Al Davis press conference is on NFL Network live...

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Jan 12, 2006
What? How do YOU know Al would never lie? Didnt scary1 just point out...that Al Davis ALREADY LIED IN THE PAST???

Some of yall have selctive hearing like a muthafucka. My goodness.

And still LOL @ everyone beleiving everything Al's saying.

Ever heard the word "saving face"? Look it up sometime.
dont pay no attention to KAH707KALI fool is a dumb fuck! the cowboy deebo version!


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Fuck kiffin he been wanted out, that mf fucked up and traded moss for a 4th rounder he used on Josh McCown and Mike Williams overweight ass from USC. He could have traded for some linemen. Those were Kiffin fuck ups not Al's. So Al quit fuckin with Lane like that. Lane tried to take advantage of Al. Just when I gave Lane credit for finally opening up the playbook, we find out this mf split the play calling duties.
Apr 25, 2002
Fuck kiffin he been wanted out, that mf fucked up and traded moss for a 4th rounder he used on Josh McCown and Mike Williams overweight ass from USC. He could have traded for some linemen. Those were Kiffin fuck ups not Al's.
Nah I wouldn't blame that 100% on Kiffin...Everything goes threw Al before its finalized, he's not gonna give the coach that much freedom. Of course he's gonna blame it on Kiffin NOW because nothing is ever Al Davis's fault...
Apr 25, 2002
I still havn't listened to the press conference..Ill give my thoughts after. From what I hear, sounds like Al is just trying to win back the fans. I don't always believe everything that comes out his mouth cuz like Scary said, Al Davis's history speaks for itself.
Aug 9, 2006
Fuck kiffin he been wanted out, that mf fucked up and traded moss for a 4th rounder he used on Josh McCown and Mike Williams overweight ass from USC. He could have traded for some linemen. Those were Kiffin fuck ups not Al's. So Al quit fuckin with Lane like that. Lane tried to take advantage of Al. Just when I gave Lane credit for finally opening up the playbook, we find out this mf split the play calling duties.

how many coaches have the raiders went threw in the last 5 seasons.....think about that tony.....just think about it and come to reality
Nov 7, 2002
LOL @ people buying into every word Al Davis has to say.

How the FUCK do you know AL aint lying?

Yall some gulible ass mofo's.
I agree 100% with you on that I dont believe he gave Kiffin half the power he said Kiffin had over the team or defense.

Wow, Al is busting Kiffin out...

Good riddance.
Tony your at the head of the Gulible ass mofo's Parade!

you think a jr coach is going to call out the head coach like that? and keep his job????
Yes Because just because Kiffin wants to fire you dont mean its going to happen like let say Rob Ryan for instance.

Fuck kiffin he been wanted out, that mf fucked up and traded moss for a 4th rounder he used on Josh McCown and Mike Williams overweight ass from USC. He could have traded for some linemen. Those were Kiffin fuck ups not Al's. So Al quit fuckin with Lane like that. Lane tried to take advantage of Al. Just when I gave Lane credit for finally opening up the playbook, we find out this mf split the play calling duties.
Al Davis makes all major personal calls dont care what he said to the press. You really think if Kiffin was the only one that wanted Moss to go that Al would have let it happen. And doesnt matter because Moss is a big ass baby that didnt want to play for the raiders anyway. Fuck I was glad that bitch was traded he didnt want to be in oakland and he would have never put any effort into it like he did for the Pats because Moss plays when he wants to like the bitch he is. Did you see the interview with Namdi way would a guy like him say how much he liked kiffin and how much kiffin had done in that locker room if it wasnt true after Kiffin was already fired? I would believe him before Al Davis anyday.
Aug 12, 2002
Huh. Where to start?

First off, let me say that I'm 25 years old. I've been a football fan (NFL) for probably...20 years, at least. And I've been a Raiders fan that entire time. I don't have any interest in being a Cowboy, Niner, Patriot, Charger, Bronco, etc...I'm PROUD to be a Raiders fan. I have jerseys, t-shirts, posters, flags, signs, sports cards, autographs, hats, golf bags, watches, tattoos...all of the Raiders. Period. I've followed my team through the ups and downs. More downs than ups, of course, but that doesn't matter. I could have hopped on the Bills or Redskins bandwagon, or on the Niners or Cowboys bandwagon...maybe Green Bay or Denver...St. Louis or New England, maybe? LOL nope, not happening. I happen to LOVE my team, and I'll root for them whether they're champions or losers. I'm still a Raider; that should prove it. LOL

These new booty faggots who like the Raiders for the cool colors, or the cool logo, or because of some gang tie, or because their friend likes them, or because they could get a Rich Gannon jersey for $19.99 at Sears, are 100% WACK. We don't want them. You do not speak for us. Your opinion isn't welcome. We don't care what you have to say. Just die, baby.

