittedly, that’s seldom a priority in Oakland.

The early rumor mill centers on names such as Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh, New York Giants offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride and Baltimore Ravens quartebacks coach Hue Jackson, although there is no hard evidence that any of these men have been contacted by the Raiders or vice versa.

I’ve got reservations about Gilbride and Harbaugh for different reasons. Jackson would be the most intriguing of that trio, although I think the way Tom Cable had the Raiders playing the last two games of the season, considering the mess he inherited, should make him the clear front-runner.

I’ll be on a Raiders chat at 3 p.m. at the address in the post below . . .


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
Raiders move to shoot down rumors

By Jerry McDonald - NFL Writer
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 at 5:26 pm in Oakland Raiders.

Whatever the Raiders are doing behind the scenes to hire their 2009 head coach, it so far doesn’t include the names which are making the rounds in the rumor mill.

Senior executive John Herrera told beat writer Steve Corkran that Al Davis wanted to move quickly, but not instantaneously, noting, “The season just ended.”

Herrera said reports and speculation linking the Raiders with Giants offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride, Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh, Raiders advance scout Paul Hackett, former offensive coordinator Marc Trestman and Ravens quarterback Hue Jackson were erroneous.

“None of the reports are true,” Herrera said. “Every one is false and unfounded. They’re just throwing pie against a wall.”

Pie, of course, being a less disgusting substance than what is usually thrown against a wall to see if it sticks.

Stanford athletic director Bob Bowlsby said in an e-mail Tuesday that “Jim has agreed to terms on a contract extension which will put him under contract for six more years. The Raiders have not contacted me, Jim or his agent.”


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
The problem with Harbaugh

By Jerry McDonald - NFL Writer
Wednesday, December 31st, 2008 at 4:52 pm in Oakland Raiders.

The Merc continues to beat the drums for Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh as a candidate to coach the Raiders.

Considering Harbaugh’s silence and the fact that his contract extension wasn’t finalized before the NFL coaching carousel started spinning, maybe they’re on to something.

Perhaps Harbaugh is Al Davis’ new Sarkiffin, the chosen one to resurrect the franchise. Two years ago, Davis targeted Steve Sarkisian to lead the Raiders, then adroitly did a media bait-and-switch to Lane Kiffin, saying that young “Lance” was the man he wanted all along.

At least in this case, Davis knows Harbaugh, having had him on staff in 2003 and 2004 under Bill Callahan and Norv Turner. (If you’re a Raiders assistant for more than a year, chances are you’ve worked for multiple head coaches).

And Harbaugh has a well-documented respect for Al.

So why wouldn’t this be a match made in heaven?

These would be my reservations:

– It would be pretty slimy of Harbaugh to bail on Stanford before he ever even got them to .500. He went 4-8, then 5-7, a .375 winning percentage over two years. Made a big deal of saying it was his dream job when working on the mysterious extension.

If he’s as good as he thinks he is, Harbaugh will have chances at other NFL jobs down the line, instead of leveling whatever progress he started at the school that hired him out of a small-school job at the University of San Diego.

– For an ex-NFL quarterback, Harbaugh didn’t do much for Stanford’s quarterbacks the past two years. He brought a tough-minded, physical approach and a team that knocked heads with mighty USC for a half before talent took over.

But if Stanford could pass the ball, they would have went to a bowl game. Basically, he did for Stanford what Kiffin did for the Raiders last year. Made them a more physical opponent, but didn’t win.

Kiffin was fascinated by Al at first, had a lot of things go his way in terms of hiring offensive staff and in terms of personnel.

When Kiffin didn’t win, all the rope Davis gave the young coach tightened. Harbaugh, a rising star with an ego to match, could expect the same thing if he didn’t have immediate success.

It’s a lot different dealing with Al when you’re having tough times then when you’re the young prodigy.

Tom Cable, on the other hand, has dealt with Davis on a week-to-week basis during tough times, has already handled the situation, and at the very end managed to put together the best back-to-back games the franchise has seen in six years.

And he did it in late December, motiving the Raiders and presenting a crisp, well-coached product during a time of year where they’re usually so deep in the tank they need gills to survive.

