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Jul 15, 2002
OK....Here's the deal this thread is about ass whoppings you've received by your parents over the course of your childhood or witnessed your siblings beat downs. Please share your stories...

Back in the day my Momma was a SAV when it came to
whopping our asses. I notice I got way more ass whoppings then my other siblings (I'm the oldest). Then again sometimes Moms would cuss you out so bad you'd wish she would have whopped your ass.


I was born in Portland at the time I was about 5 years old (1984). People use to kidnap kids alot back then; more so then now....Moms use to always stress that I had to be in before the street lights came on...So, one day me and a bunch of older kids I always found myself hanging with older people these fools were all 2nd, 3rd, 4th graders. So we were playing kickball at Woodlawn Park (where I grew up in Portland) and it was my turn to kick...I missed the 1st one (don't ask how?) and the next thing I know some kid name Jesse is like Yo, somebodys Moms is coming with a belt and she steamin' mad so like a smart ass I scream IT AIN'T MY MOMMA knowing good and well it's dark and I'm due for ass whopping when I return home. Before my second try I decide to look back to see if it's my moms...I look back and whooooooshhhh POP...AWWWWWWWWWWOUCCCHHHHHH and off natural instinct I booked. Moms was right on my ass swinging so I ran as fast as I could to my grandma's house which was 3 blocks from my house. I didn't run home cuz I knew my punk ass step-dad was there who was always fiendin' to whop I get to the door at grandmas and I bam and yell as if my life is on the line (it was)...she opens....McNeil whats wrong baby? All out of breath and crying Grandma Grandma she gonna whop me you gotta help I didn't do nothing please help me please.....Calm down baby everythang is gonna be I hear Moms coming up the stairs....Grandma says "Go hide under my bed" now ain't that loyalty? So I hide under the bed....and wait? BOOOOOOOMMMMMM my busts in the door Momma where that little fucker at Lord knows I'm so sick of this DEMON ASS CHILD OF I'm under the bed like OH SHIT but she ain't gonna find it get's silent...then I hear Lisa he's in my room under my bed....BETRAYAL grandma snitched....Moms comes in the room McNeil I know your little ass is under the bed come out and I won't whop you......NO......boy get yo ass out from under that goddamn thing I know somebody is pulling my legs....strong ass old lady Grandma was the one pulling me from under the my momma goes to whopping my ass the whole way home and I'm falling, begging, pleading for help, can't forget the I"LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN line...finally we get home and all I can do is rub my legs cuz they sting....I'm sitting on the couch next thing I know my step-dad comes out the room and you know what happens ROUND 2.....I can say this my mother was a far better ass whipper then he was fucking sissie.

Another time....still in Portland....the family (Moms, Aunt Pat & Tracy, Uncle Jeffrey, and my faggot as cousin Terrance) decided they were going to see Purple Rain. I tagged along so 1st we went to I got my normal back then I always would get SMALL FRIES & SMALL ORANGE soda not cuz we couldn't afford more but I just was hella picking and I did'nt eat Cheseburgers for some reason. So we eat with no incident...they buy the movie tickets but we have to wait like 1 hr though. We're at Pioneer Sqaure they have these nice fountains and all that gay I'm bored and I decide I'm gonna take my cup and fucked around. I was letting the cup fill up and then I would pour it out and I kept doing this cuz it was fun. So my punk ass cousin started cracking jokes about first I was paying him no mind then he said something and I looked back as soon as I looked back (I must have been hella weak) cuz the water busted through the bottom of the cup and my little ass goes falling into the fountain/pool head my cousin pulls me out the water rolling laughing. I'm dripping wet head 2 toe (shit was kinda fun) my Moms is hella heated. It was in the winter so it's cold I'm shivering..... she didn't whop me....we finally get to the movies and Moms takes me in the Ladies Room with her (GOD BLESS MOMS 4 THAT 1) so I see all these older fine ass women and I'm just mesmerized. All the ladies are grabbing my cheeks (I wish it was my dick) and telling me how cute I was and how I looked like Webster (remember that show?) next thing I know Moms says this boy is 2 damn bad to be cute and started whopping the piss out of my ass in front of everybody and mind you I'm still soak and wet.....I'll never forget that ass whopping!!!

We moved to Atlanta around 85....and i hated it. I was young black and I didn't know shit about the South and all those country bunken-billy ass traditions they have. I start school and instantly it's a problem everybody treated me like I was satans nephew....1st the fucking teachers at the time had the right to discpline kids. I mean teachers and principals would whip your child. So, I started school and I was hella bad ass whipping or not I put it down in the classroom. Somehow I was placed in Special Education (yeah muthafuckas I was hella hyphy) but I was in it for being bad not for being retarded or learning disabilities. I rode the short bus with the kids who would drool, scream, yell, slap themselves and do goes know what else. Anyway, I had this fine teacher name Ms. Lewis who had just graduated from college...she was really nice. Her assistant was Ms. Franklin this big fat black ass Jheri curl having ass sista....good COP v. BAD COP....they put us on the strict merit program. I always did they would send you home with a daily progress report. Moms had to I perfected the art of day Ms. Lewis was out sick and Ms. Franklin took over for the day. She decided I gonna call your, when got home I knew I was gonna get a slave ass beating. My moms took lfight as soon as I stepped in I didn't even get to take my backpack......she chased me all over the room and whop, and whop, and whop until she herd a loud POP and I screamed my lip, my lip Mom you hit me in the lip...that's right Moms busted my lip with a belt on accident....from that day forward I got good grade. Ms. Franklin and I become good buddies.......FAT BITCH!!!!

