I expected this to be on here by now

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May 16, 2002
I personally don't have any kids.
But when I started dating my gf her son was pretty bad and was one referral away from getting kicked out of kindergarden. She was beatin the hell out of him too. I pointed some things out on her approach and the kids a changed man. All we do now is put his ass in the corner and make him explain why he did what he did then we explain why he can't do that and that's the end of that. Communication is key and I rather a kid respect me than fear me and learn why they can and can't do certain things instead of beatin the hell out of them without any sort of explanation.

I concur, only difference is after a good ass whoopin' I sit them down & explain why they're ass was beatin' & if they do it again, I'm gonna beat that ass again LOL! j/k (Just messin' with ya, Bro.)

Again, this thread is dead in the water as to what is right & what is a wrong way to discipline. Yes, we all agree that there is an extreme point, but at the end of it all, what works for one, may not work for the other. Each kid is different and though we say we treat them all the same and that we're fair, but there are times that doesn't happen. Knowing one's kids weak spot such as taking away their toys etc. may work as well. Not letting them watch T.V, go outside etc. A sort of punishment and having to pay a debt by having to clean for a certain amount of time etc. all those things I've found work.

Although, there also comes a time when I'll have to physically lay the law down and do some spanking. No objects just an open hand & enough to make a statement & get their undivided attention.

I was straight raw with two nephews I raised. I mean no holds barred when it came to whoopin' their ass. Nothing I'm proud of, but I'm not that person anymore, but I will say this. Neither of them are running the streets, used or using drugs or disrespectful to their elders or anyone today.

One is serving in the United States Marine Corps. He has been in combat and is back (Thank God.) he has a place with his girlfriend. And have a baby on the way. The other is working a job and has his house with his girlfriend & their two kids. I think society would hold up both hands and form a cross with their fingers if they saw how I used to lay the law down on them boys as kids, but society can kiss my ass for raising great law abiding working class citizens.

In closing: A legit / correct ass whoopin' will never fail.



Jan 4, 2005
i see a bunch of you propped this guys post:

$ileNt_eNe_ATL @$ileNt_eNe_ATL (04-02-2013), ayo4yayo @ayo4yayo (04-02-2013), ChangoLoco14 @ChangoLoco14 (04-02-2013), DFresh77 @DFresh77 (04-02-2013), ESCOBAR 92113 @ESCOBAR 92113 (04-02-2013), Espiohti @Espiohti (04-03-2013), Gemini @Gemini (04-02-2013), MobbinINda916 @MobbinINda916 (04-02-2013), SLICC RICC @SLICC RICC (04-02-2013), TRAGIC LOSSES @TRAGIC LOSSES (04-03-2013)

a few of you i know for sure are fathers, of daughters.

Not gonna call you out but if you see your name up there & you got a daughter... You really think this parenting done correctly?

In other words, you whoop your girls with electric cords?
hell naw, id never whoop my daughter with an electrical cord. I barely even spank her now, especially seeing as shes only 4 years old. I feel that the dude handed out what he thought was the correct punishment for his daughters. I feel discipline, however its handed out, is good for children. Im no one to say this dude isnt parenting in the correct manner. I sure as fuck wouldnt care what he would have to say, if i were to discipline my kid in front of him... One thing we all gotta understand is that we were all brought up differently, regardless of what fuckin studies were done about this subject or that...

Ill tell you what i do have an issue with, is this incident being taped, then put on fuckin world star, of all fuckin places...


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
I don't believe any parent should act in a fit of rage.You have to take a step back.That dude lost it.I spank my oldest when he acts out, and will continue to in order to get a life lesson across.What a lot of non-parents don't understand is that, you only use that as 1% of a teaching tool.My kid might get spanked once a month, or every 2 months.99% of the time I am verbally teaching them.I can say that without a doubt, I feel lucky to have been in fear of my dad.God knows where I woulda ended up without that trusty yard stick.You can throw all your studies out the window..There are far too many factors in a humans life to validate what, where, and why they became who they are as an adult.
May 9, 2002
If you threw studies out the window, we would have no controls or context for....anything. Studies and research are done for a reason, and everyone should know that. Its also easy to validate the data by simply looking around and comparing the control to people you know, people you see on TV, or people on the street or in Kmart.

Im usually the first one to contest data, and believe me i have...but the studies done on punishment to children is seen all around us. And you have to look at every stage of your life before you can say "i turned out all right". And? What about the shit you did on the way? The path can be just as bad as the means, so dont act like all is peachy when we can easily look at ourselves and say "wow, i was a dick..like, alot".

People often criticize women on here for whorish behavior...did you ever stop and think WHY she acts like that? Or why that kid is a bully in school and why he ends up going in and out of prison? Or why this chick has such low self esteem that she can barely function on a day to day basis?

9 times out of 10? Its how they were raised. How they were treated. How they were disciplined. But, i digress. Im cool with opinions...but to just say "fuck the studies" is downright dismissive and just tells me that you are justifying your own behavior.

And no, this isnt aimed at anyone in particular. There are people in this thread that i get along with very well that have differing opinions on the subject.