Other coaching news regarding Raiders coaches of past and present:

– The Newark Star-Ledger reports the Jets want to interview Rex Ryan and are expected to be granted permission once the Baltimore Ravens are eliminated from the playoffs. It’s conceivable if Rex were to get a head coaching job, he could want Rob Ryan as his defensive coordiantor.

One of the Jets in-house candidates is Callahan, fired by the Raiders in 2003.

– Kiffin hired Ed Orgeron away from the New Orleans Saints as his recruiting coordinator at Tennessee. Kiffin wanted Orgeron as his defensive line coach in Oakland, only to be rejected by Davis, with Keith Millard retaining the job


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
Raiders live chat here today at 3 p.m.

By Sports
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 at 12:25 pm in Oakland Raiders.

Here’s where you can participate in our weekly live chat with “Inside the Oakland Raiders” blogger Jerry McDonald today from 3 p.m.-4 p.m.

jerrymac: May as well get started before any more coaches get fired . . .
[Comment From GEE NICE]
What do you think AL Davis is going to do about the head coaching position.
jerrymac: As usual, he's got people guessing. My guess is ultimately he'll bring back Tom Cable once he surveys the landscape and gets a good feeling for other candidates.
[Comment From RaiderMike]
Your thoughts on Jim Harbaugh?
jerrymac: He got a terrible Stanford program back on its feet, but his job is not done there yet. He was only 5-7 this year. I'd prefer to see him get them into a bowl game before meriting such a jump. And I'd think a little less of him for bailing out on Stanford before he had the ship righted.
[Comment From David]
Any chance of Raiders hiring Eric Mangini as defensive coordinator if they choose to let Rob Ryan go?
jerrymac: Mangini was interviewed by Davis over the phone as a d-coordinator candidate five years ago when the job eventually went to Ryan. I'd guess Mangini is looking to be a head coach and Cleveland is reportedly interested in talking to him.
[Comment From David]
What are your thoughts of the firing of Mike Shanahan? Is Al Davis choking on his own laughter right now?
jerrymac: He has no reason to choke his lown laughter considering his own product the last six years. He'd have to beat Shanahan for the next 10 or so to even things up. Hopefully he's putting his thought into continuing the progress made the last two games of the season.
[Comment From christian dean]
who will be the raiders coach next season?will we bring back tom cable?do you think cable is the best man for the job?
jerrymac: Most rumors right now have to do with Harbaugh, Kevin Gilbride (Giants O.C.) and Hue Jackson (Ravens QB coach). Of that trio, I'd just as soon see Cable. He already knows the territory, has embraced dealing with Davis and despite having a horrible hand dealt his way in terms of unproductive free agents and the whole Kiffin-Davis fiasco, had the Raiders playing the last two weeks better than at any point in the last six years.
[Comment From david]
any shot that mike shanahan will coach the raiders now that hes fired
jerrymac: Only if Jon Gruden turns it down first.
[Comment From Josh in LG]
What are the odds of the Raiders drafting a WR in the first round?
jerrymac: At No. 7,. I'd say pretty good if Crabtree is available. I'm sure JaMarcus Russell would lobby for it.
[Comment From pFunk]
How did the CYO championship turn out? What do you think of Grove's comments in the Chron about Kiffin quitting on the team in week 1? And good riddance, Mike Shanahan! Although it might mean Raider Hater #1 Marty S is on his way to Denver...