The Raiders, at one point, were one of the most successful franchises in the history of professional, American football. They were a proud, storied organization that people respected and envied. 3 Super Bowl rings, numerous hall of famers, pro bowlers, MVP's, record holders, etc. Being a Raider used to mean something.

Those times are long, long gone. We've been bottom feeders for years now. The SB trip vs. Tampa Bay doesn't even bring back any good memories, because we were utterly destroyed by that team, and by our former coach. John Gruden joins a long list of coaches who were thrown out of the organization by AL DAVIS, and found great success elsewhere, often at our expense. Think of Norv Turner dominating us while at San Diego. Think of Mike Shanahan's success against us in Denver. We might as well call him 'dad'...and that's no joke.

Al Davis did great, great things for this team, his team, during the 60's-80's. But we cannot live in the past forever. "We have 3 rings!" Great. The last came when I was a baby. Again...I'm 25. We need to move to the FUTURE, while focusing also on the present. We can't do that with a lack of stability at key spots in the organization, such as at head coach. Was Lane Kiffen the answer? I don't know, but I know he wasn't the problem. If you think he was the problem, then you must also blame Al. Kiffen, Shell, Calahan, Turner, Shanahan, etc. were all the problems. Al hired them all. If he has such a horrible track record at hiring coaches...why keep doing it? Every dog has it's day, true, but Al's an old, tired dog, and you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

I cannot take Al Davis' side of the story as fact because he's lied to us before. He's tried to get out of paying coaches, players, personnel, etc. in the past. He has had his hand in play calling for years and years, yet when something's not going right, his answer is to fire the coach. Or if that coach wants some control of his team, such as bring in ''his'' players and staff, Al won't allow it. New England does. Pittsburgh does. Denver does. Dallas does. The rest of the NFL does. They're doing just fine...and we're not. You can take credit for success, but own up to your share in failure.

Al Davis made a point of saying that Lane Kiffen didn't want to draft Jamarcus Russell. "He's a great player", says Al. Really? I'm still waiting to see that. I like Jamarcus, but if we hadn't had to draft Michael Huff, we might be sitting with...Jay Cutler, instead of letting him light us up for 10 years or so. Drafting Jamarcus was risky; anyone with their head on straight would second guess drafting him. I hope he pans out, but that attempt at trying to get fans to turn on Lane for not wanting to draft the kid was pathetic. His acting was so obvious, you couldn't help but get a foul taste in your mouth watching him sit up there and deflect blame. It's all Lane's fault. Right, Al. Just like it was Art, Norv, Mike, Bill, etc., huh?

The Oakland Raiders belong to Al Davis. His money, his team. Fine. I can understand that. And what person wouldn't want say in their business? I would. But after 20+ years of mediocre seasons, would you not want what's best for your team? The best thing for MY team would be for Al to relinquish some control, hire a GM, let a head coach bring in his staff and players, with input from the organization (including, but not solely up to Al), and begin rebuilding this team. Other teams rebuild, we trip over our own feet and roll back down the hill.

In closing, I'd like to send a big LOL to the people who have suddenly seen the light, and welcomed Jesus Davis into their hearts and lives, because they've suddenly been enlightened as to the terror that the dark force that is Kiffen has wrought upon the black hole.

Yeah, right.

Stability and consistancy = change, which = success.

Mar 16, 2005
redrum, wow, one of the single best most thought out and well written post in the sports forum ever!

And to Raider Nation still on Al's many coaches do yo uthink wil lreally want this job, this is YET ANOTHER coach he is skipping out on paying....he can't keep doing that and hope to get good HC material.
Mar 16, 2005
I still havn't listened to the press conference..Ill give my thoughts after. From what I hear, sounds like Al is just trying to win back the fans. I don't always believe everything that comes out his mouth cuz like Scary said, Al Davis's history speaks for itself.

Yeah I watched it later lastnight, and from an outsiders point of view it was all about winning back the raider nation.

If half of what he said was true it would have been brought out welllllll before this. I mean the whole "well there was no resignation letter but we did have something in case he went back to a college program" come on that is total BS and you could tell, because if it wasn't Al would have said Lane was lying months ago when he said he rcvd the letter to resign.

Just a written for speach to win back fans and try to get out of paying yet another contract!

Things will never change in that orginization until Al is gone, and I hate to say it but I actually feel very sorry for the true Raiders fans.