I have stories 4 days....I'll post more later. Sorry for the long essays!!!
Jun 27, 2002
ok.....the fucker that my mom was with (not my dad) beat me with a leather belt....bad...the worse part was he wasnt holding the buckle end, but the folded end...the buckle catch caught onto my lip and ripped it open pretty bad...

pops holdin a knife to my throat and tellin me his plan to kill me then kill himself and how he didnt care about livin anymore and shit like that

pop sittin in the livin room holding the .380 tellin me if i come out the room he'll shoot me dead....he turned his back for a minute and i ran out the door..or tried to..the door was locked and i shit my pants expecting a bullet through the back...i made it out alive

pops "every 10 minutes" ass whoopin...pops had lost somethin and thought i stole it...he would come into my room every ten minutes, beat me for like 5 mins straight while asking me if i found it yet....of course the answer was no...this went on for like an hour or two...

the "every syllable or word" ass whoppins

again ???
* smack smack smack* "
Aug 26, 2002
me and my bro cleaning our room ...

at the time i was around 13yrs old...mybro was 12...
we get to arguing over the radio...
i of course say..."play this tape"
my"play the radio"

well my pops come stormin in the room...
"what the hell are u 2 girls arguin over?"...
me: 'the radio"
my brother: (starting to cry) cause he knows we are about to get beat.....haha
then my pops takes off his belt...and just starts swignin it..
...he hits us..
but then....the old fuckin belt....
basically rips...
and slip outta his hand...

so he goes and gets the BROOM!!!!..
oh shit!!.....i had never been hit with the broom...

he tells me turn around.....
so i do..
i hits me...and the fuckin broom breaks...
...over my ass... was too funny...
...but u know u cant laugh....
he was so pissed....he couldnt hurt us....picked up the lil radio we had...and he broke it...

and left the room..

crazy.....he was...

May 1, 2005
Daymn....It always seemed like I was always gettin whooped till I was 7 after that my dad wasn't around much to disipline me. Iwas one of those kids that needed it fo real!!! but can't change that. so after that i was able to do what i wanted without havin' to answer to anyone. Granny tried but didn't work so she tried to make my mom ground me over tha weekend again didn't work cuz mom would be gone doin here thang instead of enforcin some kind authority on me. it was comedy i'd laugh at her a** I had no respect for her selfish ass. but years down tha road i'm boxin wit moms while tryin to get my sis to let go of my hair meanwhile moms throwin blows next thing i knew shes tellin me i bleedin i check call her a bitch run to go get somethin to clean up wit thats when i realize its not my nose but my lips thats bleedin' she split my shit i looked f**KED up!! i went to show her yelled " look what you did..... she took me to get stitches i still have a scar on my lip you could tell my lip was split. won't forget that ever....


Sicc OG
May 2, 2002
Good topic.

I have a really strict dad, who is old school MEXICAN. He got hung twice by his dad for doing something bad, so he figured as long as he didn't hang me it wouldn't be that bad to just beat the shit out of me.

Dad was teaching me to ride my bike without training wheels. I was nervous because he kept yelling at me. I got beat, a lot. Plus I kept falling so not only did I get a beating but my knees and hands were all scraped up and bloody. My dad has a way with words that makes you feel like it’s a verbal beating. I got called stupid so much, I would answer to it. And it happened in front of my friends.

As I got older my dad figured I could start taking punches along with the belt. At the time I hated him, any little thing would set him off. But it made me kind of tough. Once I got in a fight at school with a kid because he called me a spic (I had no clue what it was, but got mad just from the way he said it), so I punched him. He punched me back, and I laughed and then just wailed on him. Being hit on by a 5th grader is nothing compared to being beat on by a grown man. Thanks Dad! For some reason he didn’t kick my ass that day, I think he was sort of proud.

I was 17, it was Christmas night, and I got beat for listening to my brand new walkman after lights out. I got 40 lashes, twenty on each butt cheek. There was a lot of punching and slapping too. But the worst thing was when he told me that I was the worst kid, I was so bad that he hated coming home because I would be there. I didn’t cry when he beat me, but I cried when he said that.

