Oh Boy

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Nov 14, 2002
The draft... LoL. That's the dumbest thing the democrats could come up with to scare little kids such as yourself.

The draft is absolute political suicide, and besides that, NOBODY WOULD GO. I'd like to see how they'd figure out how to put every kid over 18 in jail for not going. This is the dumbest concept that people have believed. It's like everybody listens to Howard Stern for their political news.
Jun 6, 2004
Zer0.MediA said:
The draft... LoL. That's the dumbest thing the democrats could come up with to scare little kids such as yourself.

The draft is absolute political suicide, and besides that, NOBODY WOULD GO. I'd like to see how they'd figure out how to put every kid over 18 in jail for not going. This is the dumbest concept that people have believed. It's like everybody listens to Howard Stern for their political news.
I hate that fucker he gets on my damn nerves racist bastard. But you know bush if he feels like it he will find a way to instate the draft.
Nov 14, 2002
LoL @ Racist bastard and reinstating the draft. You're aware the only person who voted "yes" to reinstating the draft was a democrat, right?
Aug 21, 2002
It doesnt matter.

God gave me my life, not Bush and he aint about to determine if I live or die nor control my life...

See yall in 3-5 years...
Jul 7, 2002
Also...Charlie Rangle, a democratic senator from NY, spearheaded the draft and was the one pushing for it. It was all an attempt to hurt Bush, which clearly worked...lol.
Aug 8, 2002
I look at it this way........4 more years of Jenna Bush in the public eye. We've been given the oppertunity to watch her grow up from an 18 year old college freshman to a 22 year old party girl who still likes to dress slutty. Where is the injustice in that?
Sep 19, 2003
LOL... Nick for the people! Always looking out :)

You know they weren't allowed to play the coverage of the election on any station at the casino I work at! So I had no idea until 1 am what was going on... I knew we wouldn't know for sure till at least today, I figured at least a week for the official then I woke up to Kerry's speach! Crazy shit... very close race, I just hope that like Kerry said we can now at least try to unite again and do the best we can with what we have...
May 16, 2004
You should be fortunate that you have a fucking choice to serve or not.... some countries it's required that you serve in the military...

I voted kerry but I have no problem with bush... either way it's not going to be pretty at this point in time.
Apr 21, 2003
techn9nehq said:
I look at it this way........4 more years of Jenna Bush in the public eye. We've been given the oppertunity to watch her grow up from an 18 year old college freshman to a 22 year old party girl who still likes to dress slutty. Where is the injustice in that?

wats this bitch look like?

i don't think i've ever seen.
Aug 26, 2002
do people not realize that the draft was VOTED DOWN in the house like 400something to 2 (and the two who voted FOR were Democrats)

I'm an uber-liberal communist hippy who thinks Bush is the devil reincarnated...but reinstating the draft at this point in time is political SUICIDE
Aug 21, 2002
swerve said:
You should be fortunate that you have a fucking choice to serve or not.... some countries it's required that you serve in the military...

I voted kerry but I have no problem with bush... either way it's not going to be pretty at this point in time.
HA!!! CHOICE MY ASS... Even though it was voted down, there still is no "Choice" when it comes to the draft unless I go to Mexico, claim to be insane or go to prison! Flat out. Oooh wow, people get this bitch ass country mixed up and its sad. No one owns shit they have you pay for your possesions after your done paying for them, you pay for your fucking life when you didnt ask for it but text book speaking would have you to say, "Life is unfair, deal with it" because its life and you cant vote on it, but because you can vote for President then you are sooo privledged! I think I am the only person that doesnt look to politcs and text book bullshit for my voting choices, I look to real life.

I dont give a shit what no one in a fucking suit and that can put words together in a way that makes you believe what he/she says to get what they want, and when its done say fuck you, Imma turn my back on you and call you when I need you to do something for this country rather than what that person or country can do for you... It aint all about what this country can do for "me" as an individual, but for all the people! If Republican touches all areas, then be about it. That's all I'm saying...

"United" States, yeah, the states are united because they are touching one another from Coast to Coast. The people "United???" HA!!! No way brotha. WE ARE ONLY UNITED WHEN TRAJEDY HITS! After that, life resumes. And yeah, I'll say that when 9/11 hit, I was fucked up, but in a way I think without it, theis country would be worse off than it is without, so in a way I am glad it happened. Inside, I feel it finally made them do their jobs. And after it happened, they didnt know how to do their jobs.

I am cool with the fact that Bush is in the house again... Fine with me...
Things will get better because BUSH has a lot of ass to kiss this time around.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
JLMACN said:
of course he wants to unite us....

he helped big time in dividing the parties...


i beleive swift boat was a product of bush. if that's not party deviding, i don't know what is. face it J, you backed the wrong man, and your children will be paying the price.
Aug 26, 2002
shep said:
i beleive swift boat was a product of bush. if that's not party deviding, i don't know what is. face it J, you backed the wrong man, and your children will be paying the price.

dont feed me that bullshit..

Bush is the guy for the job...yo backed the wrong man..

how does it feel to know your vote didnt count???? in missouri...

4 more yrs..
and chuck....he has a lot of ass to kiss????
....viceversa my friend...alot of people will be kissing americas ass for the next 12yrs....
....its something to hear Liberals bitch about this....

you should just face it....you all have no one to turn to ....for your Presidency....
...your best option ...is Hilary Clinton...a fucking Woman....
...and the only reason that she will get a run at it...is cause she is a woman......

that speaks volumes for the Democrat party...

no like i said before...

Shut the fuck up and take this Loss like Men..