i was talkin to this muslim guy

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Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
and damn!! i learned a lot!! im not talkin about converting or anything. but i sure did learn a lot of stuff! he is cool as hell. hes an ethiopian. we were discussing things like the culture of his ppl, and his religion. i told him about me bein catholic. we both learned a great deal of things. i love learning now!! its like somethin hit me, and hit me hard! my mind is so open to new ideas and i dont let lil' things bother me. its like a revelation! a new beginning! i like to learn about other cultures and i like teachin others about me and what i go thru.
May 11, 2002
Yes. Muslim people are good people. I have learned A LOT by reading about the religion of Islam. I also have some Muslim friends. It is amazing how dedicated and sincere they are.

I am Catholic too, but you must remember that all Western religions are all tied to Abraham. A lot of fundmental Christians fail to realize that.
May 12, 2002
Hey man let me let you in on something.... i need 200 dollars. j/k

Thats cool, i like ot talk to people like that. I arrive at work late a lot because i end up talking to people. Usually about religion. Give me a hot girl that likes to talk a lot, about anything, and ill be set at a party.


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
hell yeah! give me a fine woman who likes to talk! i love to listen and talk about deep stuff and world events. but this guy was really amazing. he was very caring about everything. i asked him why there was hatred between christians and muslims. he said there isnt. and i always thought that muhamad was just like jesus. they were both prophets. but he didnt understand why we christians say jesus was an all powerful man. he siad that jesus was only human, and only a messenger of god. i explained to him that jesus wasnt a "god" but the son of god. and he died to save us from our sins. he said how could he have those powers if he was only human. and he belives that jesus never died. because if he died then our sins would be taken away, u get it? we sin everyday, therefore he is not dead. it was really interesting. i told my mom and she got worried. i told her that i just want to learn new things, she thinks i want to convert with all the things i was tellin her. im not even done learning. when i see him again we gonna have a another good talk. cuz he is very religious and he is a cool guy. so i made a good friend and kinda like a teacher.
Nov 17, 2002

Who says that if Jesus died our sins would be "taken away"?
Where did he get this from?

Also, define "dead"...

Jesus physically died, but he lives on in a higher place...

Perhaps you need to explain more what your muslim friend was talking about...


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
isnt that in the bible?? i thought jesus suffered and died but IS still with us in our minds, to save us. he was sayin that he doesnt understand why we make jesus look like a god or all powerful being. he says that muhamud didnt have special powers, he just spoke the word of god. thats pretty much all he said. now if u can take the time to help me learn a new way of this. please inform me.
Aug 15, 2002
This is what us Muslims believe about Jesus. He was the savior the Jews were anticipating, but he was just an ordinary man. The powers that were given to him were given to him by God. He was not the son of God, but just an ordinary person, who had been give special powers so that people would listen to him when he would trying to convey his message. Just because Jesus was born out of a virgin does not mean that he is God's child, God is all-powerful and can do anything. It is just a miracle of God. We only believe in one God, and God is unique and doesn't have any human-like characteristics such as having children, etc.
Like your friend told you, we don't believe that Jesus died in the cross, we believe that he was risen to the sky, and will return back to earth someday to die as an ordinary man. We believe that this was his original message and that he did prophesize the coming of Muhammad. We believe that the Bible of today is not the Bible of his time. Much of it is the same, but a lot of it has been changed. Same with the Torah. For example, some of the writers such as Paul and Mark wrote their Bibles much later after Jesus left. In fact, the book of Barnabas, who was one of Jesus's apostles, also forecasts the coming of Muhammad. To us, Muhammad was also an ordinary man, but was given the duty as the messenger of God and he was the last prophet.
Jul 24, 2002
Furio said:
isnt that in the bible?? i thought jesus suffered and died but IS still with us in our minds, to save us. he was sayin that he doesnt understand why we make jesus look like a god or all powerful being. he says that muhamud didnt have special powers, he just spoke the word of god. thats pretty much all he said. now if u can take the time to help me learn a new way of this. please inform me.
Muslims will never understand the Holy Trinity.
They discredit Jesus with no basis but the claims of their prophet Mohammed.
To him, Jesus was just another prophet like Moses.
Muslims do not believe that Jesus was born to a virgin, and they cannot accept the fact the Jesus is the son of God.
My girl asks, "how can God have a Son?". And i reply with another question, "I thought God is all powerful and can do anything he wishes?".
She gets stuck on that....
Another thing, Mohammed claimed that Jesus prophecised his coming. The answer to that is yes and no.