Now we’re best buds.
Jul 15, 2002
When I lived in Dago....Moms got this job at Princess Cruise Resort....they would allow employees to take paid vacations and stay at one of ther establishments FREE. Moms decided to take me, my bro, sis, and my crime potna Carlo (we always stayed in some shit) to Palm Springs. Iremeber we got kinda lost on the highway Moms says" I think were lost" this dumb muthafucka Carlo says" WHAT WE LOSE" straight comedy. Anyway, we finally get to the place and we went to the Water Park and all that jazz. We get back to the room to stay in for the night so Moms made us some Tombstone Pizza's....I forgot what happended but I kinda tried to Boss up on Moms...I must have been about 15 y.o. so I notice my little brother is looking at me like NIGGA ARE NUTS? I accidently cursed before the whole word got out my mouth Moms jacked me up by my collar so bad I swear I had whiplash. I was so embarrassed but yet really in pain...she really fucked my neck. I had to change shirts cuz she really POPPED MY COLLAR. Carlo and my brother decide they wanna go fucked around on the Tennis Court but I kept saying I was tired and I didn't feel like.....I was lying like shit I didn't go cuz MY NECK WAS SO FUCKED UP. I couldn't turn my shit for a week....everytime soebody called my name I had to turn with my upper body cuz my neck was fucked...I learned a leasson that day no mattter how old you get NEVER EVER TRY 2 BOSS UP ON YOUR PARENTS.
Nov 24, 2003
People who get their ass whipped as kids grow up to be better people. I can't stand people who had parents that let them do whatever they wanted with out serious consequences. They grow up with no respect, thinking they can do whatever they please. Getting your ass whipped builds character IMO.
Jun 27, 2002
my ex still goes on the dumbass theory of "I DONT BEAT MY KIDS, ITS NOT RIGHT" that shit mighta worked in the 70's or maybe 80's...but that dumb bitch is gonna have hell to pay soon as them kids hit like 13....she thinks just talking to them works....thats why they dont listen to her ass for shit...dumb bitch
May 4, 2002
tha most fucked up i witnessed is when my cousin kids was actin a ass in the backseat after church...
awww shit...

she stopped her car... broke a SWITCH off a gatdam tree whooped everybody's ass and drove me home and they asses cried tha whole way there and got wooped again and when she pulled over she aint park that shit proper muthafuckin all up on tha curb in front of sum nice ass rich folcx house... fuckin comedy but at the moment i was like dam, but if you ever got a whoopin wit a switch u know what tha fuck i'm talkin bout...



Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
my mom used to whip my ass with a tree off the brance off the tree infront of the whole nieborhood, beating down ur pride was part of it, but you cant break me.......


Oct 12, 2004
My mom used to get drunk n then she'd get violent. I think she used to whoop my ass cuz she felt like a badass. She would always say... "Don't fuck w/ me."

One time she was drinkin and had some friends over. We got in a fight and I told her I hated her in front of all her friends. Big mistake. She ended up breaking my finger that night. I was 10.

She's a crazy bitch when she doesn't drink... she's even crazier when she drinks and all them psycho pills she's on doesn't help.
Apr 7, 2005
I think musty's dad and mine are in the same fraternal order or something...

I came home one day from basketball practice, and I brought all of my potnas home with me because we were going to keep playing at the school behind my house. Anyways, pops comes home and starts to wild out. Calls my name like the house was on fire or something...I come around the corner, and he's yellin'..."what are all these niggers doin' in my house?!" mind you, I'm mexican, and I NEVER understood racism, let alone between minorities, and this PISSED me off AND embarrassed the shit out of me...I told him fuck you, and took an angry swing at him....MISSED, DAMN! all I remember is seeing his left hand come over my right...good night martha...I woke up a few minutes later and all my potnas were gone, and I was sure I was gonna be the outkast of my school after that, but my potnas saw me stick up for them, AND take the KO, so it was all love between us still..and every once in a while, my boys bring that shit up and we laugh, but I still get as embarrassed as I did that day 17 years ago.

Now, I'm going to get on some therapy shit....

My parents broke up when I was 3 years old, and have ben enemies since. My dad took a few years before he got remarried, but my moms right away married this dude with 2 kids from a prior marriage, a boy 4 years older than me, and a girl 7 years older. I never liked the dude or his family, they treated me like shit, plus my brother used to be on some michael jackson shit with ya boy. I NEVER told anybody NOTHING about that shit because...well that shit is embarrassing and degrading!! Anyways, I tucked that shit away in my brain somewhere, and never thought about it again. Until I had my daughter....just like my parents, my daughter's mother and I broke up when my baby was three. I took it really hard because that was the closest thing to a stable family life I ever had....2 weeks after my daughter's mother leaves, she moves in with the dude she left me problem, just let me meet the dude that my child is goig to be momma wouldn't allow it, because she thought I wanted to hurt dude. Not the case. Just wanted to see if dude was cool with kids, because I didn't want my daughter to endure all the things I endured as a child in a step-family. I was going crazy because all the memories of my shitty childhod that I had suppressed for 20 years were coming back to me....I was going crazy, and I needed someone to talk to. For some reason I chose my dad to talk to. I went over to see him, and tell him what was bugging me. We went into the kitchen for some coffee, and to talk. I didn't know how to say what I wanted to say, so I just said it....
"Dad when I was 8, my step-brother would molest me, and now my daughter is involved in a step family, and I don't want the same to happen to her...what do I do?" This fucker took the 20 oz. cup of hot coffee he just poured, and threw it in my face, and told me to get away from him & that I'm not his son, and followed it with a punch to the face...this time I didn't go down, and this time he got lumped up, not me....needless to say, I haven't seen or talked to dude in a loooooong time.