The most fucked up McDonald's I've ever seen

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May 27, 2009
I would kill myself if i was working at a mcdonalds if carnival was popping off outside.

On another note I wanna go to Cologne for the Summerjam festival on Fühlinger lake for my first trip to Europe. How's the city in general Neshani?
The city itself is fun as fuck. This was my second time going out there, and both times were nuts. There's a shitload of bars and clubs for the night time, and some cool shit to check out during the day time. So far I think Cologne is my favorite city in Germany. I just wish I lived a little closer to it.
May 27, 2009
is shit like this banned in Germany?

Nah, I think they play shit like that on TV. They do Holocaust docs on TV and shit like that. Swastikas are banned, but I think that's just for new shit (like games and maybe movies). For historical footage I don't think they edit it out. I can't say for certain since I don't have a TV.
Oct 16, 2002
looks like that McDonalds should be in China or India...fuckin filthy...
the fuck you mean china or india...i was in india in nov. and the mcdonalds out there i went to was cleaner than the ones in america...believe that...not only was it more cleaner it was much bigger and better look'n over all...i mean everything around it might not be as clean as out here but i remm. trip'n out at how clean and big the mcdonalds was with hella shit for the kids, water fountain...clean ass bathrooms etc...

i took some pics ill post 'em if i find 'em...
May 27, 2009
LOL so its true..

I always wanted to know what is the German guy saying in German to Brian the dog? Can you translate
My German is so bad. I know a few words but I can't tell what he's saying. If he was ordering a beer, saying "no onions", or asking where the bathroom is I'd be able to hook it up though.
May 27, 2009
i would never eat at a mc donalds that filthy,i was at the mc donalds on power inn road in south sac and i seen a roach crawlin on the ground and this happened more than once at the same place.
I don't fuck with Mcdonald's when I'm sober, but at 5AM, drunk as fuck, it seemed like a good idea. We only stayed long enough to get some pictures.
May 27, 2009
On Saturday we went out again. One of my friends is from Brazil so we stopped at a Brazilian restaurant for some Brazilian drinks. The place wasn't a bar, just a restaurant with families eating, little kids running around and some dude walking around with a big-ass chunk of meat that he'd carve up and put on your plate. Suddenly these 2 chicks in G-Strings came out and started this shit up.