question for niner fan..

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Oct 2, 2002
Whatta you guys think about Owens whinning? do you think he plays with a little too much emotion? Do you think he should act a little more professional?

And Umm, Whats up with Kevan Barlow turnin into some fuckin elastic man after play he runs?


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Yes, I think Owens sometimes bitches too much but if he's playing great I don't care. If he's playing like shit then I have a problem with it.
Sep 28, 2002
Tim said:
Yes, I think Owens sometimes bitches too much but if he's playing great I don't care. If he's playing like shit then I have a problem with it.
yea thats pretty much what i think, cept sumtimes he be actin like fuckin moss and that shit is beyond bitch
ohh and i am a niners fan

Apr 25, 2002
Its a very emotional game. I dont think he show's too much emotion at all, its perfectly OK, as for bitching about not getting the ball enough, thats never OK, as soon as he realizes that, he will literally get the ball EVERY time when he gets OPEN, then there will be no more of it. If he isnt open, coach aint gonna force the ball in there no more then once in a half, and only that to shut him up. Barlow is one of if not the best second back in the NFL, great stuff.
Apr 25, 2002
Owens is a tight ass WR, but his attitude is shitty! he needs to watch Marvin Harrison play that shit he did in Dallas was bitchmade, he is lucky he made it home from that game
May 8, 2002
T-Dubb said:
an that shit he did in Dallas was bitchmade, he is lucky he made it home from that game
I think you took that a lil too far homie! Owens is off the hook for the shit he does in the end zone but at home games that shit hypes up the crowed and shuts up any body their to see the other team! I think he just needs to stop the bitchin on the sidelines.....That shit aint profesional.
May 8, 2002
you would think after playin with jerry rice all those years he would have learned to be more professional. im a huge niner fan but im tired of terrell cryin bout not gettin the ball more. he thinks he's open all the time when he's almost always got 2 people on him. garcia cant throw him the fuckin ball every play.
May 6, 2002
if you remember your NFL history you would know Jerry Rice was doing the same shit before he left. But I guess you don't keep up with the NFL, u just talk on what ya see. If you got good WR's on the field ya got to get them the ball. How many balls ya think Owens would catch if he played for a team like Green Bay or Buffalo. I'de say TO calls em how he sees em. Mariucci really ain't my favorite coach, but we have a squad for real!
May 8, 2002
JStaxxx said:
If you got good WR's on the field ya got to get them the ball. I'de say TO calls em how he sees em. Mariucci really ain't my favorite coach, but we have a squad for real!
I agree you got to get good players the ball. the problem is there are several good players that have to get the ball. I also agree T.O. calls em how HE see's em. And the niners do got a squad so why is T.O. cryin so much, there 4-1, if they were 1-4 and he wasnt gettin the ball then he could say he wants the ball more to help the team win. which is what jerry rice did when they were losing. but there winning AND he wants the ball more. what does that say about him?
Apr 25, 2002
i dont see why you guyz give a ratz ass. you're not on tha team, you dont have to deal with him! juzt shut up with it already. ive noticed over half tha tyme he startz "bytching" that he didnt get tha ball, he wuz open and should have got it! i know itz hard for Garcia to see him all tha tyme with tha shitty ass lyne we got, but Owens iz open on almozt every play. double teamed or not. Owens iz one big, strong WR and all u really gotta do iz toss it up and he'll come down with it. look at hiz 2nd TD on Monday nyght....toss it up, Owens comez down with it. if they had gotten him tha ball more, they would be 5-0 ryght now.
Apr 25, 2002
it hit hiz face mazk....but who came down with it?
and class iz not needed in football. if you want class, go watch ballet. all of you seem to be turning into sum sissy boyz who wanna see class over talent. BOOOOOOO!
i honeztly dont see why you guyz care. itz not lyke he iz "bytching" at you....hell i doubt any of you will ever meet him. if you dnt lyke tha way T.O. conductz himself, then dont watch any NINER gamez.
May 2, 2002
I don't care who whines or not, I just don't want to see it on my damn TV. If you want to do it behind closed doors, fine. But not on the sidelines with the camera right on you.

Nothing worse than seeing a grown man whining.....
Oct 2, 2002
FaTaL NyGhTmArE said:

all of you seem to be turning into sum sissy boyz who wanna see class over talent.
OK Fatal Faggyt.. I wanna see class & talynt. Someone with so much talynt should have some class. Do you have any class?
If not, Why dont you go in the myddle of your block with your T. Owens jersey and do that arm shyke he did for the camera monday nyght & then take a pen outta your sock and sign your rag for the homies.. your the fuckin sissy.. once you have a little class you wont be. You see, people that have class.. GET RESPECT. People that dont... are fuckin sissys.
Apr 25, 2002
Highthewholeway said:

OK Fatal Faggyt.. I wanna see class & talynt. Someone with so much talynt should have some class. Do you have any class?
If not, Why dont you go in the myddle of your block with your T. Owens jersey and do that arm shyke he did for the camera monday nyght & then take a pen outta your sock and sign your rag for the homies.. your the fuckin sissy.. once you have a little class you wont be. You see, people that have class.. GET RESPECT. People that dont... are fuckin sissys.
i don't feel anythin you hollerin bout class. it's mufuckin war on that field dog. what the fuck you think them players is sayin to each other when they on them lines dog. nuthin but talkin shit to each other. TO aint never been outta line the closest thing bein when he spiked the ball on the star, but i gives a fuck i loved it when he did that i gots no love for a cowboy man, woman, or child. so you sayin players shouldnt spit, cuss, talk shit to each other on the field right that's havin class not doin none that shit. it's all part of the game cousin see football ain't just physical it's 50% or even more mental along with any other sport.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
T.O. is overrated! He's talented and strong but not the best receiver in football. If you lay hits on Terrell Owens early in the game he'll start dropping the ball. He's scared to get hit!
Oct 2, 2002
JReezelle said:

so you sayin players shouldnt spit, cuss, talk shit to each other on the field right that's havin class not doin none that shit.
I never said anything along those lines dog.. got me all wrong. Players talking shit to each other is one of the greatest things in football i think...
Now players talkin shit to their own team??? whinning n shit?? thats no class.. Moss.. Squirtin a ref with a water bottle, no class.. And Runnin to the middle of the star is defintely No fuckin class god damnit...
Apr 25, 2002
that whole moss thing is definately outta line, but spikin the ball on the star i gives a fuck he ain't hurt nobody or do anything to anybody. are you a faker fan? if so romanowski should be the biggest sissy in the game then in your perspective of havin no class. about TO bitchin and whinin it ain't even that it's more of tryin to fire up the team to have that kill or be killed attitude instead of that passive approach that mucc be havin. which proves to be true that they need, example bein last years game against chicago and wild card game against green bay. the only thing that TO needs to stop is bitchin that he don't get the ball enough. with our line and TO usually always bein double covered he ain't gonna see the ball 10 times a game. other than that aint shit wrong with that mufucka that's why he's considered by most to be the best wide in the game right now. and that ain't no biased statement.
Oct 2, 2002
whatever man... I'll i'm sayin is he needs to SHUT the Fuck up and Play Football.. Get all the bullshit outta here, signin football's, disrespectin other teams..cryin about athe ball. This PROFESSIONAL Football man... You'd never see Brown or Rice pull some shit like that. They dont cry about when they dont get the ball. Everyones got their opinion about it, yaknow.. end a story.
Apr 25, 2002
there's just too many TO haters on this mufucka cuz randy moss and keyshaun johnson are way worse and you don't see fools hatin on them on this board. whenever your the best mufuckas goin hate so i guess it's understandable how fools approach this topic.