Q of the day / Losing all respect for someone.

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Jun 3, 2002
Question, and this is very serious to me right now. Have you known someone along time and consider that person close to you, even family, than to lose all respect you have for that person in a matter of mintues??????

This is where I stand right now. I've known someone for a very, very, very long time, and last night ( saturday) I wished I never did hear what I heard come from there mouth . I wont get into details but I will break some shit down.

Basically I was talking to this person and we were all drinking and just bull shiting and what not then me and this person got into a real deep conversation about alot of things. Now I truely belive in the saying that goes "DRUNK PEOPLE SAY WHAT SOBER PEOPLE MEAN" even if they are drunk and say some stupid shit there is always some truth to what they say period.

It got to the point to were I didn't even know what to say to this person. I just sat there and listened to them say some of the most unforgivable shit I have ever heard in my life. This person is so fuckin far from perfect themselves, and they addmitted that, they even told me some shit about how they fucked up someone's life, that is very close to me also, but that will not ever make a difference for what they said about everything else. Now let me say that what they said was not directed towards me in any way what so ever it was about a couple of people ( mostley one about 60% towards that one person ) but all these people I consider family and this shit has me really fucked up.

All day at work I could not get this shit outta my fukin head. I cant even put into words how I feel right now, I guess that's why I writing this cause I need to vent, I cant say this to any of my folkz around here, I'm sort of stuck with it, just sitting in my head repeating it's self over and over to me.

I dont beilve in alot of things but I do belive srongly in a few things in life. One of those thing is that, not matter how much you know someone you never truely do know that person or what they are capable of. I knew this person was capable of some shit and have felt this for along time, but to actually hear it is almost sickining. It's like a bad dream, shit almsot seems unreal.

The saddest part about this is that the person was so drunk, they wont ever remember what they said, but I do....BUT I DO!!!!!!! Now I have to look at them and act like it's all good, because of who they are to me, and because it's better to leave this unknown cause I feel that the shit storm that this would bring up would just hurt to many people and permantlly damage or destroy the love between these people.

I guess I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I just cant understand this, it some dirty ass shit. I always want to belive in the best of people, but this shit fuck...............

I wish I would have just gone home last night after the bar. I wish I never heard what heard. But I did.
Jun 21, 2002
The way I feel about it is, you can't keep things bottled up; you have to let that go, sometime. I don't know what was said, who it was, etc., so it's hard for me to give an answer (not that it would be any easier if I knew).

If you don't discuss it with that person, it's going to continue to bother you. What happens afterwards I can't say but to let it eat away at you seems wrong. Just my opinion.

In answer to the question, yes, that's happened to me.
Apr 25, 2002
It happend to me before as well and you know what....I spoke up and felt 100X's better. You need to, cause the shyt will eat you up like a mufucka. I hate when shyt happens like what you just spoke on...it fucks witcha.

PS - View check your PM's dawg!
Jun 5, 2002
Damn, I just went through this with a homie I was real tight with. I called her on it and what I seen and felt about the shyt, she denied it all and tried giving me this sad story... which pissed me off more, but I felt so much better after letting it out. I will NEVER look at the bitch the same again. And never trust her around my man either. I gave our friendship the world and never thought she was capable of doing what she did... but fuck, I guess I got played.

I don't think it's good for you to keep this bottled up. It will only progress into some hate and you don't wanna waste your time on that shyt. Let them know how you feel, straight up. Maybe they were really talkin out the ass. You won't know until you see their reaction when you talk to them.
Jun 3, 2002
Oh I wish this were so easy as to tell the person what was said, buts is so much more complex than that. I guess if I could say what was said and who this person was to me it would make complete sense as to why I cant say anything.

I dont let this or anything ( try to anyway ) eat me alive, I am and have always been very, very good at putting things outta mind, which I view as a bad quailty, but it does have it's advantage's like right now.

@Rae I'll look at my PM in a sec ( I always forget to check'em my bad )
Nov 8, 2002
I had a Situation with a Guy I brought into my family.
He betrayed me and talked bad about MyBrother. I see hiom every once in a while but He wont stop the Car.
If he Did I dont know what will happen but it wont be good.

He took the Things for granted that we helped himand Even protected him at times and now he is in another state of mind where He dont have the Balls to Apologize for his wrongs.