Imagine if we actually listened to God.

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May 1, 2002
Alright; I'm christian (mormon), and I was just trippin' off something. Imagine, if we actually took Christ's words in the bible, and loved our god, and loved our neighbor. That's all we'd have to do, and the world would be perfect.

Think about it. If I truly loved my neighbor, then I would love my parents, and follow their righteous advice. I'd never have any problems, because if everybody truly loved each other, nobody would do anything to hurt each other. Even misunderstandings would be forgotten about...

I'd find a woman, and truly loving her, would wait until we were married to have sex... then; I'd love her so much (and her me) that we'd never cheat on each other. we'd never get angry, we'd constantly strive to make the other's life better. We'd have as many kids as possible, loving to create life.

If I made 10 million dollars at my job, I'd keep 30,000 and give the rest to people that were sick or not as fortunate. If I truly loved people, I'd prefer to see them wealthy then me, and they'd want the same thing, so the whole earth would be on the same economic schedule. Nobody would take advantage of it, since they all truly loved people, and would never make someone work unfairly. They'd all pull their share. There'd be sick and blind people who couldn't work, but we'd all love them so much we'd support them.

I wouldn't have to worry about my wife getting raped. I wouldn't have to worry about my kids getting molested, or about people stealing my property. I wouldn't have to worry about people murdering people... Abortion wouldn't even exist, because there'd be no reason to not want a baby.

Just imagine what the world would be, if we actually LISTENED to god. Even if you're not christian, every faith I know of believes you should love your neighbor, and just IMAGINE if we did that!

Now, back to reality. Think about what we've done to the world, LOL. Man, we're like sewer rats. We kill, curse, maim, hurt, rape, pillage, steal, plunder, lie, cheat, swindle. It's pathetic.
Oct 3, 2002
“Christ's words in the bible, and loved our god, and loved our neighbor. That's all we'd have to do, and the world would be perfect.”

It this type of fundamental absolutism that I speak of that has caused more wars, terrorism, death, false sense of superiority, and label’s that separate human beings from one another. Only if you believe in what I believe in everything would be perfect bullshit….. Hitler thought he had the absolute truth, so does Osoma it goes on and on…. Also the Bible isn't actual words of God. They're interpretations of man supposedly spoken by God. So when u believe in what u read u are believing what some guy wrote down to be the truth. My philosophy is question everything and if it has flaws such as the bible, take it moderately and not fundamentally……
May 12, 2002
That sounds like a great way to live life... I wish that really happened one day.

Sometimes I also dream of a world where robots did all our work and we wouldn't have to be slaves to corporations for the majority of our lives, and got to live life 24/7.
May 11, 2002
No, the effects are not because of religion. It is the followers of the religion. The humans which call themselves "followers". The religion does not force them to steal,cheat,plunder,lie etc. That is all up to one's accord if they choose to sin. All humans have a conscience, the knowledge of right and wrong.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
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ReservoirDog said:
perfect? what world are u living on?
earth homeboy, its perfect, i fuccin love it

n you wanna kno wat makes things go wrong, why there is so much ishh goin wrong, why there is so much killen n all the bullshit?

its when ppl think that wat the world is, as it is, is not good enough n they have to change ishh, we need to let it be the way it is n not fucc with somthing thats not to be fucced wit. ishh like clonnin, all i want to kno is why?
if yaw belive in god, n think that god creates errthing then why you tryna be god? why you tryna take bacc something he wants

leave the world as it is, there is no perfect world, it does not exsist n if it does, we are already livin in it.

Oct 3, 2002
SiKHMaDe wtf are u talking about? Not trying to come off sidewayz, but what do you mean "its when ppl think that wat the world is, as it is, is not good enough n they have to change ishh, we need to let it be the way it is n not fucc" & then u jumped to cloning and then trying to be god? I'm not sure if it was your wording or what but nothing of what you just said made much sense to me. Never less, it's not how people treat the world that causes "so much killen n all the bullshit", it's how we treat one another, human being to human being.....
Jul 24, 2002

That is "IF" everyone followed the 10 commandments.
But it's a fucked up world because we can't follow them.
Some ignore them, some don't even know they exist, and some rather follow other religions.
Even a true Christian cannot follow them.
It's impossible for a human being to follow them....
They go against our sinful nature.
We have a violent nature, there for we are doomed....
Jul 24, 2002
Oh yeah and don't get the crusades twisted!
They go against everything that Jesus preached!!!!

Remember he said,
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".
"If one strikes you, turn the other cheek".

Tell me where do you get the notion that Jesus would approve such monstrosity as the Crusades????


Sicc OG
Aug 1, 2002
OK you say this world is perfect, do you also beleave that nobody is perfect. Well if you do, then this perfect world is filled with inperfect people, isent so perfect is it. It can't, nothing in the universe is perfect. You ever see that movie Spear. Nothing can be perfect, you can say it, but nothing, nothing, can be perfect.

Maybe God, hes infalable.

This world is not perfect, it just revolves around the sun, in a inperfect circle, in a imperfect solor system. and your on it, enjoy the ride.

If every followed the Ten Commandments, life would be boaring. What would you do day to day. Work, sleep, eat, have sex with your wife. That'd get old. (There is only sooo many green M&M's a man can eat, before he goes FUCK, i wanna red one.) But the truth is, everyone has their own ideas what perfect is, and they are tring to reach it. Well its a melting pot of ideas, and we turned out with what we have now. And thats not perfect, to me @ least.
May 17, 2002
@ juan million
I am infallible in being me too. if the proverbial god created me in his likeness. i am exactly like him perfect.

with that in mind whats the purpose of shame, regret, etc. . .

maybe theirs a wisdom in that logic


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
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@ whoerr responeded to my comments

i feel yaw not commin sidewayz, its ko0 if yaw didnt understand wat i was tryna say, the clonnin thing was juss an example

wat i was tryna say is, look at how things work, where there is good, there has to be evil, it just works that way, if there is no evil there is no good.

WHAT WOULD BE GOOD? -- if everybody was doin exatcly wat they are supposed to do, people wouldnt think of that as "perfect", there still would be people goin oh he shouldnt be doin this or he should do this that way, n who knos where that could lead to

i didnt exactly mean this "is" the perfect world, that everything is the way it should be but think how worse it could be

am not livin the perfect life, am not rich, am not that popular, i dont have alot of people that look up to me, i have alot of people that rather see me on my bacc, i have juss as much problems as anybody on this board, but there is no other life i'd trade my life with, i'm glad i was born where i was born, have lived my life the way i have, have had the problems i've had, they've only made me smarter, stronger n more ready for this world,

i hope you have a better understanding of where i was coming from, n if you still don't, its no hard feeling, you got your views n i got mine,

the only difference is, am living in a perfect world n your not.



Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
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@fawg - world is not perfect coz there are imperfect people in the world?

answer me this - do you think you could have lived your whole life without makin a mistake, commitin a crime, breakin a law? n if are sorry that if you have mad all the mistakes you have, if you had the chance would you go bacc to re-live your life ?

do you think there is anybody in world who is "perfect"?
rather yet
do you think jesus was "perfect", did he never make a mistake? break a law, curse, did anything wrong?

world so imperfect?
where would you rather live?
