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Dec 21, 2006
i woke up one night becuz i had a feeling someone was staring at me... so i look up and i see a lady staring at me clear as day...(i thought it was my mother in law) but i knew the door to my room was locked... so i tap my girl and im like "wake up, you gotta see this!!" she was like "no, go back to sleep" i told her again to wake up and look and she couldnt see anything but the lady was still there and staring at me... i told her to turn on the lamp (cuz its on her side) and the lady dissappeared... we told her mom the next morning and she was like "its probably my sister who passed away in cambodia" sure enough she showed me a picture of her... and that was who i fucking saw!!no joke either.. i slept with the tv on for like 3 months straight!!
im mexican and married to a cambodian girl... and cambodians are very supersticious and believe in spirits like crazy..
Aug 24, 2003
i got a spooky story that happened 5 minutes ago

i just got done roasting a bowl and one of my supervisors randomly shows up for a visitation.
1) i am not supposed to be high obviously
2) i am not supposed to be on the computer

there i am, computer screen with the fucking siccness detox banner spread across the screen and the "i am stoned sign in sheet" the only link thats clicked on the screen.. but for some reason he never looked at the screen and never got close enough to smell me, and had to run

Aug 24, 2003
i used to work for the seattle underground tour and that whole area of downtown seattle is definitely 'haunted', or negative energy

one time after a tour emptied out of the intro area which is actually Doc Maynard's an old bar in pioneer square, im walking around in there just me and a girl who works there. im doing the spooky ghost voice... "Doccc Maayynaaarrd, DOOOCCCC MAYNAAAARRRD", fuckin with her and she gets annoyed and leaves and im alone. i go into the very back bathroom that has an old wooden door, its a creepy ass bathroom and i push the door open, and the floor is kinda dented so its like a built in door stopper that wedges it open really good and tight, takes muscle to pull it back shut after doing that, i really wedged it open tight because thats the last place on earth id want to be accidently locked into. im taking a piss and i swear i see something flash in my peripheral vision kinda in the old dingy ass mirror behind me. im definitely not into seeing shit in mirrors, fuck candyman and bloody mary and that shit, i walk out to leave without even washing my hands and the door swings shut HARD in front of me when i reach it. i just took a slow breath, opened the door and got the fuck outta there asap. i swear if i had tried to open the door and the handle didnt work or it was being held shut i would have had a panic attack. i didnt joke anymore after that and never went near that bathroom again.

a couple weeks after that, same place, im in the staging area alone and the tv upstairs turns itself on and its static and the tv slowly turns itself to max volume. i walked the fuck out of there and told someone else to go shut it off while i waited downstairs. when we go in there the tv is off, i turn off the lights, then a light in the back hallway where that creepy bathroom is turns itself on. i just took a breath and got the fuck out of there while they set the alarm. a couple of days after that one of the ppl who worked there who joked around a lot about the ghosts walked out as pale as a ghost, said while he was in there alone picking up bar glasses he swear he heard some kinda whispering then the tv turned itself on full blast and some of the curtains started swaying.

another time one of the underground sections had been left unlocked and i am sent to lock it properly. they say the easiest way is to lock the first door behind me and go forward through the tour area till i exit into an alley way then lock that door behind me. i lock the entrance behind me and i start walking, its only a block or two underground, and as im 1/3rd the way in there i swear i felt a strong presence. i power walked and exited into the alley and locked the door behind me, and waited there a couple of minutes, and i swear i felt like something was waiting for me on the otherside of the door.

one of the tour guides has clearly had ghosts call out to her by name, another one of the tour guides would never talk about some incident that happened. people used to feel things touch their neck, brush their shoulder etc.. the maintenance man is an old guy whos worked for the tour like forever. he shows up and goes through the underground and sweeps it up real real early in the morning, like 5-6, also makes sure no bums broke into it to sleep or shoot up. anyway everytime he goes into the underground sections he tells me he'll say shit like "good morning everybody!" or like every time he feels a shoulder brush or a tap or breeze he'll be like "ok guys i get it let me finish getting this junk outta your place and im gone" or "just let me fix this real quick and im outta your hair" and nothings happened to him.

above merchants cafe in pioneer square in teh same area most people dont know it but there are apartments. one of the apartments is unusable because of horrifying shit that has happened in there, well also because the floor isnt structurally sound.. lol. i talked with the people who lived in the livable one next to it and they say they hear shit all the time, chains, voices, footsteps, crying, whispering, typical spooky shit, also their stuff gets moved around, breaks, goes missing etc

i would walk an employee to her car in the tall parking garage next to the triangle one on 1st and yesler because one time she parked on the top, and she saw someone up there by the ledge looking down into the alley, not moving at all. it was right by where she parked and its a spooky parking garage for a lady, and pioneer square is grimey, so she went to get the parking attendant, who she bumped into about 20 ft away, he starts to walk her to the car and the person is gone. no where they could have gone but over the edge. well turns out when the garage was first built some lady went up right to that parking stall and jumped off the ledge into the alley and killed hersself. she never parked on the top level again

i dont really understand any of it, maybe like someone said it has to do wtih space and time or maybe negative energies that linger.. all i know is i used to laugh at this kind of shit, now id just rather not think about it or be put in situations to encounter anything like that
Apr 15, 2007
I try not to believe too much in this kind of stuff, but somehow, I always end up seeing/hearing shit. I'm not that superstitious, but when I was a kid, about 5/6, an ooold lady who was some kind of weird psychic or something told my mom that I had something following me. Said it wasn't necessarily bad, but wasn't good either. And ever since I can remember, I've seen this dark shadow linger around, but never coming close to me. I'm so used to it that I'm not even freaked out by it anymore. Infact, I feel safe and protected. When I moved out of my parents', I didn't see it again for months at my new apt.

