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Nov 8, 2006
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An influential Democratic lawmaker on Sunday called for reinstatement of the draft as a way to boost U.S. troop levels and draw a broader section of the population into the military or public service.

U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel (news, bio, voting record), the incoming chairman of the House of Representatives' tax-writing committee, said he would introduce legislation to reinstate the draft as soon as the new, Democratic-controlled Congress convenes in January.

Asked on CBS' "Face the Nation" if he was still serious about the proposal for a universal draft he raised a couple of years ago, he said, "You bet your life. Underscore serious."

"If we're going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can't do that without a draft," he said.

Rangel, who opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq, also said he did not think the United States would have invaded Iraq if the children of members of Congress were sent to fight. He has said the U.S. fighting force is comprised disproportionately of people from low-income families and minorities.

"I don't see how anyone can support the war and not support the draft. I think to do so is hypocritical," he said.

The New York Democrat had introduced legislation to reinstate the draft in January 2003 before the Iraq invasion. The Pentagon has said the all-volunteer army is working well and there is no need for a draft, and the idea had no traction in the Republican-led Congress.

Democrats gained control of both the House and Senate for the first time in 12 years in the November 7 election, and a wholesale change in the leadership of Congress is to be made in January. Rangel is to head the House Ways and Means Committee, which is charged with U.S. tax and trade legislation.

The draft was in place from 1948 to 1973, when the United States converted to an all-volunteer army. But almost all men living in the United States - including most male noncitizens - are required to register with the Selective Service upon reaching 18, and federal benefits, including financial aid for college studies, are contingent on registration.

Rangel said his legislation on the draft would also offer the alternative of a couple of years of public service with educational benefits.

-----I personally don't think this is going to go anywhere. I think the US will have to become pretty desperate before they allow this to happen.
Mar 12, 2005
I didn't even register, I accidentally through away the paper. Man if I ever get Drafted to go to war, I'm getting married just like they did in Vietnam, I'm the only man in the household!

-----I personally don't think this is going to go anywhere. I think the US will have to become pretty desperate before they allow this to happen.
If it happens I'm going AWOL
Mar 9, 2005
How many of you were required to register with the 'selective service'? I've never heard of it myself but it sounds nasty - does it mean that, in times of war, the military can call you up to fight and you have no choice but to do what they ask?
Nov 8, 2006
Hutch said:
How many of you were required to register with the 'selective service'? I've never heard of it myself but it sounds nasty - does it mean that, in times of war, the military can call you up to fight and you have no choice but to do what they ask?
All males living in the US as soon as they turn 18. So that should the occasion ever arise (like in WWII and Vietnam) they can call up people from among the population to serve to boost the troop numbers. And yeah you pretty much don't have a choice, although there are many loopholes.
Mar 9, 2005
That's shocking - I hope the loopholes are well publicized and that those people who really don't want to go to war have the time and the inclination to set themselves up for a pardon.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
Well, I only lived for some time in the States, but as soon as I got a social security no., the army was out to get me, even though I'm not an American...

In Germany they have the draft. Every male that turns 18 has to go to a medical check. Then, depending on your school and job carrer, the German Army contacts you to join for 10months. After that, you can join the army if you want to. You are not allowed to serv in foreign countries the army is stationed, unless you want to.
If you don't want to serv in the army, you have to state your reasons and then you can serv as a "helper" in hospitals, retirenment homes, etc.!

I didn't do shit though. I got kicked outta school and signed up for a job right after without telling the Army that. So they couldn't draft me. And over the time, I guess they forgot...
Nov 8, 2006
Wow I didn't know it was like that in Germany. In South Korea they take it to the extreme. Every male must serve a mandatory 2 years in one of the military branches at some point between the ages of 19 to around 30. I worked with a lot of Korean soldiers over there and they hated that shit.
Mar 12, 2005
oakraiders9 said:
I had to sign up for the selective service to get my financial aid and loans from the school. I wasn't too happy about this, but I had to do it.
That's what Fuckin sucked, I had a 3.0 GPA, and since I never registered I never got financial aid. THE MARK OF THE BEAST! LOL Not really.