Fist fights

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Dec 3, 2016
I haven't fought in a long time. When you get older you let a lot of shit go that you wouldn't have when you were younger. People cut me off in traffic, almost run me over on my motorcycle and 9/10 it doesn't even phase me anymore.

My last fight I swung and missed but for some reason dude didn't swing back he just stood there as I was wide open from the wide right hook I took. I swung again and landed flush on his left eye.. and that was that. Many years later, we're cool lol. Was about to take flight on this big dude at the bar the other day, he thought because he was bigger nobody was gonna test him. I sat there finishing my glass of beer, a little buzzed from the 3 shots of whiskey prior.. contemplating if I should crack his skull with the glass in my hand.. looked around, saw 2 exits, 4 security cameras, and the fact my tab was still open and ability to close my tab was going to be another 10-15 minutes on this busy night... I rationalized and instead decided not to do anything because all he was doing was mean muggin and that will not suffice for mutual combat or self defense should I end up in jail.
Aug 15, 2003
I Was About 19 Years Old And Weighed 180 Lbs And Faced Off With This Ex-AllState Middle Linebacker From Another High School But Now He Weighing 300 Lbs. We Were Arguing Over The Tennessee And Georgia Game And He Called Me A Bitch So I Straight Smacked Him. So We Took It Out In The Street Out Of Respect For My Friend, But He Had Them Straps Anyways And Sure The Hell Would Of Lit Dudes Ass Up If He Tried Anything.

We Got Out In The Street And I Just Had Surgery On My Left Hand And Got The Cast Off So All I Had Was A Right And The Left To Jab My Fingers In His Eyes. I Was Bobbing, Weaving, Guarding, Jabbing, Gouging, And Firing In With My Right. I Kept Stunning Him But Couldn't Knock Him Down, And Kept My Distance The Whole Round Which Lasted Over An Half An Hour. He Finally Wrapped Me Up And Was On My Back But Couldn't Drop Me To The Ground, And Said "Damn You Can Fight, Lets Call It A Draw."

But My Hits To His Ratio Were About 15:1 - 150:10 Overall
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Feb 16, 2006
I haven't fought in a long time. When you get older you let a lot of shit go that you wouldn't have when you were younger. People cut me off in traffic, almost run me over on my motorcycle and 9/10 it doesn't even phase me anymore.

My last fight I swung and missed but for some reason dude didn't swing back he just stood there as I was wide open from the wide right hook I took. I swung again and landed flush on his left eye.. and that was that. Many years later, we're cool lol. Was about to take flight on this big dude at the bar the other day, he thought because he was bigger nobody was gonna test him. I sat there finishing my glass of beer, a little buzzed from the 3 shots of whiskey prior.. contemplating if I should crack his skull with the glass in my hand.. looked around, saw 2 exits, 4 security cameras, and the fact my tab was still open and ability to close my tab was going to be another 10-15 minutes on this busy night... I rationalized and instead decided not to do anything because all he was doing was mean muggin and that will not suffice for mutual combat or self defense should I end up in jail.

That's hella funny way to stay level headed while drinkin. Some people just have it coming.
May 7, 2013
you get in trouble with the law ? Have to pay his hospital bill?
No he owed me money from a lil deal so I had to get restitution. He disappeared to Texas for minute and when he returned to the hood I had to keep it live for him. It wasn't worth shooting him over, he just needed some guidance on the proper way to conduct a business transaction to prevent him from making the same mistake twice. Long story shorter he took a 3 day trip to the hospital and probably pissed blood for a while and I never saw him around the ave after that. I put one other person in the hospital when I was 5 but that wasn't on purpose, shoved their teeth up their nose. I do have a short fuse but I don't commit violence on people anymore unless I feel threatened or in danger.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
No he owed me money from a lil deal so I had to get restitution. He disappeared to Texas for minute and when he returned to the hood I had to keep it live for him. It wasn't worth shooting him over, he just needed some guidance on the proper way to conduct a business transaction to prevent him from making the same mistake twice. Long story shorter he took a 3 day trip to the hospital and probably pissed blood for a while and I never saw him around the ave after that. I put one other person in the hospital when I was 5 but that wasn't on purpose, shoved their teeth up their nose. I do have a short fuse but I don't commit violence on people anymore unless I feel threatened or in danger.
What is worth shooting someone over? Have you had to before?

