The Centuries: Prophecies of Nostradamus

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Jun 17, 2004
The methods adopted by those who interest themselves in knowledge of the latter (prophecies of the future) are many and various. They range from consulting the ancient Chinese oracle book the "I Ching" (Book of Changes) to attempting an altered state of consciousness through advanced meditation in which the spirit is liberated from the body and is free to roam thoughout space and time. It is known Nostradamus studied the doctrines of the great philosopher Pluto, which insist that through this altered consciousness the astral body can disconnect and roam in a dream-like reality. Pluto suggests that if one can control this astral body they can explore space and time.

The Seer of Salon (Nostradamus) is thought to have practised these ancient techniques in the middle of the 16th century: and was the author of the predictive four-line verses (quatrains) composed 500 years ago.

Nostradamus was born in the Provencal city of St Remy on 14 December 1503 to a family of Jewish origin. Being a smart child he mastered the rudiments of Greek, Latin and mathematics before even reaching puberty. He was sent to Montpellier to study medicine and became a wandering physician. He also occupied himself with ancient studies and techniques of knowledge of the latter.

In 1555 Nostradamus published his first edition of the "Centuries". It attracted widespread attention when four years later in the summer of 1559 his prediction of the accidental death of King Henri II of France happened.

In 1566 Nostradamus died of kidney failure due to a diseased heart.

In various quatrains in the "Centuries" Michael Nostradamus predicts some of the most cataclysmic events in history.

Execution of Charles I,
Execution of Mary Queen of Scots by her cousin Queen Elizabeth I of England,
Great Fire of London,
Advances in technology such as; the use of airplanes in war, automobiles, space exploration and many others.
the rise and fall of Napoleon,
the shockingly detailed prediction of the atrocities of The Third Reich and World War II,
and many more

Despite rumors Century VI Quatrain 97 does not seem to even vaguely predict the fall of the WTC towers. He does however in Century VIII Quatrain 70 predict terror and war throughout the 90s in mesopotamia (modern day Iraq and Baghdad) as a result of a reigning tyrant (perhaps he is refering to Saddam or maybe even Bush?).

Jun 17, 2004
Heres some quatrains i picked out of a book on Nostradamus when flippin through it......

Century IX Quatrain 90 clearly predicts World War II Admiral Horthy accepting 'help' offered by Hitler to support Hungary....

A captain of Greater Germany(Hitler perhaps),

Will deliver counterfeit help(help offered to Admiral Horthy),

A King of Kings to support Hungary(Hitler's help to Hungary),

Yet his war will cause great bloodshed,

Similar predictions pretained to the 1933-1939 period tells of preparations to invade France....

The bird of prey flying to the left ('to the left' could be looked at as an expression geographically from Germany to France or perhaps politically),

Makes preparations before combating France (obviously pre-war preparations),

Some will regard him as good, some as evil, some as ambiguous (reflects mixed attitudes of Hitler),

The weaker part will regard him as a good augury (the weaker part could be pretaining to the lower class, which in Germany regarded him as good),

In Century I Quatrain 64 Nostradamus could be trying to describe the use of combat aircraft in warfare......

At night they will think they have seen the sun (ever see ground to air missiles fired at fighter jets at night? it lights up the whole sky),

When they see the pig-like, half-man, (scince Nostradamus would have been seeing this without knowing what it is, a fighter pilot in a jet could be easily mistaken as 'pig-like' because of his oxigen mask and 'half-man' because you can only see their upper half),

Noise, shouts, battles seen in the heavens (noise from aircraft, shouts within planes over radio, battles in the air),

Brute beasts can be heard speaking (to someone who has never heard communication over a radio a human's voice could sound quite inhuman) ,
click ^ see how they can be seen as pig-like half-men because of his oxigen mask and u cant see his bottom half of his body?^^^^^^^^^^
Jun 17, 2004
#4 continued...........

A detailed fulfilled prophecy.... Century IX, Quatrain 16 which reads....

From Castel (i.e. Castille, Spain)
Franco will bring about the Assembly
The Ambassadors will not agree and cause splitting,
The people of Ribiere will be in the crowd
And the great man will be denied entry to the Gulf

This quatrain obviously pretains to the diplomatic differences which arouse in 1940 between Adolf Hitler and Spanish dictator, General Franco. General Franco denied 'the great man' Hitler, entry into the Gulf (control of the Straits of Gibraltar). This caused relations between Spain and Nazi Germany to split thus, The Ambassadors will not agree and cause splitting. The people of Ribieri would be the fascists in Spain at the time, the murdered founder of Spanish fascism, Jose Primo de Rivera's followers were certainly 'amongst the crowd' at the time when the negotiations were held between Hitler and Franco.
Jun 17, 2004
tadou said:
Context to this all would be nice......i'm definitely interested.

