Racial Profiling

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May 7, 2013
So doubt there would be much disagreement on this topic outside of the trolls.

Supreme Court rulings for:

Terry v. Ohio (1968)

'The Court held that the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on “unreasonable searches and seizures” is not violated when a police officer has “reasonable suspicion” “in light of his experience” that a crime has been committed. By opening the door to greater law enforcement discretion with respect to whom to stop and search, the Supreme Court in Terry gave its first approval of racial profiling.'

United States v. Brignoni-Ponce (1975)

'The Court acknowledged that, by itself, “apparent Mexican ancestry” does not justify reasonable suspicion that occupants of a vehicle are undocumented drug smugglers, it did rule unanimously that “Mexican appearance” is a “relevant factor.” Ostensibly to help law enforcement justify a stop, Justice Lewis F. Powell offered several reasons sufficient for reasonable suspicion to stop a car near the border with Mexico: “previous experience with alien traffic,” a “heavily loaded” vehicle, a vehicle with “an extraordinary number of passengers,” and finally ‒ the part that justifies racial profiling ‒ “the characteristic appearance of persons who live in Mexico, relying on such factors as the mode of dress and haircut.”'

Whren v. United States (1996)

'By ruling that the Fourth Amendment offered no protection against a racially motivated traffic stop, the Court gave law enforcement officials its approval to racially profile motorists and “closed the courthouse doors to claims of racial bias,” Alexander wrote.'


Documents to consider:

4th Amendment

14th Amendment

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


Conclusion: Words on paper only matter to them when it benefits them.
Nov 27, 2014
Anybody else think the guy above me is not funny? Why he keep making weird ass comments? Anyways, if you live near the border driving around looking like a paisa 9 times out of ten the tags aren't right on the pick up or the Honda hatch back with 10 motherfuckers in it so the cops can pull them over for multiple other reasons besides being Mexican lol. I'm Mexican American and don't believe every fucking thing on earth revolves around race like the media keeps kicking in our ears. A lot of this shit is just common sense. Black dudes sagging walking around yelling out random rap lyrics to himself is going to get more police attention then an Indian cab driver, Arab dude at the air port going to get more suspicion then sagging black dude. White trash tweaker bitch going to get followed around rite aid more then paisa chick with her 4 kids. The list goes on

Hood Rat Matt

aka Goodfella (since '02)
Oct 19, 2009
East Oakland (Hills)
walking around yelling out random rap lyrics to himself
this cracks me up...I see young men (not just black) doing it looking all around in hopes a girl is going to be "omg you're so cool can I blow you?"

but yeah...whenever I was breaking the law a lot, I tried not to look/dress like a criminal
May 7, 2013
So you found 3 individual cases of racial profiling
Now what?
You don't live in the US so you wouldn't comprehend. Those are three Supreme Court cases that have upheld racial profiling. In my state SB1070 (although stripped down) still exists. The point of linking the three cases was to show that the feds have been for racial profiling all along - I think that is well understood when we consider how people of color have historically received an unparallel treatment comparatively to whites (lets not forget the Japanese Americans internment camps and obviously the indigenous).

We are a nation that infringes on the rights of its inhabitants, breaking treaties and documents in the name of greed. Enter any country in that sentence you say? That is an excuse, not a solution.
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May 7, 2013
Anybody else think the guy above me is not funny? Why he keep making weird ass comments? Anyways, if you live near the border driving around looking like a paisa 9 times out of ten the tags aren't right on the pick up or the Honda hatch back with 10 motherfuckers in it so the cops can pull them over for multiple other reasons besides being Mexican lol. I'm Mexican American and don't believe every fucking thing on earth revolves around race like the media keeps kicking in our ears. A lot of this shit is just common sense. Black dudes sagging walking around yelling out random rap lyrics to himself is going to get more police attention then an Indian cab driver, Arab dude at the air port going to get more suspicion then sagging black dude. White trash tweaker bitch going to get followed around rite aid more then paisa chick with her 4 kids. The list goes on
This is what you think but its not supported factually. I don't think everything revolves around race either but you are mistaken if you are denying it is a component that controls the fabric of this country and society. Getting followed around Rite Aid is not the same as being racially profiled by the police, c'mon duke.
May 14, 2002

You don't live in the US so you wouldn't comprehend. Those are three Supreme Court cases that have upheld racial profiling. In my state SB1070 (although stripped down) still exists. The point of linking the three cases was to show that the feds have been for racial profiling all along - I think that is well understood when we consider how people of color have historically received an unparallel treatment comparatively to whites (lets not forget the Japanese Americans internment camps and obviously the indigenous).

