Bay Area On The Decline

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May 8, 2002
What happened to the Bay Area rap scene?
Seems like it hit its peak between 92-95, when TC and The Enhancer were doing everything, then it just sizzled out. I remember the time when if you bought a bay area tape, it was gonna be sicc no matter what. There hasn't been that type of heat in years. These days, its just mediocre rappers and yawnable beats.
May 7, 2002
The evolution of Music..... I think there are so much affordable equipment with more users that the market has gotten flushed with the same sounds ie. TRITON, TRINITY.......

May 13, 2002
people dont want to pay the price for production or spend the time to record a good album, the standards of whats good music has changed for the worse, everyone thinks they shit tight,but compared to who? not short, not spice,not 40, fools need to take a look in the mirror before they put that weak shit on the shelf,im tired of spending money on your weakass demos, your fucking up the market and making the bay look weak, i see why bayside dont want to deal with anymore lables, for what? the shit aint good and it aint gonna sell!!

kev ski amgmusic 1993-


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
EA: Agreed. I also say that Bayside no doubt contributed to this flooding but it was necessary to weed out the valuable artists and labels and to give everyone a shot.

Kev: What's up bro? Long time...anyway, I guess you have heard about our dropping alot of labels, wellm it's true, but the difference now is we are very comfortable with our 20 labels that do 90% of our business. It's not that we aren't looking anymore for new talent we just needed to be more selective. I had to "do alot of favors" and now I believe I am paid in full so its time to do good shit.

Peace to everyone. Lets weather this storm.
May 9, 2002
damn i'm so fuckin sick of hearin this. and personally i think the music is the same but alot of people like bitch made ass mainstream mtv shit and have been brainwashed. san quinn and messy marv r still heated as ever yukmouth, luni corleone, e-40, c-bo just dropped wcm. and how we ever expect to get back where we were if motherfuckers keep talkin like the bay is weak now. people buy into what other people say so how is shit like this post helpin? be a loyal fan and if anything talk about how we get no respect


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Boss: Im not sure who you are directing that post to but the truth is Bay Area rap or indie rap is on the decline right now. There is too much technology and this shit is too accessable. You sound less like a "boss" and more like a fan dog. Peep your surroundings. NOBODY is selling records anymore becuase there are too many to choose from.

May 9, 2002
less sells means that the music isnt as good? maybe there's a decline in real motherfuckers ever think of that? and i wasnt directin the post at anyone it was in general and y do i sound like a fan? cuz i think motherfuckers r still comin wit heat. grow some balls support the bay instead of whinnin about sells


BOSS925 said:
and personally i think the music is the same

bak then, we were droppin classic after classic after classic.
it just aint like that anymore. the same shit can be said for east coast and down south shit


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Grow some balls? You little faggot, I've done more to support Bay Area rap than any 1 individual in the history of this shit. Learn about it. I continue to support it and that's why I won't just sign shit for financial gain anymore. Someone has to take responsibility or else we will have 5,000 cats like you next year recording in their mommy's basement and putting out wack shit. You want to support Bay Area rap try executive producing over 100 albums and signing over 200 labels in the course of three years alot of which wouldn't have had a chance to get heard. Try helping to build two Bay Area Rap magazines (read: Murder Dog and Showcase) as well as opening a studio, record store and consulting for a whole host of major and indie artists. Dont talk to me about shit youngster.

Mista CaNE

On the Rise
Apr 25, 2002
Too many reasons to list, most of you have listed them anyway. Although 9 out of 10 rappers need to give it up. I also think the problem is people support to many rappers because there vets. Them older cats have connections but still put out half ass shit. It's time the bay and fans in general start taking chances on some quality new artists. You gotta damn near post snippets for every song and sell your shit for nothing just to get some attention. Pz
May 9, 2002
what u want an award stop cryin and grow some balls u came at me all wrong to begin with sayin i'ma fan not a boss learn to respect a motherfucker u know nothin about. i never said shit to or about u and u threw a little smart ass comment out there at me like u above me? fuck that shit
May 3, 2002
I agree. The quality of rap albums from the Bay has dropped. In fact, rap from anywhere in the U.S. has fallen off. Some rappers are tight as Hell, but the production serves them no good. Some producers are tight as fuck, but the rapping over the beat is weak.
Apr 22, 2002
Bootlegging is another reason sales are down in every region of every genre..

In my day, people jacked shit with guns and ski masks, not a DSL connection. Damn..



CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
I gotta agree on that production side of it. Everybody think they can produce.... GIT THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. Dawg you know how long niggas like me and Sean T been producin and puttin in work before niggas even knew the name. Man c'mon the game aint changed. you gotta crawl before you walk. You only make it harder for your self by puttin out boo boo that aint gone appeal to a hill of beans or take that money you got and invest it in a nice selection of hits and and least have a shot. Now I aint tellin you to give up your aspirations of being a producer, but shit takes time just like anything else. You may have thought you was saving money when you bought that Triton, or that Roland, but get your priorities in order, do you want to show the world your unpolished beats that bad, or do you want to have a chance at movin some units which is very hard to do. Either you gone be part of the solution, or part of the problem takin up a lot of shelf space you really don't deserve. just my 2 cents...

Oh and by the way for anyone who think the bay is the only market in dire straits, please open ya eyes. it's only a few markets where hip hop is really thrivin. I just got off the phone wit the homie from the Hypnotized Mind Camp in Tennessee, and they goin through the same thang, a flooded market. unfortunatley ass holes like my self think we can change the world and make a difference but we fightin a losin war... And you know what happens in that situation, if you can't beat em(THE MAJOR LABELS) then ya gotta join em.... Check how many of your favorite Bay Artists are negotiating deals right now. Ask B-12, he'll tell you...