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Mac Jesus @Mac Jesus Share some of your war stories if you have any
One time, I accidentally bumped into someone and he got mad and gave me a dirty look. It wasn't really anything worth shooting him over, but I said sorry and kept on walking.
Jan 31, 2008
why fighting outside of witnessed self-defense is not worth it (aka video cameras):

One-punch killer sentenced to 15 years‬‏ - YouTube

One-punch killer sentenced to 15 years

A soccer player who pleaded guilty to manslaughter for fatally assaulting a referee during an adult soccer game in suburban Detroit last June was sentenced Friday to eight to 15 years in prison, prosecutors said.

Bassel Saad, 36, was charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm for punching referee John Bieniewicz, 44, in the head after the referee signaled he was planning to eject Saad from a soccer match in the city of Livonia.

Bieniewicz, a father of two, died in the hospital two days later, and his death was ruled a homicide, according to the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office. Saad's charges were amended to second-degree murder, but he pleaded down to manslaughter in February.

Saad was also instructed to pay $9,265 in restitution to Bieniewicz's family, according to NBC affiliate WDIV.

Judge Thomas Cameron, who handed down the sentence, told Saad on Friday that he had "come to personify all that's wrong with many people's belief about the escalation of violence in sports," the station reported.
Jun 21, 2016

A soccer player who pleaded guilty to manslaughter for fatally assaulting a referee during an adult soccer game in suburban Detroit last June was sentenced Friday to eight to 15 years in prison, prosecutors said.

Bassel Saad, 36, was charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm for punching referee John Bieniewicz, 44, in the head after the referee signaled he was planning to eject Saad from a soccer match in the city of Livonia.

Bieniewicz, a father of two, died in the hospital two days later, and his death was ruled a homicide, according to the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office. Saad's charges were amended to second-degree murder, but he pleaded down to manslaughter in February.

Saad was also instructed to pay $9,265 in restitution to Bieniewicz's family, according to NBC affiliate WDIV.

Judge Thomas Cameron, who handed down the sentence, told Saad on Friday that he had "come to personify all that's wrong with many people's belief about the escalation of violence in sports," the station reported.
Livonia a nice area, that arab has got money, should have payed 100k to the family not 10k.
Aug 15, 2003
Man I Done Whooped A Dude Silly At The Group Home. He Was College RB And Local Bouncer And Was Bullying Everyone There. He Got Into 8 Different Fights While I Was There And Would Always Provoke Someone To Hit Him First. So He Finally Got Drunk And Came At Me One Day. Pushing Me And Poking Me In The Chest, And I Let It Happen Because I Was Trying To Get Out Of The Group Home Then. He Did It For An Half An Hour Then I Went In The House And Dude Followed Me. He Started Clinching Them Fists And I Asked Him "Are You Trying To Fight Me" And He Said "Damn Right I'm Trying To Fight You, Now Hit Me" And Came At Me. So I Unleashed, Punched Him In The Cheek And Jaw And Grabbed Him By The Shoulders And Ran Him Back Into The Wall, Hit Him And Locked Him Up On The Ground Where I Could Give Every Karate Punch I Could, Like 20 Of Them, And The Manager Told Me To Go Back Into My Room. So Dude Followed Me Back And Told Me To Go Again, So I Knocked Him Out With One Punch And Left Him On The Ground In Lock With His Arms In The Air And Him Drooling. I Got Out The Group Home That Day And My Time Was Done, But The Hardest Was Holding Myself Back When He Started That With Me And All The Others.
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
Last fight I got in to was a few years ago I beat up the Vietnamese tweaker that lives across the street, what happened was I drove up to my house and he was drunk talking shit and I was also drunk so I hop out the truck and I said "what up bitch, you got a problem?", so he starts throwing beer bottles and missed so I ran up on him and punched him in the nose and he tries to throw a couple punches and then he fell on the ground and I kicked him a few times in the stomach and chest, after that he runs away and hops on his bike to the liquor store and then somebody at the store kicked his ass worse and the next day the cops come to my house, but I didn't get arrested,cops said it was self defense because the neighbors told the pigs he was throwing beer bottles at me.