Oakland/Eastbay to lose all professional sports teams?

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Feb 12, 2004
damn this is crazy! Warriors are already going back to San Francisco, A's are trying to move to San Jose and they don't want to stay in Oakland. Was listening to 95.7 and they were mentioning talk of contraction and that the A's could possibly cease to exist in the near future. Raiders are looking for a new stadium and there's the constant whispers of the Raiders moving back to LA. Eastbay, specifically Oakland, could end up losing all 3 teams. Crazy.
Jan 12, 2006
It makes sense for the warriors to move to SF, the A's to disappear, and the Raiders to go back to LA. Seems like attendance has been an issue with Oakland teams for a while now.
Jun 23, 2005
theres never an issue with warriors attendance. the last 6-7 years they been top 10 in that category for the most part.

and i think you might be wrong about contraction, but im hella high and was listening to the same shit and got a different message lol
Jan 12, 2006
theres never an issue with warriors attendance. the last 6-7 years they been top 10 in that category for the most part.

and i think you might be wrong about contraction, but im hella high and was listening to the same shit and got a different message lol
I'm not a warriors/raiders/athletics season ticket holder, but I'm guessing their ticket prices are probably some of the lowest in their respective leagues. So filling up a stadium is only half the solution, the other half is what are you charging for admission. Teams build/pay for their facilities/employees by making money, they make money by selling season tickets/box suites. I bet the profits will be a lot higher in a city like LA or even say SF compared to a city like Oakland. just my two cents
Jan 12, 2006
of course theres more money to be made in sf, but attendance is not an issue. last year it wasnt an issue for the raiders either.
"I want it to work here," Davis said. "I'd like to stay here. But we have to find a way to (generate more revenue) .... We need to sell more season tickets. We're in a deficit-spending situation, and we need to start getting our revenue up.
Jun 23, 2005
lol you keep talkin about season tickets when im just speaking about attendance and nothing else, for the third straight post, in resonse to you saying oakland teams have attendance issues.


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
The warriors don't have an attendance issue, but they can charge more for tickets and sell more box suites in SF. Heard that shit about the A's as well on 95.7 tonight. The A's have the worst attendance problem ok the 3 teams by far. I'm okay with the warriors leaving because they're not really an Oakland team, they represent the whole Bay. If the A's leave... Ehhh whatever. If the Raiders leave I will go into a state of depression.
Jan 12, 2006
lol you keep talkin about season tickets when im just speaking about attendance and nothing else, for the third straight post, in resonse to you saying oakland teams have attendance issues.
My bad I think we both are misunderstanding each other, what I meant by attendance is, if I own a restaurant and i have to sell $1.50 tacos for 25 cents in order to fill up my restaurant with customers then I'm not really going to be happy about my place constantly being full because I'm taking a loss or just breaking even. In other words if the raiders had the same ticket prices as say the 49ers(fair market value/league average) their attendance might drop in half. So in reality last years attendance at the raider games means nothing its fools gold. Also by means nothing I mean to an owner of a business not the fans who support the team.
Nov 1, 2004
The problems with attendances are deep.
I don't understand how any team can think buying a billion dollar stadium, which will INCREASE ALL ticket prices, driving lower income fans out, and bring in more rich fuckers.

Football and all other sports will soon only be enjoyed by the rich folk. People having trouble paying bills, who the fuck can go to a football game.
Dec 2, 2006
I Was jus in Oakland For 3 Days This Week An Can See Why Some People Dont Even Wanna Go To Oakland Its Mad Ghetto there an hella Dirty, with a wrong turn and your in a bad hood -happend to my twice leaving the ghetto ass dennys By O.Co


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
If the Raiders moved to Canada I'd still be a fan even tho they moved to a third world country

If Golden State changes their name to San Francisco they will lose a fan. I liked how no matter what part of California you are from the Warriors still represented you. Now media outlets talking about losing the Golden State moniker and "representing a first class city"....well they already got the San Francisco arrogance/Oakland bashing down already and try haven't even moved yet :ermm:


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I Was jus in Oakland For 3 Days This Week An Can See Why Some People Dont Even Wanna Go To Oakland Its Mad Ghetto there an hella Dirty, with a wrong turn and your in a bad hood -happend to my twice leaving the ghetto ass dennys By O.Co
It's rare that a stadium is in a nice area. You think Baltimore or Detroit stadiums are gonna be in nice areas? Hell no. You don't get prime real estate for cheap in nice areas. The difference is when cities build new stadiums and arenas in their downtown area. Like the great western forum was (well still is) in ghetto ass inglewood but LA built the Staples center downtown. The Warriors owners are just trying to mimic that with the downtown location and shopping and resteraunts and shit....the funny thing is that EVERY SONGLE PROJECT that was supposed to be on that part of the embarcadero has FAILED. But if they wanna spend 500 mil on it go the fuck ahead....

lol @ calling the coliseum "O.co" no wonder you got lost
Feb 12, 2004
If the Raiders moved to Canada I'd still be a fan even tho they moved to a third world country

If Golden State changes their name to San Francisco they will lose a fan. I liked how no matter what part of California you are from the Warriors still represented you. Now media outlets talking about losing the Golden State moniker and "representing a first class city"....well they already got the San Francisco arrogance/Oakland bashing down already and try haven't even moved yet :ermm:
Why would the Warriors want to represent the entire state of California? California is already dominated by the Lakers and it's not like theyre going to gain more fans representing the whole state. So Cal is Laker territory and that shit will never change. People in So Cal definitely dont feel "represented" by the Warriors. IMO they need to get rid of that stupid Golden State part of the name and go local. San Francisco Warriors, Bay Area Warriors, etc something like that.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
There are people in central and northern (non bay) Cali who would prefer to root for their state rather than a city nowhere near them. Also remember the one time this decade that the Ws were in the playoffs? It was star power in the stands and alot of those celebs lived in SoCal. The Lakers are the Yankees of basketball, they're likes default team to like, so it's not like having a name "Golden State" is gonna directly compete with their fanbase.

IMO Golden State was the best part of the name. I don't think Bay Area would work. I just believe not only leaving the east bay but also abandoning a region name that includes them for a single city across the bay will have a lot of people questioning their fanhood


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
seriously? it's not like they're changing their name and moving to Canada, same team just different location/area of the state.
I understand but im not rooting for a team i cant drive 40 minutes to see....What have the Raiders done since ive been a fan (1986), that would make me stay so loyal to them...

They flip flop back and fourth from LA to Oakland and vise versa...
PSL is some bullshit...
Building mount Davis made it harder for us to sell out...
I havent seen many home games on TV due to the blackouts (this year we were fortunate)
We make the dumbest player/coaching moves of any professional franchise in the world...
We traded a coach for money and he beat us in the super bowl the following year....