Let's Set The Record Straight...

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Jul 1, 2004
well shit. whut up Eeezy!? are u gonna be postin on here now liek info and shit liek that or you just got whut he said posted and you gon do ya own thang or whut? good lookin tho
Jun 21, 2004
sup high dro...

i'll post new info when new info comes out... i'm not gon leave y'all hangin after he built the suspense w/his post! lol. Although, when the website gets up and running you'll all be able to check that out for more frequent X posts. For now, we'll keep the info comin' on this forum.
Apr 25, 2002
Sup E. I am gonna tell ya like this. I knew kaveo and he was coo folks. He had alot of shit that I saw the public didnt see when he was stayin at my pad. Alot of plans and alot of shit X wanted on his site. Frankly when his site dropped it wasnt updated at all and kaveo aka mike had no idea how much work running a site was. I know he had some personal shit happen which i wont go into on why he aint on here no more but my point being is this gonna happen again. The site drops and then no updates and alot of COMING SOON links or what?
Apr 18, 2003
shit, i hope not.

but i know its hard to get info from someone locked up, an to run a site? damn....thats a bitch.

so i never thought, "fuck that, kav need to hurry up", i kinda had an idea what was goin on
Jun 21, 2004
That's exactly what we DON'T want to happen again! The team for the new site is on point. Yeah, it takes a minute to get the info from X, but Mike basically had NO updates goin on. Just a lot of "coming soon" that NEVER came. There's a lot more to what happened than that, but the new site will kick off proper. It's going to be X's main means of keeping in contact and promoting his shit, you feel what I'm sayin? He NEEDS it to be proper. There's a LOT going on as we speak, not just with the site, so priorities are being set so that we can kick everything off when the time is right and with what we need. But the site is one on the top of the list to get finished...
Jun 21, 2004
I'm at work right now, I can't get on AIM. But look, it's not MY business to discuss anyway. Whatever happened with X and Mike is way over and done with. I won't discuss what happened between 2 other people in detail like that because it didn't involve me, and it's done anyway. Just know that Kav's no longer part of what's goin down NOW. If Kav's ya patna then you can ask him and get HIS side of the story, but I won't go any further into it than that. It's not necessary. Fuck it, it was a long time ago, nah mean?
May 13, 2002
callmeontheunda said:
I'm at work right now, I can't get on AIM. But look, it's not MY business to discuss anyway. Whatever happened with X and Mike is way over and done with. I won't discuss what happened between 2 other people in detail like that because it didn't involve me, and it's done anyway. Just know that Kav's no longer part of what's goin down NOW. If Kav's ya patna then you can ask him and get HIS side of the story, but I won't go any further into it than that. It's not necessary. Fuck it, it was a long time ago, nah mean?

i think we can all respect that...

i just hope shit starts crackin soon....an dont tamper off like before

good look


Sicc OG
Jun 12, 2002
LOL @ This bitches boo hoo hoo sniffles sniffles sniffles ass ''infidelity'' letter.

Hold on, let's keep the bullshit at bay for a second. How is X ''fuccin WITH'' females ? on conjugal visitations ? I think there only allowed for A and B minimum custody inmates AND you have to be legally married. With proof.

But all that to the left. Hahahaha @ Raideds liaisons, playing these slut puppets like it wasen't tommorow. As the scales would have it, the dudes probably getting more tail on the inside than I am on the outside ...imagine that. Play on.

KEYZ IS your father. Respect it.

Jun 21, 2004


I can tell you that although it's not "allowed", people turn their backs during visits. you feel? things can be done. ha ha ha ...
Jun 12, 2002
'' Would you consider Raided in the same faction as Lynch ''

You bitches.

Raided is real. Lynch....Huh ?

Have you been handicapped of sights, sounds, and smells ?


X-Raided took the breathtakingly ugly ride y'all. He wandered up Highway 101 like I did. Through them towering redwoods and alongside the Eel River until he reached Eureka and the Pacific Ocean, he saw bitches in short shorts, as I did on beaches, and enjoying the hot may days, and everythings ''cool'' then that nicca reached the Smith river AND his prison. Ione, Corcoran, Tehachapi, etc Nortern Cali prisons____Blah blah...wherever he is right now..

I been in New Falsom ( the prototype ) my niccas. I was on the mainline in the year 2000 for 5 months, It's 26 miles outside Sac. All Northern Cali prisons are the same to me.

Raided is in a pod, pods are double-celled. Each pod has a ''yard'' with approximately 200 square feet of space, with twenty-foot walls...ain't no exercise equipment, and being I'm on a ''rap webisite '' I'll break it down....Raided has NOTHING but a camera mounted behind thicc steel mesh that covers the ''open sky'' portion of the yard, he's allowed no MORE than 1 and a half hours a day on the yard and a ten minute shower ( that applies to the whole tier )

His bitch ''' seemeondaunder '' or whatever will ONLY be able to see him behind a plexiglass partition, ain't no contact visits, trust me, they didnt allow it for me, And I was a S.H.U. prisoner and I ain't nobody dangerous, I just ran afoul of some officer ( raided may or may not be a SHU prisoner ), But they won't permitt it for him.

There are NO prisoners who simply '' fall through the craccs and crevices of the rules '' like his ''girl'' says. The dude is a murder 1 Indeterminate crip in Nothern California, and unless he ''debriefs'' himself...in other words snitches...It'll be entirely arbitrary that he gets '' fucc visitis ''

But trust me, that fantasy Loca is typing ain't real, Raided is a murder 1 convict, His whole set-up is designed to cause mental, physical and emotional stress.

'' Fucc visits ''


Trust me, X-Raided is savouring his opportunities to watch Television let alone have sex.

When I was in a Northern California Prison, the only outlet to the world we had was Colorado cable, our speaker wires were cut to facilitate the use of earphones because headphones were prohibited. Even though the region surrounding the prison used local cable television or satellite broadcast, the prison I was in pointed its dish at (of all places) Denver, Colorado. And I know Raided feels me...send him this shit....Denver right ? No local news, spots, or nothing ( all in the master plan to fucc a niccas head up ) but uhm....

You see...Satellite dishes are not taxed according to whauseere there pointed...you know....so theres no fiscal advantage to the prison to tuning into denver, they just like keeping inmates further from hom, that and having cell lights on 24 hours a day...You are '' supposed to go mad ''

I'm high right now and I'm thinking bacc BUT....

What I have said in this thread is 110% factual, X-Raided REALLY is going through it y'all

X.....If you get this...keep making hits man....The whole siccness is behind you ( reals and fakes )