made it to the title game, lost a close game to a good team . . . as for grove's comments, I think he's right, and a lot of players felt that way after they gave it all time to sink in. Kiffin essentially quit on them the moment he didn't get his way with Davis following last season _ even earlier if he was really considering the Arkansas job partway through year 1.
[Comment From raidermark]
Jerry – This, of course, is only a guess, but it connects the dots. The name of Al Davis’ mystery front office hire with Bay Area connections is a former coach who at age 74 does want to travel anymore on his NFL TV gig, has made a boat load of money various well known business ventures– so is not looking for a pay day, still loves the Silver and Black, frets privately over the stones thrown daily at Mr. Davis, and sincerely believes he is eternally indebted to Mr. Davis. His name is John Madden. What say you?
jerrymac: A bad idea. He's been a TV announcer for a quarter century or so.
[Comment From WashingtonRAider]
What’s more important at the moment... do they shore up the HC position? Or do they put in place the GM figure that Davis has alluded to? Seems to me this other football mind/GM type should be a big role player in implementing the new HC (cable or not) as they help put the team together and move forward on the same page...
jerrymac: Ideally, you put a GM or exec in place, then get a coach who is on the same page, as Parcells and Sparano have done in Miami. I don't see the Raiders operating that way. I think Davis will hire the coach, then bring in someone to help with personnel and other issues after the fact. The Raiders simply don't operate in a conventional fashion and there' s no reason to think they will now.
[Comment From WashingtonRAider]
With Drew Carter saying he wants to come back, Javon (most likely) staying because there’s no other option, the emergence of JLH and Chaz Schilens, plus Shields coming back hopefully healthy and having Mcfadden as an option, do we really need to go after another receiver? Why not let Russell get more in sync with what he’s already got? cuz it suddenly looks pretty good!
jerrymac: Drew Carter has had four knee surgeries. Even if he comes back at a minmum wage, how do you count on him. Even with JLH and Schilens emergence, this was the least productive group of WRS in franchise history. Of course you need help.
[Comment From WashingtonRAider]
Were Fargas and McFadden both that hurt so as not to be able to play hardly at all? Is it possible that this game was used as a means to be able to start shopping Bush? If not, what does his monster performance Sunday mean to next year’s depth charts?
jerrymac: McFadden was hurt during the week, listed as questionable, and bush said afterward he could tell at practice mcfadden wasn't close to 100 percent (reporters don't watch practice). If the year proved anything, it's that you need all three backs. Because they needed all of them over the course of the season.
[Comment From WashingtonRAider]
With Henderson suddenly looking above average, do we go after a tackle in the first round or try to sign an FA and maybe go after Mauluga to shore up the middle against the run?
jerrymac: Depends on the scheme and the tackle. But you don't let Henderson's improvement stop you from getting another one. You need two. Cornell Green is a reserve who has started for two years. Raiders seldom draft linebackers in first round, although in this case it would be worth a shot if it's a real beast.
jerrymac: His ball-security is an issue and needs to get better. Too early to tell if it's sort of a long-term thing like Daunte Culpepper or something he can fix with better fundamentals.
[Comment From WashingtonRAider]
Didn’t see whether or not he had any in this last game, but throughout the season all of the Jamarcus fumbles have been standing out big time to me. Is this a personal thing or did it have a lot to do with his being rushed too often and not having a decent O-line?
[Comment From Felipe]
Does the Shannahan firing make it harder for us to find a coach/GM?
jerrymac: Raiders are in their own universe. Not sure there are going to be a lot of candidates Al Davis and Pat Bowlen will be competing for.
[Comment From BlkHoleOccupaent]
Who do you think will be the next D coord?

I think there's a chance it's Martindale, unless he goes with Ryan.
[Comment From Felipe]
Any chance of us getting Boldin, or trading Fargas?
jerrymac: Boldin should be on the radar, although he's more of a short pass, catch-and-run type than a downfield receiver. Think of a bigger, powerful Wes Welker. Not sure what Fargas would bring on the open market, and what the Raiders will take. He takes a lot of heat from fans, but he's hugely respected in the locker room and by the coaching staff.
[Comment From Raider310]
realistically what are the chances we keep Asoumgha and Lechler?

They can absolutely keep one of them by using an exclusive franchise tag, or the regular tag and matching an offer. They could keep both by throwing a boatload of money at Lechler _ considerably more than he would make anywhere else _ and then franchising Asomugha.
[Comment From Steve]
Final thoughts on the season?

After six years of uninspired football, I was extremely impressed by the last two games. Best back-to-back games since the 2002 season, and nothing even comes close in my mind. They actually looked like a good team and it's been a long time since I felt comfortable even uttering those words.

