T-Racks Mastering Software

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Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
I have this software but I wasn't feelin' it. If you're going to get your shit mastered.....just pay the money and get it done PROFESSIONALLY. It makes a world of difference......

I get my shit mastered here....... www.master-works.com and it costs about $70 an hour. It ends up costing about $700-800 per album....but it's WELL worth it.

We got 151's (from West Coast Mafia Records) new album "Code of the Streets" mastered there too......
Jun 11, 2002
Mr. D-Sane said:
lol.....good point.

Well.....if it's like that.....I think I do a better job of "ghetto mastering" in Sound Forge with the plug-ins I got. :confused:
D-Sane said it perfectly..."ghetto mastering"...if you can't afford a pro then use what you're most comfortable with.
But from my experience I think if you have the cash spend it.

Skylar Johnson

I use T-Racks...I've used the presets before to get me started but it seems like they always end up so far from where they started. Everything gets tweeked and I could spend days on one track let alone an album.
Apr 26, 2002
Can anyone hook me up with a copy of This program?
I'm runnin' My setup on a MAC, so I would need the Mac installer.
The Installer CD is a Hybrid CD, So I know it has it.

I have my homie that's doin' an album, and he doesn't have the funds to get it professionally mastered
Jun 2, 2002
BIG J said:

I have my homie that's doin' an album, and he doesn't have the funds to get it professionally mastered
T-Racks can provide at its tops probably a demo-master, I don't think you can master with it unless you got allot of hardware and equipment alone...

I can hook you up with the windows version and you can just import the vocal tracks on cd-r over to another computer and mix them on there, etc. But I ain't got the Mac version, sorry

Dec 27, 2002
this is good

i just got T-Racks and the shit is hot, tube warmth, general master 1 and 2. i mean this shit gots some good stuff on it. On top of that it has help me put the rawest instrumentals together for a Demo. Who want's to fuck with me?
Apr 25, 2002
T-Racks is a pretty popular software package. It's used in a lot of recording studios. It's not the best mastering solution there is but it has it's place. I've used it and although it didn't blow me away, it's generally 'good'.
Aug 12, 2002
This is a little something I found on another board. Not mine, but nice none the less...

Ok folks... I am no mastering guru, however I learned a lot by reading various tutorials, most of which are online and good ol' trial and error...
for mastering, as much as someone wants to sell you one hardware, for the novice and for someone looking for an indie release, you can master it all on your computer. Most full fledge studios now do most of there stuff on the computer but die hard gear heads will swear by the hardware. Its all whose behind the machine. If you are doing a major label album, just get a good mastering engineer to do it. Here is some tips that I learned and the plugins that I use..
T-racks is a good all in one solution but if you are willing to piece meal the various plugins together, you can get a little more versatility
Start with Waves. Period. There is no substitute. The full Waves library will give you more than enough juice. You will need a strong Cpu though as they eat up processing power.
DB audio mastering suite 1.05. The delay is dope and is free. The other stuff is not however. The multiband compressor is dope and I actually use that along with the waves in the same mastering chain
BBE sonic maximizer is a good harmonic exciter. It can give you some extra thump and the polished hi end sound without killing the mix. Use it sparingly. Too much will ruin it.
Timeworks compressor: Very good compressor, but I found myself liking the renaisance comp from Waves a little better.
** now I make sure that I use some of the final mastering plugins when mixing each song in the pre-master chain for the individual mix so they all start on the same page. I usually start with the Rbass from Waves to give it that thump. EQ off the low end rumble. Use the Waves LMB multi band compressor and heavily compress the low end with a low attack and slightly longer release (say 15/30) and a medium threshold (about 1/3 from the top). I start with the preset highdesser/low comp or whatever that one is and tweak from there.
after I have pre-mastered all tracks when doing the final mix, I load them into my mastering program (in this case Vegas). my mastering chain looks like this:
Waves low end Eq (preset low end rolloff to get rid of the noisy low end)
Waves hi end EQ ( to tweak the midrange and high end very slightly..usually to remove some harshness on the vox throughout or to lift the vocal frequencies)
Waves multi band comp LMB (use similar preset as the premastering)
DB multiband comp to really quish the low end and raise the gain a tad if necessary
BBE sonic maximizer (use the contour to tweak the low end thump and the other settings to regulate the hi end)..you may need to reduce the output to stop clipping...dont worry we will fix it later
timeworks comp to softly comp the final mix and give it a slight pumping sensation do not exceed 2:1 ratio... i use about 1.5:1 with a medium threshold setting
Waves L2 limiter... start with the preset 24 bit CD master ... i usually move the threshold from -5 to -3...
adjust the volume level to tweak output to avoid clipping if need be...
you will have to play around with the settings to make sure you get the feel you are looking for...
if you are mastering for vinyl...you will need to decrease the BBE setting for CD by 1/3 and tweak to your liking..