Other things I've seen/heard, are children. I dunno 'bout you guys, but I think the worst thing to encounter are children. I've heard giggles outside my window before, and creepy ones too. What kids would be hanging out right outside my window at 2-3 in the morning? When I moved out of my parents', I stopped seeing things for a while. I lived in a 2-story condo for about a year a couple years ago and I lived entirely alone. I swear, I'd hear someone/thing walking up the stairs and stopping at my door. I'm terribly afraid of open, unlocked doors, so I always lock myself in my room.

When I moved in with my ex, his family would talk about how they always heard little footsteps, as if it were a kid walking by or something. Or the doors would open and close shut when all the windows were closed and everything, but to this day, they haven't physically seen anything. Well, when I moved in, I automatically felt something was wrong with that house. It's kinda weird and scary because sometimes I can sense things. It's an old house too, which means the floors are wooden and hollow underneath which means you can hear any little sound someone might make when walking.

At night, I'd hear the aformentioned footsteps and I gotta admit, for some reason, I was very, VERY afraid. I did not have a good feeling about it. For a while, I'd hear things but it wasn't until one night, late at night, that I got up to go to the bathroom. Well, the hallway's kinda long and has a dead end. As soon as I opened the door and stepped out, I felt this weird crazy and intense feeling in my stomach. Not a pain, but an eerie feeling. When I look straight ahead, I see this little fucking girl at the end of the hall way. I damn near shit myself (figuratively speaking), but I couldn't move. I was so freaked out I froze. She had the most evil look on her face I've ever seen on a human child. Now, I'm not a big believer of spirits or demons--hell, I don't even believe in God. But if I did, I'd swear that looked like the face of a demon.

Another time, I was walking down the same hallway when this weird shadow rushed by me. I even lost my balance and almost fell. I had a weird feeling and just turned back and went into my room.

This other time, I was in the shower and I was completely home alone because no one had came home yet. Well, I was taking a shower and I swear something pushed me. I fell in the tub and almost hit my head on the knobs. But I clearly felt a cold hand on my back shove me. I turned off the water to see if anyone was home, but no, I was alone. That only happened once, though.

I have more crazy/creepy stories about things that have happened to me before. Maybe later, though.
Aug 6, 2008
there was a night i was drunk as fuck feelin good as hell... i look up like... oh shit i need 2 get me another tall can before its too late... AND ITS AFTER 2 OCLOCK AND THEY STOPPED SELLIN LIQUOR IN CALIFONIA!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW SCARY
May 7, 2002
I try not to believe too much in this kind of stuff, but somehow, I always end up seeing/hearing shit. I'm not that superstitious, but when I was a kid, about 5/6, an ooold lady who was some kind of weird psychic or something told my mom that I had something following me.
Do you recall seeing or hearing anything out of the ordinary before the psychic lady spoke to your mother? Or did these paranormal experiences begin to occur after?
Apr 15, 2007
Do you recall seeing or hearing anything out of the ordinary before the psychic lady spoke to your mother? Or did these paranormal experiences begin to occur after?
I don't remember much before that age, but my mom didn't tell me about it til a couple years ago. But I've seen things since I was a little kid. Although, my mom says she's seen seen things in this house before too, since before I was born. She's also seen that same shadow, but stopped seeing it when I was born. I vaguely remember talking to someone, or something, when I was little, but that's about it. But she tells me she often found me talking to someone else when we were alone and she'd get creeped out. Then when I was about 5 or 6, this lady who's a friend of my grandma's told my mom that, and that supposedly I had a gift that attracted evil forces or some shit. She was just like WTF.
Feb 11, 2006
Ok. I finally got some time to tell this shit and here it goes:
Once after coming back from a party me and my homie are walking down this dark ass street since it's the fastest way to get home. Anyways I turn around and see some old dude way in the back and I tell my friend if he see's him to. I turn forward as he looks back and tells me he doesn't see shit. So I think it's kind of odd and I turn around and don't see nothing. Then he turns around and sees the same old man only this time closer and he tells me to look behind I do and it is infact the same muthafucker. So we cross the street and leave him on the other side. We turn around and we don't see shit. After a bit more we turn around to check out the situation and we see the same old man on the side of the street we had crossed to only this time he's about 20 yards away. So we cross the street again and then turn to see if he follows but again we don't see shit. After a bit more of walking we both get this weird fucking feeling and turn around and we see the same son of a bitch, not more than 3 feet behind us, on our side of the street. Guy was scarrier than dog shit, he had no visible face, just darkness and it was cold near him. We didn't say shit, both of us just ran as fast as we possibly could.

Lol@this fag