No Confidence

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May 24, 2002
I have been way too busy with catching up on puroresu PPVs to be fully paying attention to WWE.

Why did everyone walk out and say they have no confidence in HHH?
Feb 8, 2003
Says the man responding to me over and over again, and checking on my Twitter followers every 4 days...

That's a convenient history written by nobody but yourself... And the sad part is, I can tell by your comment that you went back in the history to see who I've had gripes with. Either that or you keep a mental checklist.

Either way, I'm not so sure my giant balls can hold your weight.

I thought about replying to this, but I decided to take a piss instead.

More Twitter nonsense.

More Twitter nonsense...

LoL... Yeah, I'm really worried about fighting with you. You're clearly smarter, better looking, and suck a meaner cock! (This is where you debate with yourself how to defend that statement... And fail.)

What fucking "mother" statements are you talking about?

I mean, I wish your mother had taken more cum up the ass and in the mouth, rather than in her sweet, moist, pink shaded, and cum dumpstery snatch of hers... But I don't remember saying anything about her in the past. At least not to you... #yeahisaidit

(I figure that's a language you and your 029348023984023984 Twitter friends can understand)

The only reason you even have the words "civil" and "mature" (and do I have to bother to comment on your grammar, sir?? It's still horrible.) in your post is because a bunch of posts ago, I used the word "etiquette"... Let's face it Ho-Down, you're a fake ass gangster trying to talk like a thug when nobody's paying attentionup, and when you want to try and insult me, all of a sudden you have a grasp of the English language. Pretty convenient, eh?

I mean, you're still a neanderthal IMO... But at least you clean up your language a bit to address me...

As you should, son...

And let's not forget that the entire basis of this argument stems from the fact that you feel the need to post spoilers regardless of who gives a fuck.

I wasn't even being much of an asshole when I asked you to stop that shit. Too bad you're so terribly defensive you just immediately flapped your pussy lips.

Hope you know i didnt read non of that shit. so you wasted a whole friday night typing it while i was out enjoying life.

i got your weak ass writing me novels.

Go put on your mattel cm punk match dress up kit and draw his pepsi tattoo on your arm you little bitch you, I can tell you be in the mirror with the dress up kit on working on duplicating his promos and siccness comebacks. better yet Go your kill yourself!!! no one will care or attend your funeral not even your 5 followers.

R.I.P zero media
Feb 8, 2003
Dude, why in the fuck do you care so much about Twitter? You sound like a 14 year old girl with that shit.

Also, posting spoilers is a dick move. It's just common sense not to post shit like that.
Once again another square thats obsessed with dick. i didnt know siccness has so many slong hungry undercover losers. Only dick move im doing is this fat dick in the bitches in your family. You ask why do i care about twitter well why do you care about me so much or a boring azz wrestling forum on here that i put life into and a forum thats gonna get deleted off this site soon.

If you dont like something then push ignore or just dont read it its that simple. Look at you getting all emotional about my post and about me making twitter comments, you sound like another square with no friends either. You the one acting like a 14 yr old & you have no kind of life just look at your signature for proof all you do is sit around and play games all day with have no kind of life or hustle.Grow Up Weirdo go get a woman in your life besides your mother and one more thing quit luring children to chat with you on play station network.

Now im done with this thread no more entertainment. so type away im not gonna read the shit bc im allergic to weirdos and lemon lames. I expect the cowards to come out now talking shit since im not replying or gonna feed into this thread no more.
Jan 11, 2006
recycled insults and the ever present "look at your signature, you must play video games all day."

I'm not even mad I just think if you're going to be a troll, you should at least be halfway good at it. First off, you're trolling in a wrestling forum about video games. I understand you don't have any material but video games? C'mon son.

Edit: Here, I'll even give you some material. I once google searched capri pants for men. Everyone else on the Sicc thinks this is hilarious. Maybe it will get you some props.


Face Scrunched Lookn Rude
Aug 1, 2004
NASWIPP. A subdivision of IKSRTFO
they need writers that dont have to live within the wwe bubble to keep ideas fresh, i bet they get burnt out writin this shit, you know mcmahon dont sleep he just work all night, and that means everybody works all night

i lost interest when Del Rio won the belt, nothing against him, hes the shit. ever since summerslam, i watch every week but i was excited before, it was must see tv type shit

or you could go even further and say they fucked up by bringing Punk back on the raw right after MITB

i think Teddy Long is gonna be Vinces mystery pawn to take Trips down. Ace will GM Smackdown and Long will GM raw, Trips will return as the anonymous Raw GM, he was gone the entire time that thing was being used.

woulda been sick if him and davey richards went title for title at the roh debut, have like a time limit draw or some shit happen , you know.

Swagger and Dolph will turn face soon and feud with Awesome Truth

Kofi is gonna turn on and feud with Evan to freshen up his character , evan will make him look good and elevate him to a main even feud with punk
May 6, 2009
I think Mason Ryan would be unstoppable if they gave him the right push. Dude is a freak Mason Ryan > Mark Henry

Edit: I actually haven't seen much of his in-ring work... Is he a good wrestler at all or is he just big?
I'm not one of those guys who pays a lot of attention to someone's ring work, (an entertaining storyline is what I'm most interested in), but Mason Ryan fucking sucks in the ring. When they first called him up I remember reading an article saying it was too soon and even he didn't know why they did. Then I watched his first match and he was terrible. Botching basic moves and shit, and he sucks on the mic. Hope he works on his craft though and gets better because dude is a fucking monster.
May 6, 2009
Why am I the only one calling this guy a dickhead? Come on people... I know it's not popular to defend Zer0.MediA, (like I need it, am I right fellas?) but for fucks sake...
Guess I'll chime in briefly. I don't think anybody else on here gives a shit about Twitter followers or thinks the more you have, the cooler you are. That's like one of those people who have 2,348 friends on Myspace or Facebook and think that makes them popular. Especially when you don't even know half of them.

Zer0 vs Dark at Siccnessmania in a Hell in a Cell match. Loser leaves Siccness lol.

Just my 2 cents, carry on.
Feb 8, 2003
keep talking to yourself swine. i told yall johnny ace would be in charge.

Masked Lemon
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