We are a nation that infringes on the rights of its inhabitants, breaking treaties and documents in the name of greed. Enter any country in that sentence you say? That is an excuse, not a solution.

I may not live there but I know enough to know the US is more racist then nazi germany ever was.
But to say they are systematically racial profiling people.
I'd have to say no.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
So you found 3 individual cases of racial profiling
Now what?
These are Supreme Court cases. The US has a doctrine called Stare Decisis that most European courts don't have. It basically means that when the Supreme Court decides a case and comes up with a new point of law, it creates a binding precedent for all future cases. So if the Supreme Court makes a legal decision that racial profiling is okay, then that makes it perfectly legal for any cop in the country to profile under the same circumstances.

Most European courts don't have this doctrine, so if the highest court in the Netherlands, or if the ECHR in the Hague, decide that racial profiling in one case was okay, that doesn't mean that everybody in the country is allowed to go around racially profiling people. It doesn't create binding precedent.

So yeah, these are only three cases, but the implications are scary. When the most learned legal minds in the country decide that 'looking Mexican" is a reasonable basis to detain someone, we should all be scared.
Jul 12, 2002
He may be referring to the duration of slavery. If that's the case then he is right as black folks suffered for hundreds of years.
True, but I don't recall the US ever trying to purge entire groups of people like Nazi Germany did. That might apply to Native Americans but that was before there was a "United States." Although slavery could be considered worse than just being killed because of the prolonged suffering involved with slavery. I guess it all depends on how you look at it.
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Nov 27, 2014
Have you ever see the dispositions of African people from Africa and black people from the UK and compare them to black people in America? Not all black people but a good chunk. You don't really hear about actual Africans in America or black people from the UK over here getting into shit with police. It might not be about color at all but about African Americans history of being mistreated by police that bread there hatred so when a cop pulls them over they have a fuck you pig mentality and the cop has a fuck you too I'm the law mentality so it's kind of just a war between young black Americans in a certain age group and cops. I'm not saying that's the fact just an observation


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
Have you ever see the dispositions of African people from Africa and black people from the UK and compare them to black people in America? Not all black people but a good chunk. You don't really hear about actual Africans in America or black people from the UK over here getting into shit with police. It might not be about color at all but about African Americans history of being mistreated by police that bread there hatred so when a cop pulls them over they have a fuck you pig mentality and the cop has a fuck you too I'm the law mentality so it's kind of just a war between young black Americans in a certain age group and cops. I'm not saying that's the fact just an observation
Because there is no history of racism here for africans and black folks from the UK. However, there is a documented history of racism against africans/jamaicans in the UK.
Before the police in America, black folks had horrific encounters with slave patrols. These slave patrols morphed into the police and thus thats why there's the hatred which has been passed down from generation to generation.
Nov 27, 2014
That's just stupid because you know you have met some cool ass white people in your life. I think it's all a media manipulation to cause divide amongs the masses so the powers who be behind the scenes can get away with there agenda while we distracted over stupid shot like skin color. If anybody used they're common sense you can tell the difference between blacks and niggers whites and white trash rednecks, latins and low life spicks etc... It's basically grimy people of a certain skin tone that the racist person wants to label the entire culture to be. America is like if you had a planet and you took every species from every other planet and placed them there and made them fight. That's how it feels when the media pumps this shot during the election years too me anyways.
Nov 27, 2014
One more thing: think about this who controls the media? The news readers just read what there told and the reporters on the report what they are told. Isn't it funny how this issue is being kicked to us every day now? Last time it was gay marriage, last time it was war war war, the time before that it was 911, the time before that it was Clinton blow job, the time before that it was Sadam, before that it was war on drugs and Russia, before that Cuban, before that jfk got shot way before they Lincoln got shot way befor that Jesus got killed before that Moses freed his people before that black people enslaved Jews before that neandrathal man no like monkey before that dinosaur killed by meteor