streetlevels new track choppers

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oh yes! I am in the process of droppin some new trunkslumps for your rides. not just gangsta shit, not just playa shit, not just club shit but all of the above.I'm a versitile minded full fledge artist. From verses to hooks, to pens metting books guarenteed to captivate minds with every verse I push.I speak the real nothing ficticous. But also be on the look out for young viscous a young track chopper bringing a new sound to the northwest region with toung twister spitables. Dont be surprized to see CRYTICAL and YOUNGVISCIOUS collaborating in the near future with some heated material thanks to the mastermind behind it all MR-DSANE so be ready for nothin but heat CRYTICAL.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I'm knowin about YV, thas my homey....and Crytical, I've heard a song or two that you did wit MD over at D's.....I still wanna hear the song you did over the beat with the car starting....cause that's my, it was made for my lowrider video :D thanks to d-sane.....stay up! peace
Apr 25, 2002
Welcome to the board Crytical! Thanx for the luv folks
Yall be on the lookout for this man....droppin nothin but heat! And start biting ure nails in anticipation for a Crytical and Young Vicious collab....cuz itll be crackin soon enough
Apr 25, 2002
crytical said:
Dont be surprized to see CRYTICAL and YOUNGVISCIOUS collaborating in the near future with some heated material thanks to the mastermind behind it all MR-DSANE so be ready for nothin but heat CRYTICAL.
START A GROUP DAMN gettin sick of that everybody-workin-on-their-own-solo-LP bullshit...writin 1 1/2 or even just 1 verse on a song is MUCH EASIER than 2-3+ for EVERY SINGLE TRACK...

Tell me this aint a good idea...?
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: streetlevels new track choppers

tadou said:
START A GROUP DAMN gettin sick of that everybody-workin-on-their-own-solo-LP bullshit...writin 1 1/2 or even just 1 verse on a song is MUCH EASIER than 2-3+ for EVERY SINGLE TRACK...
I cant speak for other folks, but I sure aint lookin for "whats easiest"....I wanna challenge myself...prove to rap fans that THIS YOUNGSTA AINT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. And why u tryna tell folks how to do music? Concentrate on ure own shit, and come back woofin when u got somethin to back it up with.
tell em vicsious'' we aint lookin for the easy route homeboy cause aint nothin easy bout this rap game. Also for the record my album is not about to turn in to a compilation it's only family and my real niggas fuck havin a ganga features. About that group shit CUT THE CRAP!!!!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: Re: streetlevels new track choppers

YoungVicious said:

I cant speak for other folks, but I sure aint lookin for "whats easiest"....I wanna challenge myself...prove to rap fans that THIS YOUNGSTA AINT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. And why u tryna tell folks how to do music? Concentrate on ure own shit, and come back woofin when u got somethin to back it up with.
Im bout to put my dick on your forehead if you dont put some tracks up, young'n.

You talkin about me... what ABOUT me? I got webpages with freestyles, 3 mp3 sites, 2 soundclick mp3 sites...what you got, homie?

Back to the group idea....

Solo LP artists get burnt out...very fast. If they dont get the response they want from their LP's, they either have a hissy fit all over their next album, or they just quit altogether.

Whats so bad about a group album? People aint heard from SLR in a while....why release a bunch of solo projects? To the consumers its gonna seem like yall aint got any unity...besides "business" unity they're gonna see when you're featured on each others albums...for 1 song...or a 2 song trade...which aint nothin.

There's too many solo artists in the game right now, and people aint realizing myself, i have confidence in ALL My homies, ill drop a track with ANY of them...

i dont walk up in the studio with PLANS to record shit for my album...fuck that...i make tracks that my people could feel and bump and chill to without worrying about deadlines and shit like that

If you dont think the same way as on your LP, wait til the end of the year, pull somethin out of your ass to get known...its whatever. and good luck doin it!

...But groups are ALWAYS gonna get the most underground props from me!
Apr 25, 2002
If you are such an innovator how come ain't nobody heard of you
folkizm? You postin' like a big shot but websites & mp3 pages mean zilch. Where can someone BUY a fully mastered & packaged product of yours? That's what niggas here is doin'...fuck this net shit.

Apr 25, 2002
I just got my first taste of "studio" access (comp and mic) a couple months ago...I been in the studio 5 times...recorded 7 cuts...workin on about 3-4 more (to drop to beats)...and i can make so many more cuts with the rhymes in my notebooks, its rediculous...

I just wish i knew 2 other me's...or 2 other HALF me's...we'd be droppin an album every 3 months, straight up...As it is, 5 nights, about...maybe... 20 hours total...and most of that is just sittin around BS'ing...if it was a strictly business environment, it'd be more like 15-20 cuts done.

