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Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
At 7:52 PM an American Airlines 747 flight from Tokyo Japan was diverted to make an emergency landing at the LAX Internatinal airport in California. 1 man was carryed out in a boybag the cause of death has been confirmed that it was sars. The plane and all the occupents have been quarnteened.
Apr 25, 2002
As the statement goes sicker then Sars. Sars, short for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is this mysterious illness goin around with cold-like symptoms. Its got everyone around the nation concerned, and obviously the red-headed stepchild kaze is scared for his life over this one. So far 1,804 people in 15 nations have become sick from it, and it has been reported to have been the blame for the deaths of 64 mostly in China and Hong Kong. Here is a little Q And A about it:

Q. What are the symptoms?

A. It usually begins with a fever of more than 100.4 F., sometimes with chills and headache and body aches. After two to seven days, patients may develop a cough. Other symptoms can include shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing and pneumonia.

Q. Who’s most at risk of getting SARS?

A. Travelers to or residents of certain parts of Asia, and people who’ve had direct close contact with an infected person, like health care workers and those sharing a household with a SARS patient. Apart from that, there’s no sign of it spreading in communities in the United States at the moment, federal authorities say.

Q. What should I do if I think I have SARS?

A. If you have a fever of more than 100.4 F. and develop a cough or difficulty breathing, contact a health care provider. Explain any recent travel to regions where SARS has been reported and whether you were in close contact with someone who had these symptoms.

Q. How does SARS spread?

A. The germ apparently travels on the tiny droplets of fluid that an infected person spews out when coughing or sneezing. Experts say they’re concerned about the possibility that it might also travel more broadly through the air.

Q. What can I do to avoid SARS?

A. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends postponing non-essential trips to mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Hanoi, Vietnam. While some SARS cases have been reported in Canada, there’s no sign of widespread community spread, so CDC isn’t advising against travel to or from there.

Q. Can I catch the germ from an infected passenger in an airplane?

A. There have been a few reports suggesting that. The World Health Organization says that doesn’t necessarily mean the germ spreads through recirculated air, however. To reduce the international spread of SARS, WHO is urging officials to screen international airline passengers departing from Toronto, Singapore, Hanoi and several Chinese cities for possible SARS and ask those who appear sick to delay their trip until they feel better.

Q. Is there a cure?

A. None has been identified yet.

Q. What caused those clusters of cases in the Hong Kong hotel and apartment building?

A. It’s not yet clear how the germ was transmitted in those cases. Scientists believe SARS is caused by a type of coronavirus, the virus family that causes the common cold. Other coronaviruses can survive up to three hours outside the body. So it’s possible that if an infected person coughed droplets onto a door handle or some other object that a second person later touched, that second person might become infected.
Mar 13, 2003

Kaze said:
Is there a particular reason you replyed 3 times? :eyecross: lol
I know when I do that sometimes, it's because my fat fingers stick to the keys.

My Dad just came back from Hong Kong. He was right in the middle of that shit. He doesn't appear sick though. He's leaving for Singapore in a couple weeks so he might still get it.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
And that my friends, is why I am quiting smoking weed and cigarettes. I need a stronger immune system! lmao.....That shit is fucked up.....it's a shame what our country and world is coming too...


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
mo-x said:
SARS is not good. And... Kaze, learn how to spell fucker.
LOL i know i am a bad speller.... But on top of that i was on AIM talkin to someone who was walkin me through the steps to fix a problem on my computer.. :classic:


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
HA! April fools motherfuckers!!!!! :cheeky:
But there was a similar situation that happened in San Jose with an American Airlines yeasterday (April 1) but noone died, and as far as i know noone was sick with sars... I also probably shouldent have joked about that... So i appoligise in advance to anyone this may piss off.
Jan 13, 2003
Fuck SARS, i had pnomonia when I was younger and that shit fucked me up. Sars is like ebola in your lungs, you got it, start writing your will. Thats the fucked up thing about Seattle, we have a lot of travel to China and other asian contries, so we are at high risk to have it in King County. Shit I just heard on the news to avoid travel to Hong Kong and a few other places. Ever seen 12 Monkeys.....get ready...................................