No - Jesus told his desciples in the scripture that there would be someone else coming. But that someone else was the Holy Spirit of God. And this is found very clearly, but yet Mohammed claims Jesus was reffering to him. And that's clearly not the case, Jesus specifically said it would be the Spirit of God whom would praise Jesus. Mohammed never did that....

Yes - Jesus told the desciples there would be many false prophets coming after his departure. That's the only time Jesus prophecised the coming of Mohammed...

Now the gospels of Paul, Mark, Matthew, and Luke were written a few years after Jesus's crucifixion and resurection to Heaven.
The purpose of the Holy Ghost at this time was to inspire the desciples to record the gospels. So everything in the gospels are intact since then. There is overwelming evidence to support the original scripture outside of the biblical world.
Have you heard about the way the desciples were killed for preaching the Gospels after Jesus's crucifixion?
All but one made it alive, John who later wrote Revelations.
The rest were killed in horrific violent deaths, just for preaching the words of Jesus.

My point is that the bible is vertually identical to the original scripture. Well minus a couple of fixed translation bugs.

I hope I didn't piss anyone off.
Furio, I just want to give you the facts....

Sep 28, 2002
be careful

he might try to slip you a mickey and sodomize you.................lol.............but you sound like you might be looking for that.................."I met this guy and he's so neet and interesting sounds like your falling in love...............lol...................You say your learning alot but from your description of the plight of Y you sound like you don't know shit about your professed religion...............................


Sicc OG
Jul 30, 2002
what r u talkin about?? im just sayin that im learnin about other ppl's opinions. and im keepin an open mind. im learnin a lot. u should start learnin too, instead of being a lame ass who is not funny at all. but......who am i to judge? u will get yours in the end, thats all i can say.
this is pointed to that "form" what ever guy
Aug 15, 2002
miggidy said:

Maybe you do, but that's not what the Quran says.
Actually, in surah 3, ayah 47, it says in the Quran
"She (Mary) said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said Even so: God createth what He wileth when he hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it 'Be,' and it is!"
Do you need any more proof?
Jul 24, 2002
Tha pro,

I stand corrected bro.
Good insight, as far as I knew the Quran disproved the virgin birth....

My girl's side of the family and just about every Muslim I know believes that Jesus was born naturally.
I'm gonna slap their faces with this line!
So many Muslims don't believe the Virgin birth to be legit, and yet it's in the Quran?
That's pure hypocrisy.
I'm gonna look more into this....

You know what's interesting?
The book of Injil says that Jesus is the only way to God.
That's also found in the bible.

Let me ask you something, what's the best version of the Quran in English? I've been looking for one, but my girl has yet to point me out as to which one I should get.

Aug 15, 2002
Nobody is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. It takes a real man to admit that they were wrong. I gotta give you props for that.

The book of Injil is the Bible. That is what it is called in Arabic.

There are several English versions of the Quran. I have the Yusuf Ali one, the Noble Quran, and a few more that I can't think of now. A lot of people say that the Yusuf Ali translation has a lot of flaws in it, so you might not want to buy that one. Truthfully, I don't know which one is the best version, and I am not the right person to ask.
Nov 17, 2002

Its like this...

You are going to hear a lot of different view points on religion and on Jesus, but its up to you to find these things out for yourself and create your own perceptions. This Muslim guy may be cool as hell and thats fine. But, you may find another person who is cool as hell that doesn't share the same beliefs as the muslim guy. Eventually you will have to do the research for yourself. Don't just adapt what he believes because he's a cool guy and, on the surface, it makes sense. Think of him as a starting point into your research, if you wish. He has obviously opened your mind, and that is good. Just keep your eyes on God...