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Aug 3, 2005
LOVE. How do you define it? What importance does it have? How essential do you feel it is to the you, to humanity and to the world as a whole? Do you feel it is discussed enough? Why or why not? Why should it or shouldn't it? Any other thoughts?

I'll include my personal opinions later, for the purpose of prolonging debate and encouraging creativity and the expression of initial ideas.

This is the first of a few big ideas i would like to be discussed by the real thinkers of GoM.


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
NavThaShah said:
LOVE. How do you define it??
My personal defenition of love is the act of expressing imense care and concern and empathy for somebody or something regardless if its beneficial to you or not...

NavThaShah said:
What importance does it have?
I believe its importance is varied on priority and the person doing the loving, onez love for weed or alchol shouldnt come before onez love for family etc..

NavThaShah said:
How essential do you feel it is to the you,
Without it, i couldnt be a good father and although i feel its an essential part of me, it can also lead to onez downfall without the buffer of common sense and the ability to see that it has blinded you..

NavThaShah said:
to humanity and to the world as a whole?
Love as a world view can be tricky.. Politic's is a loveless art, If we as a species can empathize with eachother the world would be all the more diplomatic.. however, there will always exist the people who take advantage of a helping hand and you end up leaving yourself open to a knife in the back..

NavThaShah said:
Do you feel it is discussed enough?
Yes, too much.. just not enough action..
NavThaShah said:
Why or why not?
Because the average person deep inside yearnz for peace, although to some, the meanz to accomplish peace is distorted into believeing its only achievable through war.. so i believe its talked about enough to gain support, however, its not practiced enough due too personal agendas...
NavThaShah said:
Why should it or shouldn't it?
i think that it shouldnt be talked about so much without any action behind it because it gives some of these crooked politicians a mask of harmony to wear when speaking in public... if loved wasnt faked so much we would see the true colors of some of these lawmakerz and politico'z
NavThaShah said:
Any other thoughts?
Until we all learn to love and be content with ourselves will we ever achieve true peace.. until we stop projecting hate, will it stop being re-directed at US...


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
PGBD said:
Doesn't exist. It's more like lust and then tolerance. As an aside, lets go back to arranged marriages.
So you don't love your parents, your pets, life or anything else in this world?

I consider love to be something that gives you immense happiness and fulfillment without the requirement of any material gain - I don't believe people when they say that they 'love' money, or 'love' weed - they may love the fact that having money makes life a lot easier or smoking weed gives them a feeling of euphoria, but that's not true love.

The world is ruled by the sword, not by the heart. Those who love freely are at risk of being crushed by those who are motivated by greed and hate. We must therefore be selective as to who/what we choose to love and how/when we choose to express this love. As such, in depth discussions of love rarely takes place on the world arena and is usually confined to conversation between trusting individuals. For me, I love my family, my cats, my girlfriend and life in general. I do not love my car, or my nice stereo, or the five figures in my bank account, or a cold beer on a hot day.

Love is the greatest of all emotions and is essential for the continuation of the human species. Without love, chaos would reign supreme and there would be nothing to hold the seven deadly sins in check. However, love also has its negative aspects. Love is a weakness, leaving the individual open to exploitation from those who do not share their love; love for humanity causes many of us to do everything in our power to prolong the lives of those whom we don't even know - such overpopulation is unsustainable; love can most definitely hurt, either from a partner leaving or parent/sibling dying etc.

Be that as it may, I believe in the phrase "it's better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all". Love is light, without love all that remains is darkness.
Nov 21, 2005
TROLL said:
Until we all learn to love and be content with ourselves will we ever achieve true peace.. until we stop projecting hate, will it stop being re-directed at US...
Very interesting Troll. So do you mean the ones who always have a hateful heart and wish harm to others or always feel hate towards others? Do you mean that the bad karma comes back to them once they project the hate?

I think this is true. Because I used to always be angry and every little thing would make feel hateful and project hate. And it would seem like that hate would always come back to me. Now I've changed alot. And I have lots of good karma and luck.

Is this what you meant by that sentence?

Oh yeah and I agree with your statement.
Aug 3, 2005
Hutch said:
I consider love to be something that gives you immense happiness and fulfillment without the requirement of any material gain...

Love is the greatest of all emotions and is essential for the continuation of the human species.
I completely agree. There was a limbic brain study conducted on rhesus monkeys (from Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry, who when isolated from their mother entered a stage of dispair, which produced not only behavioral problems; decreases in motor activity, socialization, play, vocalization, food/water intake, increases in self-huddling, slouched posture and sad facial expressions, but also a number of physiological problems; decreases in heart rate, body temperature and weight, growth hormone, O2 consumption, REM sleep, cellular immunity, and increased sleep arousal and irregular heartbeat.

This is one example that proves how the mammalian brain not only desires love, but in fact REQUIRES it. Without love, what do we have left? darkness. Is darkness a state of mind we can live with? let alone serve others, serve ourselves, and lead humanity with?

I think there are two places where all emotions and actions fundamentally come from, LOVE and FEAR. things like charity, hospitality, healing, giving and receiving happiness, caring and nurturing for another (especially one's child), and sacrifice, all come from love (provided they are not done for eventual self-gain of something). Things like insecurity, anger, violence, sadness, selfishness, ignorance, suicide, all these things are a product of fear. granted fear can sometimes be essential to protecting people, but to skew the balance, especially in places like politics, could have a drastically negative effect the destiny of our human race.

When you love, you are filled with light, as Hutch said. When you truly love someone, you lose all worry of the self, you are filled with exhiliration, you are automatically put in a place where u want to serve another human for the simple reason of bringing love and joy to their hearts, without any selfish needs attached to it. you, as your SELF, dissapears, something buddhists view as a product or requirement of true enlightenment. imagine, instead of just loving one person, if you could achieve a place of truly loving ALL people, and ALL humanity, and those same emotions of servitude, absolute removal of self, exhiliration, and the joy of giving joy, could still hold, but instead of for a single individual, for all mankind. i believe this is one we reach our highest human potential, this is when we can truly heal the world, this is when we are truly enlightened and liberated, this is true freedom, this is when we have rised from the ranks of everyday ants and gained a place among masters such as Jesus, Mohammad, and Buddha.

i think it is discussed, but i do not think it is discussed at the level it should be. i think the emphasis on how truly powerful and essential it is is more and more slipping away in our society. they make love seem like a "girly" emotion, one that simply means to really like something. Men shy away from it because the media pursuades them to feel "gay" or "over-sensitive" when they embrace it. schools do not teach the importance of it. media certainly does not. and the government spreads the exact opposite message. they spread fear and hope for further destruction of the love emotion among its citizens, because love gives us the power to change the world, but when controlled by fear we take no responsibility in their actions and decisions. we think of the self and the self only, so when they attack other countries, when they ignore flooded cities, when they spread lies and conspiracies, our lack of love for the people it affects is what lets them continue it without our intervention.

War creates fear. the more fear that is created the more there will be war. the only thing that can save us from demise, is love and nothing else.


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
Love is truth.

Thru it all things are made known.

To seek it is to find a path.

To understand it is to become a man.

To find it is to know peace.

To use it is to know war.
Apr 4, 2006
love is the opposite of hate.also its the most over used word in the history of people.god is love,if god truly is love then love itself is everlasting,if that is true if you say you love someone then a year later dont it was never love at is why god created choice,which is why he created this earth for us instead of making us in heaven.if he made us in heaven then there would be no hate or no ability to not choose him,cuz love is a choice but love is not love if there is not another i guess if there was only love on earth it wouldnt be love just normality love is only love cuz there is hate.....the thesis.


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002