I think the bottom line here is that video was flat out wrong. This is a GROWN man, BEATING his teenage children with a WEAPON....and appears to be enjoying it. Thats it for me. Fuck the context of why this happened, no child deserves that. NOT. ONE.


Jefe De Los Pollos
Aug 12, 2005
I see a bunch of you propped this guys post:

$ileNt_eNe_ATL @$ileNt_eNe_ATL (04-02-2013), ayo4yayo @ayo4yayo (04-02-2013), ChangoLoco14 @ChangoLoco14 (04-02-2013), DFresh77 @DFresh77 (04-02-2013), ESCOBAR 92113 @ESCOBAR 92113 (04-02-2013), Espiohti @Espiohti (04-03-2013), Gemini @Gemini (04-02-2013), MobbinINda916 @MobbinINda916 (04-02-2013), SLICC RICC @SLICC RICC (04-02-2013), TRAGIC LOSSES @TRAGIC LOSSES (04-03-2013)

a few of you I know for sure are fathers, of daughters.

Not gonna call you out but if you see your name up there & you got a daughter... you really think this parenting done correctly?

in other words, you whoop your girls with electric cords?
With electrical cords? my kids? Hell no.... That was extreme if you ask me... I would never like to hear my kids scream like those girls did.
Dec 4, 2006
He went a little overboard IMO..

But in a way, he did it to discipline them...

The question is, would they do it again? NO..

Would I beat my daughter like that? NO, never had to....I think her mother spanked her a couple of times for misbehaving and that was when she was around 4-5 years old..

Kids learn from those type of things, but sometimes is better sitting down with them and talking to them like if they were adults..

that's my 2 cents on this subject..
Apr 25, 2002
I see a bunch of you propped this guys post:

$ileNt_eNe_ATL @$ileNt_eNe_ATL (04-02-2013), ayo4yayo @ayo4yayo (04-02-2013), ChangoLoco14 @ChangoLoco14 (04-02-2013), DFresh77 @DFresh77 (04-02-2013), ESCOBAR 92113 @ESCOBAR 92113 (04-02-2013), Espiohti @Espiohti (04-03-2013), Gemini @Gemini (04-02-2013), MobbinINda916 @MobbinINda916 (04-02-2013), SLICC RICC @SLICC RICC (04-02-2013), TRAGIC LOSSES @TRAGIC LOSSES (04-03-2013)

a few of you I know for sure are fathers, of daughters.

Not gonna call you out but if you see your name up there & you got a daughter... you really think this parenting done correctly?

in other words, you whoop your girls with electric cords?
I never spank my daughter because ive raised her right and she acts right...would never whip her with an extension cord....If i caught her making a twerk video i would bring the pain....yes they guy went overboard but its better than doing nothing

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
There's that other video of the dude trying to be cool on facebook and his uncle whoop's him which seemed totally appropriate on the flipside of this thread. I haven't even watched the first video posted here tho

that fool got killed some time after that.

i'm sure he got clowned and tested like a fuck after this video came out, and he did something drastic to end up getting killed

May 9, 2002
He went a little overboard IMO..

But in a way, he did it to discipline them...

The question is, would they do it again? NO..

Would I beat my daughter like that? NO, never had to....I think her mother spanked her a couple of times for misbehaving and that was when she was around 4-5 years old..

Kids learn from those type of things, but sometimes is better sitting down with them and talking to them like if they were adults..

that's my 2 cents on this subject..
They may not do THAT exact thing again, but they will find other ways to act out. Thats just it...yes, physical harm STOPS that specific behavior, but it breeds other undesirable behavior. I think thats what no one is grasping here.


Oct 25, 2011
I never spank my daughter because ive raised her right and she acts right...would never whip her with an extension cord....If i caught her making a twerk video i would bring the pain....yes they guy went overboard but its better than doing nothing

I read this in your stand up voice. It was actually funny, a punchline in there would have made it hilarious.


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
There is a double standard of discipline to a son vs a daughter... And they respond very different to it.

Plus there a fine line of them respecting you, vs being afraid of you.
May 16, 2002
I take my kids back to the 80's. I simply give them that look in public like, "Wait til we get home." And they quickly settle down.

I call any of my kids to do something & they act up & waste my time, they get time out to make up for my time wasted. They waste my time? I deprive them of theirs. They haven't had a time out in sometime :classic:
Feb 14, 2004
We tried timeouts, that didn't work out too well. He seems to listen real well when we threaten to take away the brand new bike that we got him. I don't know how that'll pan out in the long run, but it's working right now.
May 16, 2002
We tried timeouts, that didn't work out too well. He seems to listen real well when we threaten to take away the brand new bike that we got him. I don't know how that'll pan out in the long run, but it's working right now.
Whatever works for yours. Like I said within this thread, all kids are different. What works for one, may not work for the other.


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
I have a six year old son, and he doesn't listen for shit!!! But I would never beat him.
My son is six also. It seems like most kids around this age are lightweight wild. Probably testing what they can get away with and what they cant.