My first 3 months in the studio, and an EP's on the way END OF THIS MONTH...THAT AINT TALK, THATS aint even gonna be on professional cd's, its gonna be CD-r's...but "its whatever...whenever...however its done" to me

If i owned a studio...the LAST thiing i'd be doin is be up on this siccness shit, typin out stuff, talkin shit...i'd be fuckin around with a triton while everybody else was droppin verses, then when it was my turn, i'd drop my verses, then go right back to that triton...i dont even consider myself a "producer" yet, BUT IM DOWN TO LEARN!!!! If i owned a studio...i wouldnt be here right now, basically.

Unlike other people.

If i owned a studio, i'd probably be workin on about... 5-6 projects right now, i'd estimate, and i'd be one of the *FEATURED ARTISTS* on at least 4 of em. I'd probably drop a good 7-8 verses on each of the other 2 as well.

Studio time tomorrow...i wont be on here for a while...ima drop 2 full cuts tomorrow, ima be practicing tonight over random beats, changin up the flow, figuring out exactly how i want it....damn its nice to know how to do that....unlike other wack ass artists...

i type too much. 1.
Apr 25, 2002
SikIndividuoh said:
Where can someone BUY a fully mastered & packaged product of yours? That's what niggas here is doin'...fuck this net shit.

What's with the novel? The answer is sipmle... you have nothin' out. Remain humble because when you put a cd out & sell less than 1000 copies you will see how tough the game is. Hopefully you'll sell more but reality is you may not.

Apr 25, 2002
7 songs, more on the way, and i aint paid a dime yet.......I cant complain.

Once we finish up an LP (i wont gurantee anything, but, Oct/Nov, maybe?) that actually has artwork, a booklet, and PROFESSIONAL cds....then we aint gonna be lazy...we gonna be performing at any place that'll have us, for whatever price that they do or DONT pay us... 5$, 1$, $ long as we can slang some Disks, its all the same....

Until then, 4 complete tracks are gonna be up tonight..another 3 sittin on my hard drive i aint uppin yet...1 im uppin as soon as i get a copy...and another 3 Thursday's until the end of the if we did 2 tracks each thursday, that'd be a 14-track EP...not bad... that aint even counting skits, thats just pure could end up bein a 60+ minute "ep", actually...i'd call it an lp, but i wouldnt wanna do that until its 80 minutes...i give the people their money's worth...

Only money we're makin off this cd is what we sell, and only money we're really gonna end up paying is for cd' payin 40$ an hour for studio time, no payin for guest appearances...none of that... i could have "somethin out" RIGHT NOW... a 12-15 track EP (i could have them throw on some old tracks), and it could be out, and i could be slangin it...but we wanna fill it with ALL NEW MATERIAL....ever since i started showin up at that studio, its been a whole new energy goin on =) and im lovin it!

So um...i'd say the street date will be June 4th, for shits and giggles....look for it the meantime...peep the 4 tracks up


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: streetlevels new track choppers

tadou said:

Im bout to put my dick on your forehead if you dont put some tracks up, young'n.

You talkin about me... what ABOUT me? I got webpages with freestyles, 3 mp3 sites, 2 soundclick mp3 sites...what you got, homie?
oh shut the fuck're almost the same fuckin' age as him you dumb fuck. He's 17, you're 18. ONE YEAR ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DIFFERENCE...So cut that bull shit. You have web pages, mp3, and sound clicks....WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR ALBUM? Why do your beats suck? Why does your delivery need so much polishing? Why aren't your lyrics spectacular?

YV is on BD's mp3 under the song, "operation get back," which happens to out do ALL of your shit, just with that one song. Quit actin' like you're a mutha fucka guru of this shit.....Put that dick back in your mouth, before you say something even more stupid than before.
Apr 25, 2002
You say so much stupid shit every comment, it amazes me.

Like i have said, NUMEROUS TIMES, ive been in the makeshift(look it up) studio for about 20 hours total now...and the EP is almost done.

Tomorrow night, i dont even know what beats will be used...but ive got 2 songs, sittin waitin...if anybody else is workin on a song, i got verses, sittin waitin...if nobody else is on the mic, then ill freestyle...i wish your mark ass could be there when im in the lab, so then you'd see that i dont fuck around

Im downloadin Op Get-Back right now...honest critique comin when its done....HONEST ONE, SINCE THATS ME...god damn, some of yall hate and dont even back it up....
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: streetlevels new track choppers

Sixxness said:

oh shut the fuck're almost the same fuckin' age as him you dumb fuck. He's 17, you're 18. ONE YEAR ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DIFFERENCE...So cut that bull shit. You have web pages, mp3, and sound clicks....WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR ALBUM? Why do your beats suck? Why does your delivery need so much polishing? Why aren't your lyrics spectacular?

YV is on BD's mp3 under the song, "operation get back," which happens to out do ALL of your shit, just with that one song. Quit actin' like you're a mutha fucka guru of this shit.....Put that dick back in your mouth, before you say something even more stupid than before.
^---to the idiot that said all that mess