IF HHH wasn't to fuck with stephanie or get her pregnant or even getting with her

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Dec 4, 2004
yeah he had a push before he was with Stephanie....I think he just wouldnt have as much say/influence with McMahon, but he would still be main eventing... everyone else who has been in the company as long as him (HBK, Undertaker, etc) are still at the top...
Jan 18, 2006
He was aligned with the right people. He definitely paid his dues and made an impact when he got his opportunity. I definitely consider him lucky though just to be getting some of that Mcmahon royalties


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
i think hed still be in the same position because hes also real chummy with the original vince golden boy, shawn michaels
Feb 8, 2003
People can hate on him all they want. But Its a fact taht HBK, Batista, HHH, Cena, The Undertaker are the most dedicated wrestlers in the company now. They fight through a injury and live and die for that shit.
Oct 3, 2006
Yah there not running off making movies. *cough* The Rock *cough* and forget who put them in the position to be a star.
i could somewhat agree wit u one that....i mean it is better to jus make millions off of one movie and not have to worry bout catchin the next flight first thing in the morning jus to make it to another event and worry bout gettin injured etc, but its jus how that foo dont ever even make no special appearances accept for what his fathers hof ceremony etc. and that last wm a couple years ago...
Feb 13, 2006
i could somewhat agree wit u one that....i mean it is better to jus make millions off of one movie and not have to worry bout catchin the next flight first thing in the morning jus to make it to another event and worry bout gettin injured etc, but its jus how that foo dont ever even make no special appearances accept for what his fathers hof ceremony etc. and that last wm a couple years ago...
well It's all about being loyal to a company that put you in the spotlight and gave you a chance. He did go to the ceremony but, there was a bunch of rumors he didn't really talk to anyone and he left right after he did speech.
I'm just saying he could at least do some appearances here and there. Even Stone Cold still does appearances at pay per views and his back is all fucked up.
Nov 26, 2007
Stone Cold and John Cena made movies too. they have great personalities but, they still remain and all saw this word again. LOYAL to the company that put them on.
There's only two people who've had great success outside of the ring, due to their success in the ring, and that's Hogan and The Rock...Sure other cats did movies but none have been nearly as successful as them. To prove my point, I'd even say that neither Cena or Stone Cold didn't even reach the popularity as Macho Man did pushin for Slim Jim.