(lost track) question was final thoughts on the season . . .
[Comment From E.Turner#29]
Jerry, Admittedly I don’t see every raider play, but can you please tell me why Fargas continues to be the feature back. I understand the team loves his attitude and running style, but in my opinion he is the third best back on the team. When Bush finally got his chance, he ran for 129 yards in the 4th qtr against a first class defence. Fargas struggles to run for a 1st down in the 4th qtr.
jerrymac: Did you see the holes Bush was running through in the fourth quarter? I know this is an unpopular opinion because the best thing to do would be to send bush directly to the Hall of Fame, but if Fargas were heatlhy, he'd have had big yards in the fourth quarter as well. That's the beauty of the ZBS when it works _ it takes over in the fourth quarter.
[Comment From DH]
What type of coach do the Raiders most need now, and which type will Al likely pursue? Undiscovered offensive genius, proven winner, maintainer-of-continuity, or guy that's willing to do Al's bidding because he's desperate for another head coaching gig? And is there any chance that Al's choice will match the need?
jerrymac: How about someone who actually wants the job, who has actually produced something with the players already on hand, and who already has experience dealing with Al Davis . . . he's already in the building.
[Comment From christian dean]
do you think the raiders will bring in a new d coordintor?
jerrymac: I think after five years, and the contract expiring, that Rob Ryan may be allowed to walk. If his brother gets a head coaching gig, I wouldn't be surprised to see Rob join him.
[Comment From Guest]
Jerry - any thoughts on likelihood of keeping Nnamdi if Cable is HC vs some other HC?
jerrymac: Saw Nnamdi on the sidelines following the game standing right next to Cable and thrusting his arms in to the air. I'd venture to guess it was the first itme he actually felt some pride in being a Raider. Maybe he's seen too much to be swayed, but if Cable were to stay and the Raiders came through with that huge offer, who knows? Maybe they'd have a chance to lock up up longterm.
[Comment From David]
Do you think AL will listen at all to the players. They seem to be supporting Cable.
jerrymac: He might talk and listen to a few, but not the masses. There was a line of players heading up to his office imploring him to hire Joe Bugel. He listened.
[Comment From Chappy]
Were the past two weeks a true indicator of where this team is going or should be scale back our expectations? I know we can't go 16-0 but 8-8 would be a huge improvement

Fact is, the AFC West is pretty much a wasteland. So 8 wins is a contending team. There seems to be a lot of people who want to reject the last two games as meaningless, end-of-the-line performances, but I'm not one of them. You can't destroy them each and every year for the way they fall apart at the end of the year, and then, when they finally do something worthwhile, destroy them again.
[Comment From RaiderMike]
how do Russell and Cable get along
jerrymac: By all indications, very well.
[Comment From Philip]
What are your thoughts on our offensive lineman?

Surprising year for Grove, given his injury status. Very good year for Gallery. Carlisle wasn't as good as last year. Harris and Green were weak spots and a problem. Mario did enough to go into next season as the starting LT. Three good games.
[Comment From j]
how would you rate Macfadden's season?
jerrymac: Essentially ruined by injury. Not anything close to what they hoped for or frankly, what I thought we'd see following training camp.
[Comment From KoolKell]
Al Davis Hires All the Players Al Davis Hires All the Coaches Player turnover, Coaching turnover, same result. Why, if not Al Davis? Al Davis Hires All the Players Al Davis Hires All the Coaches Player turnover, Coaching turnover, same result. Why, if not Al Davis? Jerry, last week you downplayed the notion that there was a Revolution going on in the Nation, that most fans support Al Davis. I think you are wrong Most people have come to realize, Al hires all the players, hires all the coaches, player turnover, coaching turnover, same results. That's common knowledge in my Oakland barbershop.
jerrymac: If there's a revolution, it will show up in ticket sales. If I start seeing the amount of fans every week that I saw against Houston, then I believe it. If there are sellouts or near sellouts, I'm not buying it.
[Comment From Lifetime Fan]
Hello--is the rational behind hiring Gilbride something like he could insert an Earth Wind Fire of sorts running game in Oakland? Because it was ridiculous how we could not utilize all three of our RBs in the same game. That is the only reason I would want Gilbride (in NY--Jacobs, Ward, Bradshaw--all used quite well). Is that Davis' rational for his interest in him (because other than that Gilbride looks like a below average Norv Turner).

