Let Them Duke It Out?

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May 15, 2002
Here's the deal.

If you got a letter from your child's school saying that: From now on, when two students have an altercation and feel that they REALLY want to fight, they're gonna give them an option to put on boxing gloves and duke it out in the ring.

Would you be for it or against it?
Feb 14, 2004
I don't have any kids yet, but it seems better then them shooting each other.

Might help their self esteem, too. (i have no idea wtf i'm talking about, i seen this on george lopez show when max took up boxing lol)
Aug 24, 2003
i am against it, I think kids should be taught to deal with their anger in a responsible manner, i.e. not assaulting and battering someone. something that comes with serious consequences, also, you never know if you are going to kill someone in a fight, people have died from a single punch.

at my schools we had peer mediation and it worked pretty good; you sit down wtih the person youre beefing with and you have two people your age there, theres no authority figures there to judge you. once you both spill it all out most of the time you both realize how ridiculous it all was to begin with. in more serious instances parents from both sides could be brought in to help. for this to work though the mediators have to really be mature and groomed to do this and not make the problem worse or start gossip. but my schools were good at weeding those people out and getting rid of them as mediators.

any other instance where this wouldnt work was mostly just stupid parents fault their kid was a dumbass to begin wtih. some things just wont work with those real loser lost cause types. in those instances yeah why not, let them both duke it out then expel them from school afterwards
Jan 7, 2004
I have 2 kids and I feel this would be a bad idea. You can not teach kids to learn to deal with all there problems by fighting. I mean I discourage my kids from fighting but also let them know that they must defend themselves. Fighting should not be a problem solver IMO.

People tend to forget that raising kids is actually raising them to be a man/woman so how you teach them as kids is how they will be as adults and what is this man supposed to do now when he is in his twenties and can not just go around fighting if there is a problem. He will not develope any problem solving skills. My older son does Kajukenbo so I am all for fighting in a controlled manner when both children have been professionaly taught.


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
I have 4 kids and feel this would be a great idea......As long as the parents agree and the kids wanna box its all good.....I had one of my sons in boxing, and although he didnt participate in any tournaments....They started those kids off in the ring at 6 or 7......With head gear and the proper gloves, 2 untrained kids couldnt do much damage to one another anyways........This is how all physicall altercations(men, women or kids) should be resolved in my opinion.....Weather the 2 agree to MMA style, Karate or boxing....


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
Here's the deal.

If you got a letter from your child's school saying that: From now on, when two students have an altercation and feel that they REALLY want to fight, they're gonna give them an option to put on boxing gloves and duke it out in the ring.

Would you be for it or against it?
Did they send you a letter like this?
Nov 12, 2002
when i was young there wasnt no bullshit like this where tha teachers catch you arguing and not throwin hands....If it was goin down it was gonna go down....kids these days are too pussified anyway....let em catch a fade, its good for em to take their lumps when their young....two kids cant really hurt eachother that fuccin bad.....maybe a bloody nose or something....thats max
Nov 24, 2003
Bad idea.

You are conditioning people at a very impressionable age that the solution to a problem is violence.

Not only is that a negative way to condition people to solve problems, it doesn't actually solve disagreements.

The winner of the fight isn't necessarily right anymore than the loser is wrong.
May 15, 2002
might be a bad idea.... but this is how they used to do it when my folks were growin up.
Exactly. This thread was made more for middle and high school kids.

I see it like this though...
If the kids REALLY wanna fight, then they're gonna fight anyways, whether the adults are around or not. With that said, why not let them fight in an organized boxing match? That way, you don't have to worry about them going into the streets and using guns, knives, or someone getting jumped.

Not only that, most of them will probably hesitate to fight if they know that no one is gonna break it up. So most of the time, there probably won't even be a fight.
Apr 14, 2003
yuuup... like at least they are putting on the gloves and shit. nobodys prolly gonna leave and have to check into a hospital that way. but you never know how shits gonna end up in the streets, esp. when one dude with a bunch of friends starts pickin on some loner.
Aug 9, 2005
Tuesday My lil cuzin who moved up here from Richmond 8th grade about 200 pounds 6 ft beat some poor broth's ass hes only been here 7 months already 3 fights, Now if given this option " do you two wanna settle it in the ring" it will test other kids bravery and heart and ultimately make him look like a punk to everyone i he says no.

I told my cuzzin someone's gonna shoot his big ass and he says their is already talk of that,

I was at his school yesterday to pick him up so no problems, he had told me the group accross the street staring is who he punched and was suppose to shoot him... me and cuzzin went across the street against his will, and had the kids rattled as we are grown men. we asked which one he hit due spoke up, we apologized on his behalf & ect... but made clear you didnt lose our cuzzin is 70 punds bigger than you and boxed for a while its not fair .... this being said in front of dudes friends I think helped him. told our cuzzin to get out the car and come apologize ...... situation defused

if we can teach our kids to deal with shit verbally they can grrow and prepare for the real world all that suge knight bully shit leads to death or prison real quik,

fighting can be hobby/ sport

asking 2 if they wanna duke it out only puts more pressure on these lil monkeys.

find out what happend clarify and have someone whos not a square put it in terms kids can understand/ respect.