Is there some sort of book or collection this all comes from?
This all came from a book i got, "Nostradamus: Prophecies Fulfilled and Predictions for the Millennium & Beyond" by Francis X. King
May 12, 2002
nefar559 said:
anybody watched the episode of "bullshit!" on this topic?
yeah, that show is fucking great. They definately called him out on his bullshit and shed some light on his "prophecies".

Basically, this guy made hundreds if not thousands (I forgot the number) of predictions, very few of which can actually be considered true. Those that believe the prophecies just stretch his words as far as they can go to sound true.
Sep 9, 2003
tadou said:

this is gonna be the first and probley last time ill ever agree with Tadou.

i seen a ton of shows on this Nostradamus cat. ( including Bull shit nefar559) and i agree with what all of them said. his so called predictions can be made to fit in almost any major world event.

plus i was shocked to find out that most of the predictions that his belivers say to have came true is almost ALWAYS edited down from his orignal predictions to make it fit. ( as reported on pin and tellers bull shit)

all in all i think he was just a smart cat that was able to wright broad predictions in a way they didnt look so broad. and his belivers have taken it from their.

i wish i had some of the examples these shows had gave so i could post them up. but i dont have them and i dont feel like goin on a 30 min google search quest to track them all down.

but im not all that knowledgable about him as some of yall may be. i just know what i seen on the discovery channel and bull shit and a few others.
Jun 17, 2004
The reason why he posted streeeeeeeeeeeeetch is cuz i had a picture on my 1st post that made the page stetched.

anyways, the conterfiet predictions are usually found a websites and are of course not usable, Nostradamus's writings were written in French, most students of Nostradamus that seriously study his writings either already know the language or they learn it as some meanings could be lost through translation.
People have been amazed by his writings ever scince 4 years after the first publication of Century I in 1559 when his prophecy of King Henri II's accidental death happened. And there have been people who continue to try to disprove it. believe what u want but i suggest if you plan on talking about the credibility of the man's writings you atleast gather some knowledge other than from a TV show (dont trust websites either, anyone can make a website).

If you read my posts you would have read about how some of his quatrains are so vague that they can not even be considered, but it is the detailed prophecies which are hard to discard as non-sense. If you plan on making any statement about the man i suggest you buy a book which contains the writings in the Centuries, and then buy a book with interpretations on the Centuries (the average modern person would not be able to interpret the writings of a French man 500 years ago, people who study his writings do alot of research on references that were used in his time and such, because just like most people can't understand shakespeare, most people can't understand Nostradamus which is even older).
Jun 17, 2004
bangvan408 said:
yeah, that show is fucking great. They definately called him out on his bullshit and shed some light on his "prophecies".

Basically, this guy made hundreds if not thousands (I forgot the number) of predictions, very few of which can actually be considered true. Those that believe the prophecies just stretch his words as far as they can go to sound true.
read my above post^
also those who stretch his words are also the ones who have no credibility, like the people who insisted that Nostradamus prophesized the fall of the twin towers in Century VI Quatrain 97, this quatrain does not even seem to vaguely predict the fall of the twin towers, infact this quatrain contains a different date. The people who made these bullshit prophecies up have done nothing but made true hard working Nostradamian students look bad.

The fact that there are hundreds of unusable vague or non-understandable quatrains can not be reason to overlook the detailed ones (some of which are hard to prove havent been fulfilled).
Jun 24, 2004
I saw this crappy dubbed japan movie about Nostradamus last prediction, tell me if im wrong but basicly the world is in a food crisis, millions of people already dead, and some guy in the middle east comes into power and starts a nuclear war with america and we are returned to a caveman like era? Thats what i gathered from the movie. Total bullshit or what?
Apr 25, 2002
^^ Sounds about right. Those GM foods have got to catch up with us somewhere down the line.

And yes, after having watched a History Channel special on Nostradamus, I feel almost like a convert. No person's body of writing is completely shock and awe, so for every single prophesy to not fit an exact template 100% of the time is OK.

But some of the shit about...An evil leader from from Germany, a great orator, burning tongues, bodies and bones along his path of carnage.....come on now. That is more than just a "broad prediction".
Jun 17, 2004
DaytonFamily said:
I saw this crappy dubbed japan movie about Nostradamus last prediction, tell me if im wrong but basicly the world is in a food crisis, millions of people already dead, and some guy in the middle east comes into power and starts a nuclear war with america and we are returned to a caveman like era? Thats what i gathered from the movie. Total bullshit or what?
Nostradamus predicts worldwide famine, starvation, and an eastern tempest that becomes a world power some time after the year 3000. (i could pull out a book if you want to see the exact quatrains).
Dec 25, 2003
Many people say yes.

Nostradamus' predictions have always been so general, I always saw them as bullshit.

"A house will rise from the land of power to destroy all others"

"In the year of chaos, one will come to end the war"


You could predict whateverthefuckyouwanted off that shit, or interpret it any way you want.
Jun 17, 2004
you people obviously have not read my posts in this thread^^^^^^^, read them before you post, and no he didnt predict 9/11. and yes theres lots of vague quatrains, but there are still some detailed ones.