the reason Gilbride was able to utilize three running backs is that he had a terrific defense that kept giving him the ball. The Raiders were 31st in rushing defense. They didn't get it back nearly as often, and found themselves behind far more than the Giants. Lot easier to be persistent with a good defense. Check out Sunday with a fourth-quarter lead _ eight straight runs to burn 5:46 off the clock.
[Comment From lamarr]
whats your opinion on tommy kelly?
jerrymac: A pretty average player and nowhere near a premiere player at his position, at least not this year. Questionable investment.
[Comment From Justin]
Although I hate to say it, I think the Raiders best course of action would be to trade Asomugha for a first round pick and a good receiver such as Boldin, T.J Houshmanzada, or the guy from the Texans. Your thoughts?
jerrymac: Interesting thought . . . the Raiders played without Nnamdi against Tampa Bay, and the world didn't fall off its axis. They actually played well and won, and still kept Antonio Bryant in check.
[Comment From Raiders4]
Assuming Cable is officially promoted (Never assume anything with the raiders) will Lofton be promoted to OC? I am also assuming Knapp will be gone.
jerrymac: Cable wasn't ready to talk about whehter he would remain the play-caller. Crazy for him to address it when he doesn't have the job. I'd assume he would try to hire someone he trusts, rather than have someone hired outside his influence be the OC.
[Comment From Emmanuel]
What about Plaxico Burress, do you think they'll go after him if the Giants release him?

Sure. He can have his locker next to Javon Walker.
[Comment From DT42]
i'm a firm believer that when the assistant oline coach bolted for Tennessee, it brought the offense and the oline in particular together. your right about Fargus and the holes were huge in the last game. did you see a change in attitude after the kiffin poaching of the raider staff?
jerrymac: To be honest, no. Cable made a big deal of the Gregg defection, but in truth, the linemen I talked to liked the guy and felt bad he was put in a bad position. He's married, has a young daughter, and it's a fair guess that Kiffin told him ``Now or never.'' He had a family to look out for, and took the sure thing. Can't say I would have done any differently.
[Comment From R8ER JUAN]
jerrymac: how about bringing Ryans' dad as D-Coordinator?
jerrymac: Have seen him at a couple of games and it's fair to say he's not up to the rigors of traveling with an NFL team and working 20 hour days.
[Comment From Skloomsh]
Lowell Cohn wrote that he, Kawakami and Monte Poole aren't notified when the Raiders address the press because they 'tell the truth' about the team. That would imply that those who are notified, don't tell the truth. Do you have any thoughts on that?
jerrymac: There are guys occasionally kicked off e-mail lists for writing things the Raiders don't like. It's petty on the Raiders part, but it's also true anyone with half a brain contacts the beat writer and then finds out when the press conference is. You don't sit back and wait for the Raiders to tell you, or you deserve what you get.
[Comment From SPC Parker]
How difficult will it be for a new coach (other then Cable) to carry over the momentum that Cable has gained from these last 2 games into next season?
jerrymac: Impossible to say without knowing if there will be a wholesale system change offensively, or if the coach comes in with Cable intact and is working with one already in place.
[Comment From Toney]
Do you think Cable will play Bush more next year if he is coach?
jerrymac: Depends on the situation, health of the backs, etc. Bush was fabulous in the last game. He did himself no favors with his head-hanging and pouting regarding playing fullback. It was something they needed him to do in a pinch this year because O'Neal and Griffith were gone.
[Comment From Nnamdi21]
Whats our DT situation heading into 09'? Will Warren re work, get paid or bail? Not sure if other teams will pay him the kind of money he might exepect. More of a one gap rusher huh?
jerrymac: Kelly stays because of his contract. Warren and Sands will be evaluated closely. As a trio, they weren't nearly good enough.
[Comment From E.Turner#29]
Jerry - Why would you want Cable as head coach? Granted the last two games were better then most in the last 6 years, but please remember it was only two wins. Remember the terrible product he produced for the 10 or so previous games. Remember the "Communication issues" with the players. Everyone was calling for cables head 2 weeks ago. I don't believe he is the answer - but then again im not sure who is!
jerrymac: Only two games? Name two other games back-to-back the Raiders have played in the last six years that are comparable. There aren't any. I'm pretty much a skeptic, conditionied from seeing such shoddy football played for so long. Those last two games, it was as if they finally figured something out. Most important, Russell blossomed in the last two games. Cable did something Bill Callahan (in 2003), Norv Turner, Art Shell or Lane Kiffin never came close to doing in terms of what was on the field the last two weeks of the season
[Comment From Chris]
I haven't heard a single thing about Javon Walker recently? What is going on with him? How is he coming along? Has he been involved at all?
jerrymac: Have heard he's been in the building. Never saw him one time after the surgery.
[Comment From r8er22]
i think knapp is gone who do you think will be our o-coordinator? Martz?

