yes that is a real toy, my son has it in his room...the helmet does move but doesnt fit on properly. Its the new series mcfarlene toy. The face is way off, looks more like Gates if you ask me.....shit is kind of funny even though the toy was put out a long time ago.
Whats funnier is raider fans bringing this shit up and hating, especially when Lt could actually sit out 14 games a year and still have a career season in the two games he plays against the raiders.
As for those that are trying to justify hatred by bringing up the fact Rivers played, get real. You are talking about a quarterback throwing with a bad leg versus a running back...totally different. I never have considered LT a big powerful type back, nor do i consider him a scat back. He makes his living on CUTS If he cant do that then i dont want him playing. We always talk about Micheal Turner being a starting Rb in this league so why not utilize him. The fact that LT didnt play sure hurt us, but what are you gonna do.....
Antonio Gates played and was a non issue. The pats knew this, they didnt even double team him. Shit, Bruschi was keeping up with him with no problem. Same scenerio wouldve happened had LT played