As I've said before, Martz is positively brutal on quarterbacks. He's critical and insulting, belittles them for their errors . . . is that the guy you want coaching Russell?
[Comment From yayarea_raider]
Jerry, what are the chances Rob Ryan WANTS to come back, assuming AL does?
jerrymac: Ryan has had unwavering loyalty to Davis. My guess _ and it's only a guess _ is he'd like to be a DC elsewhere. But if nothing materializes . . .
[Comment From Bryan]
Would it make sense that Parcells is the mystery GM candidate considering the fact Al mentioned it in week 3 but no one has been hired? Do you think it's possible they were waiting for the season to wrap up?
jerrymac: The mystery guy was supposedly local. Parcells has no local ties. And Parcells commands HUGE money. Way more than Davis has ever paid for a front office person.
[Comment From yayarea_raider]
What would be a cap hit of releasing Javon Walker & is it true he agreed on a reduced contract during pre-season? Do the Raiders still believe in him???
jerrymac: Don't have the figure at hand, but it was substantial. Believe it was 14 million or so . . . his salary was onmly 1 mil last year so reducing his salary wouldn't have done much. Doubt he's amenable to agreeing to forfeit scheduled bonuses. But he wanted to retire once, so who knows?
[Comment From JJ99]
Jerry - I'm on the east coast and havent followed Harbaugh's Stanford teams. There has been some noise about him as a candidate for the HC job. I recall as a player he seemed to make good decisions. How have his Stanford teams looked?
jerrymac: Much tougher, and more hardnosed than under the predecessor, Buddy Teevens. Ran the ball extremely well. Although a quarterback guy, Stanford has a shaky passing game both years. It's what kept them from being a bowl team.
[Comment From Nnamdi21]
Davis and Ryan's defense worked well with the offense keeping them off the field in the last two games. Do you think the scheme of a pass rushing coverage defense is viable and can we ride it to the play offs?
jerrymac: Bottom line is they've got to be better against the run overall. Improvement in the last two games was nice. Still, on balance, woefully inadequate. In five year's Ryans defenses have given up 101 rushing touchdowns. That's the most in the NFL and an indication they get pushed around a lot.
jerrymac: ASsumey ou mean Jim Harbaugh, not his brother John, coach of the Ravens. Pretty clear that under the current setup, with no strong G.M. involved, with just Al picking a coach, that I'd go with Cable.
[Comment From yayarea_raider]
If you had your pick out of Cable, Hackett, Gilbride & John Harbaugh, who would YOU pick Jerry?
[Comment From R8ER JUAN]
jerrymac: can you please answer Skloomsh with this: Lowell Cohn, Kawakami and Monte Poole are Raiders' haters?
jerrymac: Sure. Everyone's a hater. Write that the Raiders are terrible (which they have been for six years) and you're a hater. Write that Kiffin wants out, and you're a hater. (Hey _ he did want out). The whole hater thing is ridiculous. If the Raiders were winning conference championships, they'd be writing positive columns and then the ``anti-haters'' would rip them for jumping on the bandwagon. They're merely chronicling a poor team in an unprecedented stretch of bad football.
[Comment From yayarea_raider]
Will Drew Carter get another shot and what is your view on Arman Shields because some fans tell me he's the real deal?
jerrymac: Carter, if he were to get another shot, is a risk. Two major surgeries on each knee at a young age. No way to tell on Shields. Barely got to see him at training camp.
[Comment From kotrabela]
why do you think cable didn't use mcfadden much during his tenure, and does that make you uneasy about him as a decision-maker?
jerrymac: McFadden's season was ruined by injuries _ and that's a concern. Sometimes either backs are durable or they're not. McFadden's history at Arkansas was that he was reliable, so that's what the Raiders have to hope for.
[Comment From KeepDaCableGuy]
Do you think Mike Vick would be a good signing for the Raiders?
jerrymac: If he were to come aboard as sort of a hybrid player to shake things up, sure. But not as a quarterback. Russell is the quarterback. And someone will probably sign Vick to be a quarterback.
[Comment From 408RAIDER]
why weren't you at the tampa game? Will you keep us informed on all the off season rumors? your loyal fans need their fix.....

Travel budget was one reason, but since it was a cross country flight on the return, someone had to be at the facility Monday morning. And that was me.
[Comment From KeepDaCableGuy]
Do you think Darrell Strong is good enough to have regular tplaying time?
jerrymac: Hard to say, not seeing him practice. But I know they're looking for a semi-regular player to play with Zach Miller to free him up even more in the passing game.
[Comment From JJ99]
Assuming you are right that Al will stay with Cable... What would a Paul Hackett OC team look like?
jerrymac: If CAble stays, it will look a lot like what you saw the last two games regardless of who the OC is. Even if he doesn't call the plays, he wants a strong running game, and for Russell to lend balnace with medium and medium-to-deep strikes
[Comment From Tenebrous]
What is the chance that Hue Jackson is hired as an OC?

Not sure what his contract status is. He can't go from assistant to assistant without permission from the Ravens. It would have to be a head coaching opportunity.
[Comment From 'da rich' r8r!]
Was Big Al bsing when he said he would hire help [GM] earlier in the yr. Or do you believe it would happen?
jerrymac: I think he's been talking to someone, yes. He has no reason to lie. But what I don't know is what the role of that person will be, if it will be heavily involved in day-to-day football operations, or be more of a ``problem solver'' who deals with a lot of stuff like Bruce Allen did.
[Comment From Sean]
Jerry, what's your take on the late-season development of the younger players on the roster (Higgins, Schillens, Henderson, etc.) Was it coaching or just finally giving younger players an opportunity. The player development seems to have been lacking in previous coaching regimes.
jerrymac: Could be a little of both actually. With Schilens, it had to do with healthy. He struggled with his health for awhile and needs to get bigger. With JLH and Henderson, a lot of it was confidence. Higgins was put in positions where he could do things, the right plays were called with regard to his being a receiver. You can tell Cable thinks he really needs to stay on top of Mario. HIs practice performances have been so inconsistent he had a hard time cracking the lineup. They simply didn't trust him.
jerrymac: Time to wrap it up . . . not sure what the chat schedule will be in the offseason but I'll let you know one way or the other . . .

FYI: Raiders are denying there has been any contact with any of the rumored candidates, Harbaugh, Gilbride, Jackson, etc. . . .

rumor season in full swing . . .


Just Win Baby!!!
Feb 23, 2006
3rd ID
I think we should keep cable, but get a new OC and DC. our D has way too much talent to be playing like they have been. 31st against the run, you can't win games like that.


Sicc OG
Oct 18, 2008
Yeah for sure we need new oc and DC
Cables proven he could coach but who knows what Davis will do
Aug 9, 2006
I think we should keep cable, but get a new OC and DC. our D has way too much talent to be playing like they have been. 31st against the run, you can't win games like that.
too much talent?

they need major D line help if they ever wanna stop the coach/scheme or anything else for that matter will make up for the lack of talent up front that the raiders have.....

the lb crew is solid.....Aso is a star..D.B. can be a solid pass rusher if healthy...other then that i dont see "too much talent"


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
too much talent?

they need major D line help if they ever wanna stop the coach/scheme or anything else for that matter will make up for the lack of talent up front that the raiders have.....

the lb crew is solid.....Aso is a star..D.B. can be a solid pass rusher if healthy...other then that i dont see "too much talent"
I agree... also Chris Johnson has proven to be a pretty good DB for us

but you're right... we need help on the line for sure


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
O line and d line need to be the areas of focus in the draft... I hope we dont go after crabtree... we got young up and coming receivers... we don't need another young up and coming receiver

IF we do decide to pick one up... it should be done through FA... perhaps TJ Hoosyamama...


Sicc OG
Oct 18, 2008
O line and d line need to be the areas of focus in the draft... I hope we dont go after crabtree... we got young up and coming receivers... we don't need another young up and coming receiver

IF we do decide to pick one up... it should be done through FA... perhaps TJ Hoosyamama...

Yup but we don't have a 2nd round pick we should try to trade for a higher pick then 3rd round
And I think Seattles gonna pick crabtree so we should be good......I hope